


  • 中文名:虞越越
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1987年11月
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院大氣物理研究所
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:氣象學
  • 職務:大氣科學學院院長助理、雷丁學院大氣科學專業負責人
  • 任職院校:南京信息工程大學大氣科學學院
  • 職稱:教授


Frontiers in Earth Science 期刊特邀副編輯(Guest associate editor)
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences、Geophysical Research Letters、Climate Dynamics、Journal of Climate、Scientific Reports、Journal of Geophysical Research、International Journal of Climatology 等SCI刊物審稿人


教育部國家獎學金: 2006-2007、2007-2008、2013-2014學年
CLIVAR2016 Open Science Conference, Poster competition winner: 2016年9月


4.其他研究,包括羅斯貝波動機理、平流層爆發性增溫與南亞季風關係、赤道準兩年振盪、採用 衛星資料分析雲與海冰關係以及冬季溫帶氣旋形態特徵研究。


Weather and climate fundamentals;大氣科學概論


24.Yu, YY, P Talyor, M Cai, 2019: Seasonal variations of Arctic low-level clouds and its linkage to sea ice seasonal variations. J Geophys Res. 124
23.Rao, J, RC Ren, HS Chen, XW Liu, YY Yu, JG Hu, Y Zhou, 2019: Predictability of Stratospheric Sudden Warmings in the Beijing Climate Center Forecast System with Statistical Error Corrections. J Geophys Res
22.Li, YF, RC Ren, M Cai, YY Yu, 2019: Climatological features of blocking highs from the perspective of air mass and mass transport. International Journal of Climatology. In press.
21.Gao, M, P Sherman, SJ Song, YY Yu, ZW Wu, M McElroy, 2019: Seasonal Prediction of Indian Wintertime Aerosol Pollution using the Ocean Memory Effect. Science Advances. 5, eaav4157.
20.Yu, YY and RC Ren*, 2019: Understanding the variation of stratosphere-troposphere coupling during stratospheric northern annular mode events from a mass circulation perspective. Clim Dynam. In Press.
19.Yu, YY*, M Cai, CH Shi, RK Yan, J Rao, 2019: Sub-seasonal Prediction Skill for the Stratospheric Meridional Mass Circulation Variability in CFSv2. Clim Dynam.
18.Rao, J, YY Yu, D Guo, CH Shi, D Chen, and DZ Hu, 2019: Evaluating the Brewer–Dobson circulation and its responses to ENSO, QBO, and the solar cycle in different reanalyses. Earth and Planetary Physics. 3, 1.
17.Rao, J, RC Ren, HS Chen, X Liu, YY Yu, and Y Yang, 2019: Sub-seasonal to seasonal hindcasts of stratospheric sudden warming by BCC_CSM1.1(m): A comparison with ECMWF. Adv Atmos Sci. In Press.
16.Xia, X, RC Ren, YY Yu, 2019: Dynamical role of the Rocky Mountain controlled by East Asian topographies in modulating the tropospheric westerly jet in northern winter. Atmos Oceanic Sci Lett.
15.唐南軍,任榮彩,吳國雄,虞越越, 2018: 夏季青藏高原及周邊上對流層水汽質量及其向平流層傳輸年際異常I:水汽質量異常主導型. 大氣科學. In press.
14.唐南軍,任榮彩,吳國雄,虞越越, 2018: 夏季青藏高原及周邊上對流層水汽質量及其向平流層傳輸年際異常II:水汽向平流層的絕熱和非絕熱傳輸. 大氣科學. In press.
13.Rao, J, RC Ren, HS Chen, YY Yu, Y Zhou, 2018: The stratospheric sudden warming event in February 2018 and its prediction by a climate system model. J Geophys Res.
