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蔣躍明,男,浙江蘭溪人,1963年5月生,研究員,浙江工商大學食品科學教授、博士生導師。曾先後在以色列、澳大利亞、日本、英國、德國等國家研究訪問。現主要從事植物生理學、生物化學等方面的研究工作。曾主持完成國家基金、廣東省基金和國際科學基金(瑞典)等項目。新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選、國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者、享受國務院特殊津貼;中國植物生理學會、中國園藝學會采後生理分會理事和Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment、Journal of Applied Horticulture、植物生理與分子生物學學報、熱帶亞熱帶植物學報、亞熱帶植物科學編委。


  • 中文名:蔣躍明
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:浙江
  • 出生日期:1963年5月
  • 職業:研究員


先後獲得院、廣東省、農業部科技進步三等獎各1次和國際科學基金研究突出成就獎。現主持國家基金、廣東省自然科學基金、國際科學基金(瑞典)、國際合作項目 (泰國、澳大利亞)等項目。已在國內外刊物上發表論文130餘篇(SCI收錄40篇),參加編寫國外著作(教材)2本。已培養碩士生3名、博士生1名。現指導博士生9名、碩士生2名。招生專業為植物學、生物化學與分子生物學,研究方向為園藝作物采後生物學、種子生理和逆境生物學。
2003年獲國際科學基金(IFS)傑出研究成就獎 (Jubliee Award)。


1981.9─1985.6: 杭州大學(現浙江大學)生物系, 學士學位
1985.9─1988.7: 中國科學院華南植物研究所, 碩士學位
1996.9─1999.7: 中山大學生物系, 博士學位。


1988.7-1990.12: 研究實習員
1990.12-1994.12: 助理研究員
1994.12-1997.11: 副研究員
1997.11-至今: 研究員 (1999年7月批准為博士研究生導師)。


1994.12-1995.9: 以色列農業研究組織(MASHAV獎學金)
1998.2-1999.2: 澳大利亞昆士蘭大學(國家留學基金)
2000.8-2000.12: 英國Cranfield大學(英國皇家學會獎學金)
2001.10-2002.8: 德國Hohenheim 大學 (德國洪堡獎學金)
2004.8.-2004.9:泰國King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi 和澳大利亞維多利亞第一產業部合作研究(NRCT 國際合作項目和澳大利亞Rrual Industries Research and Development Corporation項目)
2005.9-2005.11: 加拿大農業部Guelph食品中心合作研究






