



現為中國機率統計學會常務理事,安徽省數學會常務理事, 合肥市數學會理事長,並擔任中國數學奧林匹克國家級教練。


  • 中文名:蘇淳
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:安徽歙縣
  • 出生日期:1945年10月
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 代表論文數量:140篇(截至2019年7月) 








[106]Feng Qunqiang and Su Chun: The Structure and Distances in Yule Recursive Trees, Random Structure and Algorithms, 2007, 31: 273–287.
[105]Su Chun, Feng Qunqiang and Liu Jie: Limiting Behavior of Uniform Recursive Trees, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2007,27B(3): 515-521.
[104]Hu Zhishui & Su Chun: Precise Asymptotics for Levy Processes, Acta
Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2007, 23 (7): 1265–1270.
[103]葉長青, 蘇淳, 劉傑: 二叉分裂算法, 中國科學技術大學學報,2007, 37(3): 225-228.
[102]嚴繼高, 蘇淳: U-統計量的精緻漸近性,數學學報, 2007,50(3):517-526.
[101]蘇淳, 劉傑, 胡治水: 完全區間樹頂點數目的大數律,數學進展, 2007,36(2):181-188.
[100]Su Chun, Hu Zhishui, Chen Yu & Liang Hanying: A wide class of heavy-ailed
distributions and its applications, Front. Math. China 2007, 2(2): 257-286.
[99]Su Chun & Chen Yu: Behaviors of the Product of Independent Random Variables1,
Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, 2007, 1: 21 – 35.
[98]Wang Dingcheng & Su Chun: A Note on Asymptotic Behavior for Negative Drift
Radom Walk with Dependent Heavy-Tailed Steps and its Application to Risk Theory,
Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2007,27B (1): 11-24.
[96]蘇淳,繆柏其,馮群強: 隨機二叉搜尋樹的子樹. 套用機率統計,2006,22, 304-310.
[95] Chen Yu & Su Chun: Finite time ruin probability with heavy-tailed
insurance and financial risks, Statist. Probab. Letters,2006, 76: 1812-1820.
[94] Su Chun, Liu jie & Feng Qunqiang: A note on the distance in random
recursive trees, Statist. Probab. Letters,2006, 76: 1748-1755.
[93]蘇淳, 陳昱: 獨立隨機變數乘積的分布性狀, 中國科學(A輯, 數學), 2006, 36(2):
161-178.(Su Chun & Chen Yu: On the behavior of the product of independent
random variables, Science in China, Series A, 2006, 49(3): 342-359 )
[92]Su Chun, Feng Qunqiang and Hu Zhishui: Uniform Recursive Trees: Branching
Structure and Simple Random Downward Walk, Journal of Mathematical Analysis
and Applications, 315(2006), 225-243.
[91]Su Chun & Tang Qihe: A note on the ruin probability in the delayed renewal risk model, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 2005,29: 969-973.
[90] 王定成, 蘇淳, 曾勇:隨機權和最大值的一致估計及其在保險風險理論中的套用,
中國科學(A輯, 數學), 2005, 35(9): 1044-1059.(Wang Dingcheng, Su Chun
& Zeng Yong: Uniform Estimate for Maximum of Randomly Weighted Sims with
Applications to Insurance Risk Thory, Science in China, Series A, 2005,
48(10): 1379-1394).
[89] 馮群強, 蘇淳, 胡治水: 均勻遞歸樹的分支結構, 中國科學(A輯, 數學), 2005, 35(5): 569-584.
(Feng Qunqiang, Su Chun & Hu Zhishui: Branching Structure of Uniform Recursive Trees, Science in China, Series A, 2005, 48(6): 769-784).
[88] Chen Dan and Su Chun: Some results of precise asymptotics for Levy
processes, Far Eastern Mathematical Journal, 2004, 5(2): 205-210.
[87] Su Chun and Hu Zhishui: On two broad classes of heavy-tailed stributions,
Far Eastern Mathematical Journal, 2004, 5(2):195-204.
[86]Su Chun & Tang Qihe: Heavy-tailed distributions and their applications,
Probability, Finance and Insurance, Proceedings of a workshop at the
University of Hong Kong, edited by Tze Leung Lai, Hailiang Yang and Siu Pang
Yung, 218-236.
[85] 王定成, 蘇淳: B值獨立同分布隨機變元序列的矩的完全收斂性, 套用數學學報,
[84]Shao Qiman, Su Chun & Wei Gang: Asymptotic Distributions and Berry-Esseen
Bounds for Sums of Record Values, EJP, Vol. 9 (2004), Paper no. 17, pages 544-559.