12.Yu, YY*, M Cai, CH Shi, RC Ren, 2018: On the linkage among strong stratospheric mass circulation, stratospheric sudden warming, and cold weather events. Mon Wea Rev, 146, 2717-2739
11.Yu, YY*, M Cai, RC Ren, J Rao, 2018: A closer look at the relationships between meridional mass circulation pulses in the stratosphere and cold air outbreak patterns in northern hemispheric winter. Clim Dynam, 51, 3125–3143
10.Yu YY, M Cai*, RC Ren, 2018: A stochastic model with a low-frequency amplification feedback for the stratospheric northern annular mode. Clim Dynam, 50, 3757–3773
9.Yang, MM, YY Yu*, 2016: Attribution of Variations in the Quasi-biennial Oscillation Period from the Duration of Easterly and Westerly Phases. Clim Dynam, 47, 1943–1959
8.Cai, M*, YY Yu, Y Deng, et al., 2016: Feeling the Pulse of the Stratosphere: An Emerging Opportunity for Predicting Continental-scale Cold Air Outbreaks One Month in Advance. Bull Amer Meteor Soc, 97, 1475–1489
7.Yu, YY, RC Ren*, M Cai, 2015: Dynamical Linkage between Cold Air Outbreaks and Intensity Variations of the Meridional Mass Circulation. J Atmos Sci, 72, 3214–3232
6.Yu, YY, RC Ren, M Cai*, 2015: Comparison of the Mass Circulation and AO Indices as Indicators of Cold Air Outbreaks in Northern Winter. Geophys Res Lett, 42, 2442–2448
5.Yu, YY, M Cai*, RC Ren, HM van den Dool, 2015: Relationship of Warm Air Mass Transport into Polar Region and Cold Air Outbreaks in Mid-latitudes in Winter. J Atmos Sci, 72, 349–368
4.Yu, YY, RC Ren*, JG Hu, GX Wu, 2014: A Mass Budget Analysis on the Interannual Variability of the Polar Surface Pressure in Winter Season. J Atmos Sci, 71, 3539–3553
3.Hu, JG, RC Ren*,YY Yu, HM Xu, 2014: The Boreal Spring Stratospheric Final Warming and Its Interannual and Interdecadal Variability. Science China Earth Sciences, 57, 710–718
2.胡景高,任榮彩*,虞越越,徐海明,2014: 北半球春季平流層最後增溫過程及其年際和年代際變化特徵. 中國科學:地球科學, 44(2), 333–342
1.蔡鳴*,虞越越,2013: 從牛頓力學認識羅斯貝波的振盪機理及其回復力. 氣象科技, 3(5), 6–11
1.國家自然科學基金委青年科學基金項目 2018-2020 主持 《基於平流層大氣質量環流的北半球中緯度地區冬季地面氣溫次季節尺度預測方法研究》
2.南京市留學人員科技創新項目資助B類項目 2020-2020 主持 《基於平流層大氣質量環流的北半球中緯度地區冬季氣溫次季節尺度預測方法》
3.江蘇省高等學校大學生創新創業訓練計畫(省級重點項目) 2018-2020 指導 《江蘇暴雪形成機理及積雪深度關鍵因子分析》
4.中科院大氣科學和地球流體力學數值模擬國家重點實驗室開放課題 2020-2021 主持 《北半球冬季平流層變率-對流層極端溫度事件耦合關係多樣性研究》
5.南京信息工程大學-雷丁大學國際聯合研究院開放課題 2019-2020 主持 《北半球大地形影響冬季大氣質量環流及其天氣氣候效應的數值模擬研究》
6.南京信息工程大學“全英文”課程建設項目 2019-2020 主持 《大氣科學概論》 長望學院、大氣科學學院
7.中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項(XDA17010100), 2018-2022 骨幹參與 《青藏高原平流層-對流層交換觀測》研究子課題《平流層-對流層物質交換過程及影響研究》
8.專利:Cai, M., Y.-Y. Yu: A system and method for sub-seasonal forecasts of extreme weather events in winter. U.S.A. Practitioners Refernce No. 2066.190.PRC (Feb 22, 2016)