2004年國際科學基金(IFS)傑出研究成就獎 (Jubliee Award) ,


在國內外學術刊物上發表論文335篇,其中SCI收錄論文191篇,被《SCI》論文引用1200餘次; 同時作為參編者出版6部關於果實采後研究與貯運技術和食品保鮮等著作的章節(英文)。
1. Litao Peng and Yueming Jiang, Effects of heat treatment on quality of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2004, 39: 143-148.
2. Lihu Yao, Yueming Jiang, Nivedita Datta, Riantong Singanusong, Xu Liu, Katherine Raymont, Alan Lisle and Ying Xu. HPLC analyses of flavanols and phenolic acids in the fresh young shoots of tea (Camellia sinensis) grown in Australia. Food Chemistry, 2004, 84: 253-263.
3. Zhaoqi Zhang, Pang Xuequn, Chong Yang, Zuoliang Ji, Yueming Jiang, Purification and structural analysis of anthocyanins from litchi pericarp. Food Chemistry, 2004, 84: 601-604.
4. Yueming Jiang, Yuebiao Liand Jianrong Li. Browning control, shelf life extension and quality maintenance of frozen litchi fruit by hydrochloric acid. Journal of Food Engineering, 2004, 63: 147-151.
5. Lihu Yao, Yueming Jiang, Bruce D’Arcy, Riantong Singanusong, Nivedita Datta, Nola Caffin and Katherine Raymont.Quantitative HPLC analyses of flavonoids in Australian Eucalyptus honeys. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2004, 52: 210-214.
6. Weibo Jiang, Xiang Sheng, Yueming Jiang and Xianjuan Zhou, Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene and gibberellic acid on ripening of Chinese jujube (Zizyphus jujuba M.) in relation to quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2004, 84: 31-35.
7. Lihu Yao, Yueming Jiang, Riantong Singanusong, Bruce D’Arcy, Nivedita Datta, Nola Caffin and Katherine Raymont.Flavonoids in Australian Melaleuca, Guioa, Lophostemon, Banksia and Helianthus honeys. Food Science International, 2004, 37: 166-174.
8. Yueming Jiang, Litao Penand Jianrong Li. Use of citric acid for shelf life and quality maintenance of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut. Journal of Food Engineering, 2004, 63: 325-328.
9. John Shi, Konesh Arunasalam, David Yeung,Yukio Kakuda, Gauri Mittal, Yueming Jiang, Review - Saponins from edible legumes, chemistry, processing and health benefits. Journal of Medicinal Food, 2004: 7: 67-78.
10. Lihu Yao, Yueming Jiang, Riantong Singanusong, Nivedita Datta, and Katherine Raymont. Phenolic acids and abscisic acid in Australian Eucalyptus honeys and their potential for floral authentication. Food Chemistry, 2004, 86: 169-177.
11. Wangjin Lu, Nakano R, Kubo Y, Inaba A and Yueming Jiang. An xyloglucan transglycosylase cDNA correlated with banana fruit softening. Acta Botanical Sinica, 2004, 46: 355-362.
12. Huaqiang Dong, Liangying Cheng, Jiahou Tan, Kunwang Zheng and Yueming Jiang. Effects of chitosan coating on quality and shelf life of peeled litchi pulp. Journal of Food Engineering, 2004, 64: 355-358.
13. John Shi, Laura MacNaughton, Yukio Kakuda, William Bettger, David Yeung, Yueming Jiang, Review - Bioavailability of lycopene from tomato products. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 2004, 9: 98-106.
14. Yueming Jiang, Xinguo Su, Xuewu Duan, Wenbin Lin, Yuebiao Li and Weibao Jiang. Anoxia treatment delays skin browning, inhibits disease development and maintains quality of litchi fruit. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2004, 42: 131-134.
15. Huaqiang Dong, Yueming Jiang, Yuehua Wang, Ruang Liu and Haoning Guan. Effects of hot water immersion on storage quality of fresh broccoli heads. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2004, 42: 135-139.
16. Xuewu Duan, Yueming Jiang, Xinguo Su, Hai Liu, Yuebiao Li, Zhaoqi Zhang,Yonghua Zheng, Weibo Jiang. Role of pure oxygen treatment in browning of litchi fruit after harvest. Plant Science, 2004, 167: 665-668.
17. Yueming Jiang, Xuewu Duan, Daryl Joyce, Zhaoqi Zhang, Jianrong Li, Advances in understanding enzymatic browning of harvested litchi fruit. Food Chemistry, 2004, 88: 443-446.
18. Yueming Jiang, Daryl C. Joyce, Weibao Jiang and Wangjin Lu. Effects of chilling temperatures on ethylene binding by banana fruit. Plant Growth Regulation,2004, 43: 109-115.
19. Duan XW, Jiang YM, Su XG, Zhang ZQ. Effects of pure oxygen on enzymatic browning and quality of postharvest litchi fruit. The Journal of Horticulture Science and Biotechnology, 2004, 79: 859-862.
20. Yao, LH, Jiang, YM, Shi, J, Tomás-Barberán, FA, Datta, N, Singanusong, R.and Chen, S. S. Flavonoids in food and their health benefits. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2004, 59: 113-122.
