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  • 書名:行銷英語
  • 作者:張競,張強,李妍
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學出版社


作者: 張競,張強,李妍 責編:丁桂焱
I S B N:978-7-5603-6050-8 定價:36.00元
出版日期:2016.06 開本:16
所屬叢書: 頁數:236
圖書分類:G.外語類 中圖分類:H語言、文字


【目 錄】
Chapter 1: Introduction of Marketing
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 2: Nature of Marketing
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 3: Marketing Environment
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 4: Buyer Behavior and Consumer Decision Making Process
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 5: Marketing Research
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 6: Market Segmentation
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 7: New Product Development
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 8:Managing the Marketing Mix
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 9: Pricing
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 10: Distribution Channel Management
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 11: Promotion Mix
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 12: The Marketing of Services
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 13 : E-Marketing
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading
Chapter 14: International Marketing
Part One: Text
Part Two: Questions
Part Three: Words and Phrases
Part Four: FurtherReading


