2006年,蘇萌畢業於美國康奈爾大學,師從行銷模型領域大師Vithal R. Rao 教授的他,放棄了美國的良好發展前景,毅然回到祖國懷抱並執教於北京大學光華管理學院,短短几年就從北大青年學者成長為博士生導師、北大研究中心主任、國家自然科學基金管理科學領域第一個大數據建模研究的重點項目負責人,到成為中國大數據和人工智慧領域領軍人的轉變。
Marketing models for new product introduction and competition;
Recommendation engine and recommendation system;
Invidualized and personalized marketing models;
Bayesian method.
"Determinants and Effects of Signaling in New Product Preannouncement: An Empirical Examination on Chinese Firms and Consumers" (2008-2010 Guanghua-Wharton Joint Research Project, 項目負責人)
X. Du, M. Su, X. Zhang, and X. Zheng. 2017.“Bidding for Multiple Keywords in Sponsored Search Advertising: Keyword Categories and Match Types,” Information System Research, forthcoming.
L.Sun, X. Zheng, M. Su. ,and L.R. Keller. 2017.“Intention-Behavior Discrepancy of Foreign versus Domestic Brands in Emerging Markets: The Relevance of Consumer Prior Knowledge”,Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 25, No. 1, 99-109.
Su, M., X. Zheng, and L. Sun. 2014. “Coupon Trading and Its Impacts on Consumer Purchase and Firm Profits”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 90, No. 1, 40-61.
Manceau, D., J. Eliashberg, V.R. Rao, and M. Su. 2014. “A Diffusion Model for Preannounced Products”, Customer Needs and Solutions, Vol. 1, No. 1, 77-89.
Du, X.M., and M. Su. 2013. “Incorporating Consumer Browse Data: Extended Item-based Top-K Recommendation Algorithms”, In proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, 248-253.
Zhao, Z, L. Sun, and M. Su. 2012. “How to Increase Online Visits and Sales? An Empirical Study on the Consumer-to-Consumer Online Stores,” In proceedings of 2012 International Joint Conference on Service Sciences, 130-133.
Su, M., and V. R. Rao. 2011.“Timing decisions of new product preannouncement and launch with competition”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 129, No. 1, 51-64.
Su, M., and V. R. Rao. 2010.“New Product Preannouncement as a Signaling Strategy: An Audience-Specific Review and Analysis”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 27, No. 5, 658-672.
Jin, Y., and M. Su. 2009.“Recommendation and Repurchase Intention Thresholds: A Joint Heterogeneity Response Estimation”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 26, No. 3, 245-255.
Rao, V. R., B. Kartono, and M. Su. 2008.“Methods for Handling Massive Number of Attributes in Conjoint Analysis”, Review of Marketing Research, Vol. 5, 104-129.
Arora, N., X. Dreze, A. Ghose, J. D. Hess, R. Iyengar, B. Jing, Y. Joshi, V. Kumar, N. Lurie, S. Neslin, S. Sajeesh, M. Su, N. Syam, J. Thomas, and Z. J. Zhang. 2008. “Putting One-to-One Marketing to Work: Personalization, Customization and Choice”, Marketing Letters, Vol. 19, No. 3, 305-321.