21. John Shi, Qu Qin, Yukio Kakuda, David Yeung and Yueming Jiang. Stability and bioavalability and synergistic effect of antioxidant capacity of lycopene with other antioxidants. Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition, 2004, 44: 559-573.
22. Zhang ZQ, Pang XQ, Duan XW, Jiang YM. Role of peroxidase in anthocyanin degradation in litchi fruit pericarp. Food Chemistry, 2005, 90: 47-52.
23. John Shi, Haseeb Nawaz, Joseph Pohorly, Gauri Mittal, Yukio Kakuda, Yueming Jiang. Extraction of polyphenolics from plant material for functional foods - Engineering and technology. Food Review International, 2005, 21: 139-166.
24. Lihu Yao, Yueming Jiang, Riantong Singanusong, Nivedita Datta and Katherine Raymont. Phenolic acids in Australian Melaleuca, Guioa, Lophostemon, Banksia and Helianthus honeys and their potential for floral authentication. Food Research International,2005, 38: 651-658.
25. Yueming Jiang, Jianrong Liand Weibo Jiang. Effects of chitosan coating on shelf life of cold-stored litchi fruit at ambient temperature. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 2005: 38: 757-761.
26. Shi XianQuan, Dai, Y., Kakuda,Y., Shi, J., Mittal, G., Yeung, D., Jiang, Y. Synergistic anti-oxidative effects of lycopene with other bioactive compounds. Food Reviews International, 2005, 21: 295-311.
27. Lihu Yao, Nola Caffin, Bruce D'arcy, Yueming Jiang, John Shi, Riantong Singanusong, Xu Liu, Nivedita Datta, Yukio Kakuda, and Ying Xu. Seasonal variations of phenolic compounds in Australia-grown tea (Camellia sinensis). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005, 53: 6477-6483.
28. X. G. Su, Y. M. Jiang, X. W. Duan, Y. B. Li, W. B. Lin and Y. H. Zheng. Effects of pure oxygen on the rate of skin browning and energy status in longan fruit. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2005, 43: 359-365.
29. S. Xianquan, J. Shi, Y. Kakuda and Y. Jiang, Stability of lycopene during food processing and storage. Journal of Medicinal Food, 2005, 8: 413-422.
30. Lihu Yao, Xu Liu, Yueming Jiang, Nola Caffin,Bruce D'Arcy, Riantong Singanusong,Nivedita Datta and Ying Xu. Compositional analysis of teas from Australian supermarkets. Food Chemistry, 2006, 94: 115-122.
31. Litao Peng and Yueming Jiang. Exogenous salicylic acid inhibits browning of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut. Food Chemistry, 2006, 94: 535-540.
32. Lihu Yao, Yueming Jiang, Nola Caffin, Bruce D’Arcy, Nivedita Datta, Xu Liu, Riantong Singanusongand Ying Xu. Phenolic compounds in tea from Australian supermarkets. Food Chemistry, 2006, 96: 614-620.
33. Yong Wang, Wangjin Lu, Jianguo Li and Yueming Jiang. Differential expression of two exapnsin genes in developing fruits of cracking-susceptible and resistant litchi varieties. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science, 2006, 131: 118-121.
34. Lili Song, Hai Liu, Xinguo Su, Yanli You and Yueming Jiang. Effects of adenosine triphosphate on the vase life of cut carnation flowers. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2006, 46: 137-139.
35. Mingjin Zhang, Yueming Jiang, Weibo Jiang and Xuejun Liu. Regulation of ethylene synthesis of harvested banana fruit by 1-methylcyclopropene. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2006, 44: 111-115.
36. Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, Yang Liu, Jinshui Wang, Wei Wang and Yueming Jiang. Identification of polysaccharides from litchi fruit pericarp tissues in relation to their antioxidant activities. Carbohydrate Research, 2006, 341: 634-638.
37. Yong Wang, Wangjin Lu, Yueming Jiang, Yunbo Luo, Weibo Jiang and Daryl C. Joyce. Expression of ethylene-related expansin genes in cool-stored ripening banana fruit. Plant Science 2006, 170: 962-967.
38. Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Jinshui Wang, Baozhen Li and Yueming Jiang. Identification of the major flavonoids from pericarp tissues of lychee fruit in relation to their antioxidant activities. Food Chemistry, 2006, 98: 737-742.
39. Xinguo Su, Jun Duan, Yueming Jiang, John Shi and Yukio Kakud. Effects of soaking conditions on the antioxidant potentials of oolong tea. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2006, 19: 348-353.
40. Jinshui Wang, Mouming Zhao, Xiaoquan Yang and Yueming Jiang. Improvement on functional properties of wheat gluten by enzymatic hydrolysis and ultrafiltration. Journal of Cereal Science, 2006, 44: 93-100.
41. Qu HX, Duan XW, Su XG, Liu H, Jiang YM. Effects of anti-ethylene treatments on browning and energy metabolism of harvested litchi fruit. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2006, 46: 1085-1090.