[83]Su Chun, Chen Jing and Hu Zhishui: Some Discussions on the Class
${\Cal L}(\gamma)$, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2004, 122(4): 3416-3425. Proceedings of the Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models,
Varna, Bulgaria, 2002, Part II.
[82]Su Chun, Lou Jianxiong and Wei Gang: On the classes of asymptotic
distributions for the sums of record values (II)*, Journal of Mathematical
Sciences, 2004, 122(4): 3426-3437. Proceedings of the Seminar on Stability
Problems for Stochastic Models, Varna, Bulgaria, 2002, Part II.
[81]Su Chun, Lou Jianxiong and Wei Gang: On the classes of asymptotic
distributions for the sums of record values (I)*, Journal of Mathematical
Sciences, 2004, 121(5): 2698-2708. Proceedings of the Seminar on Stability
Problems for Stochastic Models, Varna, Bulgaria, 2002, Part I.
[80] Su Chun and Tong Tiejun: Almost Sure Convergence of the General Jamison
Weighted Sum of Valued Random Variables, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English
Series, 2004, 20(1): 181-192.
[79]Hu Zhishui and Su Chun: A supplement to a theorem of Gut and Spataru,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2004,289(2): pp.522-529.
[78] Wang Yuebao, Yan Jigao, Cheng Fengyang and Su Chun: The Strong Law of
Large Numbers and the Law of Iterated Logarithm for Product Sums of NA and
AANA Random Variables, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 2003,27: 369-384.
[77]蘇淳,胡治水, 唐啟鶴: 非負分布重尾程度的刻畫, 數學進展, 2003, 32(5): 606-614.
[76] Hu Zhishui and Su Chun: Limit theorems for the number and sum of near-
maxima for medium tails, Statistics & Probability Letters, 2003, 63(3): 229-237.
[75] Yuan, M., Su, C. and Hu, T.: A central limit theorem for random fields of
negatively associated processes. Journal of Theoretical Probability,
2003,16(2): 309-323.
[74] Su Chun, Tang Qihe: Characterizations on Heavy Tailed Distributions by
Means of Hazard Rate, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series,
2003, 19(1): 135–142.
[73]江濤, 蘇淳: 延遲更新過程大索賠破產機率的尾等價公式, 中國科學技術大學學報, 2002,32(1): 45-47.
[72] 蘇淳, 江濤, 唐啟鶴: 兩類紀錄值之和的中心極限定理, 數學物理學報, 2002, 22A(4): 512-517.
[71] Wang Dingcheng, Su Chen and Hu Zhishui: Precise deviation for random sums
of random walks with dependent heavy tailed steps,
Far Eastern Mathematical Journal,2002,3(1):34-51.
[70]蘇淳,江濤,唐啟鶴,梁漢營: NA結構的安全性, 套用機率統計, 2002,18(4):400-404.
[69]Su Chun, Jiang Tao & Tang Qihe: Extension of Some Classical Results on Ruin
Probability to Delayed Renewal Model, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,
English Series, 2002, 18(4): 675-680.
[68]胡治水,蘇淳,王定成: 對數正態型分布紀錄值之和的漸近分布, 中國科學(A輯),
中文版:2002,32(7):603-612; 英文版: 2002,45(12):1557-1566.
[67]Su Chun, Hu Zhishui: The Asymptotic Distributions of Sums of Record Values
for Distributions with Regalarly Varying Tails, Proceeding of the Seminar on
Stability Problems for Stochstic Models, Eger, Hungary, 2001, Part II;
Journal of Mathematical Siences,2002, 111(6):3888-3894.
[66]Tang Qihe and Su Chun: Ruin Probabilities for Large Claims in Delayed
Renewal Risk Model, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 2002,25:735-743.
[64]Liang Hanying, Chen Zhijing and Su Chun: Convergence of Jamison-Type
Weighted Sums of Pairwise Negativly Quadrant Dependent Random Variables,
Acta Mathmaticacae Applicatiae Sinica, English Series, 2002, 18(1): 161-168.
[62]蘇淳,胡太忠,梁漢營:“關於強平穩NA陣列的對數律”, 俄羅斯“機率論及其套用”俄文版,2001,46(2):397-407.
(Су Ч., Ху Т., Лян Х.:“О логарифмическом
законе для строгостанционарных отрицательно ассоцированных серий”
Теория вероятностей и ее применения,2001,46(2):397-407.)
