



  • 中文名:藥物動力學模型的修正
  • 作者:劉欠寧
  • 出版社:經濟管理出版社
  • ISBN:9787509661864




1 Introduction
1.1 First-order 1-Compartment Model (Extravascular Administration)
1.2 First-order 2-Compartment Model (Intravenous Dose)
1.3 Pontryagin's Principle
1.3.1 Hamiltonian
1.3.2 Pontryagin's Maximum (or Minimum) Principle
1.4 White Noise
1.5 Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs)
1.5.1 The Concept of SDEs
1.5.2 Stability of the SDEs
1.6 Magnus Expansion
1.6.1 Bernoulli Number
1.6.2 Magnus Approach and Its Interpretation
1.7 Gronwall Lemma
2 Using Optimal Control Theory to Study the First Order Compartment Models
2.1 Using Optimal Control Theory to Study the First-order 1-Compartment Model
2.2 Using Optimal Control Theory to Study the First-order 2-Compartment Model
3 The First-order Compartment Stochastic Models
3.1 The First-order 1-Compartment Stochastic Model
3.2 The First-order 2-Compartment Stochastic Model
4 Qualitative Analysis of the Stochastic Models
4.1 Qualitative Analysis of the First-order 1-Compartment Stochastic Model
4.2 Qualitative Analysis of the First-order 2-Compartment Stochastic Model
5 Quantitative Analysis of the Models
5.1 Quantitative Analysis of the First-order 1-Compartment Model (Extravascular Administration)
5.1.1 Parameter Estimation of the First-order 1-Compartment Model (Extravascular Administration)
5.1.2 Parameter Estimation of the First-order 1-Compartment Model with Optimal Control
5.1.3 Simulations of the Three First-order 1-Compartment Models
5.1.4 Using Numerical Method to Verify the Explicit Solution of the First-order 1-Compartment SDE Model
5.2 Quantitative Analysis of the First-order 2-Compartment Model (Intravenous Dose)
5.2.1 Parameters Estimation of the First-order 2-Compartment Model(Intravenous Dose)
5.2.2 Parameters Estimation of the First-order 2-Compartment Model with Optimal Control
5.2.3 Simulations of the Three First-order 2-Compartment Models
5.2.4 Stability of the Euler-Maruyama (E-M) Method for the 2-Compartment SDE Model
A 1-Compartment ODE Model Simulation
B 1-Compartment Optimal Control Model Simulation
C 1-Compartment SDE Model Simulation
D 2-Compartment ODE Model Simulation
E 2-Compartment Optimal Control Model Simulation
F 2-Compartment SDE Model Simulation


劉欠寧,美國新墨西哥州立大學數理統計學博士。現任職於江西財經大學統計學院。教授本科、碩土、博士課程包括貝葉斯統計、隨機微分方程、數學分析。2007年參編教材《線性代數》,中國農業出版社出版。2018年任SCI期刊International Journal of Biomathematics審稿人。本專著為本人原創作品。


