



  • 作者:伯恩哈德特                       /            等(美)
  • ISBN:9787810444699
  • 頁數:665
  • 定價:64
  • 出版社:東北財經大學出版社
  • 出版時間:1998-08
  • 裝幀:平裝
An Orientation to the Case Method
Chapter l Note to the Student on the Case Method
Chapter 2 Introduction to Marketing Decision Making
An Outline for Case Analysis. A Good Case Analysis
Appendix: Outline for Case Analysis
Chapter 3 Financial Analysis for Marketing Decision Making
Contribution. Costs. Break Even. Profit Targets. Market Share.
Capital Expenditures. Relevant Costs. Margins. Multiple Margins
Chapter 4 A Case with a Student Analysis
Case: Crow, Pope, and Land Enterprises. Example Situation Analysis ofCrow, Pope, and Land
Enterprises (CPL). Commentary on the Case Analysis.
Introduction to Marketing Decision Making
Case l: General Motors: Cadillac
Product: Luxury car
tssue: Situation analysis and whole strategy
Case 2: KitchenAid Small Appliances: Central Europe
Product: Small appliances
lssue: Central European marketing
Case 3: Compaq Computer Corporation
Product: Personal computers
Issue: Product mix
Case 4: Exercise on Financial Analysis for Marketing Decision Making
Marketing Information and Forecasting
Case 5: The Atlanta Joumal and Constitution (A)
Product: Newspaper-retailer advertising
Issue:Media effectiveness measurement
Case 6: Greenwood Federal Savings and Loan
Product: Financial services
Issue: Consumer infonnation and segmentation
Case 7: AGT.lnc.
Product: Amusement park-Pakistan
Issue: Information needs; Iata collection methods
Case 8: Modem Plastics (A)
Product: Plastic packaging
Issue: Demand forecasting
Product and Brand Management Decisions
Case 9: Machine Vision Intemational
Product: Factory automation vision system
Jssue: Product-market choice
CaselO: VoiceMailAroundtheWorid
Product: Voice mail
Issue: Intemational marketing strategy
Case l l: Schweppes Raspberry Ginger Ale
Product: Soft drinks
Issue: Intemational new product introduction
Case 12: Electrohome (A): Projection Systems Division
Product: Electronic projection system
Issue: Response to competitor's new product
DistributioD Decisions
Case 13: Chaebol Electronics Company, U.S
Product: Videotape recorder
Issue: Selecion of a new channel
Case 14: Ito-Yokado Company
Product: Convenience store retailing: 7-Eleven
Issue: Channel institution positioning; targeting; profitability dynamics
Case 15: Levi Strauss Japan K.K
Issue: Expansion ofretail outlets in Japan; pricing strategy
Case 16: American Airlines: SABRE Reservation System in Europe
Product: Computer reservation system
Issue: Whole distribution strategy
Promotion Decisions
Case 17: South-West Phannaceutical Company 349
Product: Skin cream
Issue: Push-pull promotion budget allocation
Case 18: Suburban CableVision
Product: Cable television service
Issue: Recruiting subscribers
Case 19: Rich's Department Store
Product: Retailing
Issue: Media effectiveness
Case20: ExerciseinPrintAdvertisingAssessment 394
Case 21: The Customer-Focus Challenges of integrated Marketing Communications at CCH
Product: Law, accounting, and other reference materials
Issue: Modernization of products and marketing
Case22: Allied Food Distributors
Product: Food wholesaler
Issue: Salesperson selection
Case 23: Outdoor Sporting Products, Inc
Product: Sporting goods
Issue: Motivation, compensation
Pricing Decisions
Case 24: Royale Suites
Product: All-suites hotel
Issue: Pricing for maximum occupancy and profit
Case25: Techtronics Limited
Product: High-defmition television (HDTV)
issue: New product pricing
Case 26: Big Sky of Montana, Inc.
Product: Ski facilities
Issue: Whole pricing strategy
Case 27: Procter & Gamble Inc.: Downy Enviro-Pak
Product: Consumer package goods; fabric softener
issue: Pricing; promotion; "green marketing"
Public Policy and Ethical Aspects of Marketing
Case 28: Nestle and the Infant Food Controversy (A)
Product: Infant formula
Issue: Social responsibility and response to public pressurc
Case 29: InterMark: Designing UNlCEF's Oral Rehydration Program in Zambia
Product: Oral rehydration salts for treatment ofdehydration
Issue: Supply, distribution, package size, and education
Case30: Country Lass Fashions
Product: Women's fashions
Issue: Advertising strategy-ethics
Marketing Programs and Strategy
Case3l: VirginAtlanticAirways
Product: Intemational, privately held airline
Issue: All aspects of future growth
Caee32: Dutch Food industries Company
Product: Salad dressing
Issue: New product introduction strategy
Case33: QuakerState
Product: Motor oil
Issue: Whole strategy
Case34: L.A.Gear
Poduct: Footwear
Iue: Whole strategy
Case 35: Longevity Healthcarc Systems, Ic.
Product: Nursing homes and related services
Issue: Expansion and marketing strategies
Case36: Cima Mountaineering, Inc.
Product: Hiking boots
Issue: Target market strategy for expansion