[61]Su Chun,Tang Qihe and Jiang Tao:“A contribution to large deviations for
heave-tailed random sums”,Science in China, series A(中國科學,英文版,A
[60]Tang Qihe,Su Chun,Jiang Tao and Zhang Jingsong:“Large deviations for heavy-tailed random sums in compound renewal model”,Statist. Probab. Letters,2001,52(1):91-100。
[59]Liang Hanying, Su Chun and Wang Yuebao:“Convergence rates in the law of
logarithm of random elements”,Acta Mathematicae Applicates Sinica, 2001,1(1):98-106.
[58]Tang Qihe and Su Chun,“Note on large deviations for heavy-tailed random
sums in compound renewal model”,Far Eastern Mathematical Journal,2001,2(1):53-57.
[56]Yuan Ming and Su Chun:“Weak convergence for empirical processes of
Negatively associated sequences”,套用機率統計,2000,16(1):45-56.
[55]Yuan Ming and Su Chun:“Weighted weak convergence for empirical processes
of Negatively associated sequences”,套用機率統計,2000,16(2):199-207.
[53]秦永松,蘇淳:“條件分位數的經驗似然置信區間”, 數學年刊(A輯),2000,21(2):231-240.
[52]蘇淳, 梁漢營,王岳寶:“IID隨機變數兩兩乘積之和的Hsu-Robbins型定理(I)”,數學學報,2000,43(5):875-886.
[51]蘇淳, 梁漢營,王岳寶:“IID隨機變數兩兩乘積之和的Hsu-Robbins型定理(II)”,數學學報,2000,43(6):1041-1052.
[50]Liang Hanying and Su Chun:“Strong laws for weighted sums of random
elements”,Statistica Sinica, 2000,10:1011-1019.
[49]梁漢營,蘇淳,胡太忠:“B值獨立隨機元重對數律收斂速度的一般形式”, 套用數學學
[48]Wang yuebao,Su Chun and Liang Hanying:“Equivalent conditions of complete
convergence for m dimensional products of iid random variables and application
to strong law of large numbers”,Science in China, Series A, (中國科學,英文版,A輯),2000,43(11):1144-1153.
[47]Liang Hanying and Su Chun:“Complete convergence for weighted sums of NA
sequences”,Statist.Probab.Lett., 1999,45:85-95.
[46]Shao Qi-man and Su Chun:“The law of the iterated logarithm for negatively
associated random variables”,Stochastic Processes and Their Applications,
1999, 83(1):139-148.
[45] 王岳寶, 劉許國, 蘇淳:關於NA列的一類小參數問題, 套用數學, 1998,11(4):80-84.
[43]王岳寶,劉許國,蘇淳:“獨立加權和的完全收斂的等價條件”, 中國科學(A輯),(中文)1998,28(3):213-222; (英文)1998,41(9):939-949.
[40]梁漢營,蘇淳:“NA序列對數律的收斂性”, 科學通報,(中文)1998,43(18):1919-1925;(英文)1999,44(15):1356-1359.
[39]蘇淳,遲翔:“隨機變數序列最大部分和之矩的二進估計式及其套用”, 科學通報,(中文)1998,43(19):2049-2052;(英文)1999,44(22):2037-2040.
[37]丁克躍, 蘇淳:“關於DRCE隨機陣列的若干極限性質”, 數學雜誌,1998,18(3):241-248.
[34]蘇淳,秦永松:“NA隨機變數的兩個極限定理”,科學通報,(中文)1997,42(3):243-246;(英文) 1997, 42(5): 356-359.
[29]王啟應,蘇淳:“關於Summability Methods的非一致Berry-Essen界及其對重對數律收斂速度,小參數問題的套用”,套用數學學報,1993,16(3):383-395.
[27]蘇淳:“關於大數律尾機率級數的收斂性”, 中國科學(A輯),1989,32(12):1423-1436。
[25]Su Chun:”Some results on the convergence of U-statistics”,Computational
Statistics & Data Analysis, NorthHolland,1987,5:321-326.
[24]趙林城,蘇淳:“非參數回歸函式最近鄰估計強收斂速度”, 數學學報,1986,29(1):63-69。
[23]韋來生,蘇淳:“非參數回歸函式最近鄰估計 收斂速度”,數學研究與評論,1986,6(2):117-124。
[19]白志東,蘇淳:“關於獨立和的完全收斂性”, 中國科學(A輯),1985,28(12):1261-1277。
[18]蘇淳:“關於強大數律收斂的速度下限”, 科學通報,1985,30(21):1611-1613。
[17]蘇淳:“m-相依樣本U統計量r-平均收斂速度”, 數學雜誌,1984,4(1):1-6。
[14]蘇淳:“關於正態逼近的最佳非一致界限”, 科學通報,1983,28(12):705-708。