42. J. Sun, Y.M. Jiang, X.Y. Wei, M.M. Zhao, J. Shi, Y.L. You and C. Yi. Identification of procyanidin A2 as an enzymatic browning substrate for polyphenol oxidase in percarp tissues of litchi fruit. Food Research International, 2006, 39: 864-870.
43. Hongye Li, Yueming Jiang and Jianrong Li, Use of GA3 to inhibit fresh browning development of plum fruit during storage at low temperature. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 2006, 71: 231–235.
44. Li G.S. Duan J. Chen Z.L., Zeng S.J., Jiang Y.M.and Joyce D.C. KClO3 applications affect Phalaenopsis orchid flowering. Scientia Horticulturae, 2006, 110: 362-365.
45. Yueming Jiang, Yong Wang, Lili Song, Hai Liu, Amnon Lichter, Orapin Kerdchoechuen Daryl C Joyce and John Shi, Production and postharvest characteristics and technology of litchi fruit: an overview. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2006, 46: 1541-1556.
46. C. Yi, Y.M. Jiang, J. Sun, Y.B. Luo, W.B. Jiangand A. Macnish. Effects of short N2 treatments on ripening of harvested banana fruit. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2006, 81(6): 1025-1028.
47. Shixian Q, VanCrey, B, Shi J, Kakuda, Y and Jiang, Y. 2006. Green tea extract thermogenesis-induced weight loss by epigallocatechin gallates inhibtion of catechol-O-methyl transferase. Journal of Medicinal Food, 2006, 9(4): 451-458.
48. Hai Liu, Yueming Jiang, Yunbo Luo and Weibo Jiang, A simple and rapid determination of ATP, ADP and AMP concentrations of pericarp tissues of harvested litchi fruit by high performance liquid chromatograph. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2006, 44: 531-534.
49. Qiuping Zhong, Wenshui Xia and Yueming Jiang, Effects of 1-MCP treatments on ripening and quality of harvested sapodilla fruit. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2006, 44: 535-539.
50. Wangjin Lu, Yong Wang, Yueming Jiang, Hai Liu, Lili Song and Andrew Macnish. The differential expression of litchi XET genes in relation to fruit growth and cracking. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2006, 44: 707-713.
51. Jinshui Wang, Mouming Zhao, Xiaoquan Yang, Yueming Jiang and Cui Chun. Gelation behavior of wheat gluten by heat treatment followed by transglutaminase cross-linking reaction. Food Hydrocolloids, 2007, 21: 174-179.
52. Wang Jinshui, Zhao Mouming, Yueming Jiang and Qiangzhong Zhao. Antioxidant properties of papain hydrolysates of wheat gluten in different oxidation systems. Food Chemistry, 2007, 101: 1690-1695.
53. Xuewu Duan, Yueming Jiang, Xinguo Su, Zhaoqi Zhang and John Shi. Antioxidant property of anthocyanins extracted from litchi (Litchi chinenesis Sonn.) fruit pericarp tissues in relation to their role in the pericarp browning. Food Chemistry, 2007, 101: 1365-1371.
54. Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Jinshui Wang, Yang Liu, Limei Yu and Yueming Jiang. Immunomodulatory and anticancer activities of flavonoids extracted from litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) pericarp. International Immunopharmacology, 2007, 7: 162-166.
55. Yong Wang, Jianye Chen, Yueming Jiang and Wangjin Lu. Cloning and expression analysis of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in relation to chilling tolerance in harvested banana fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2007, 44: 34–41.
56. Jinshui Wang, Mouming Zhao, Qiangzhong Zhao, Yang Bao and Yueming Jiang. Characterization of hydrolysates derived from enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat gluten. Journal of Food Science, 2007, 72 (2): C103–C107.
57. Jiangrong Li and Yueming Jiang. Litchi flavonoids: isolation, identification and biological activity: an overview. Molecules, 2007, 12: 745-758.
58. Limei Yu, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang. Phenolics from hull of Garcinia mangostana fruit and their antioxidant activities. Food Chemistry, 2007, 104: 176-181.
59. Xuewu Duan, Xinguo Su, Yanli You, Hongxia Qu, Yuebiao Li and Yueming Jiang. Effect of nitric oxide on pericarp browning of harvested longan fruit in relation to phenolic metabolism. Food Chemistry, 2007, 104: 571-576.
60. Duan XW, You YL, Su XG, Qu HX, Joyce DC and Jiang YM. Influence of the nitric oxide donor, sodium nitroprusside on lipid peroxidation and antio-xidant activity in pericarp tissue of longan fruit. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2007, 82: 462-467.
61. Jian Sun, Yueming Jiang, Xiaoyi Wei, John Shi, Yanli You, Hai Liu and Yukio Kakuda. Identification of browning substrate for polyphenol oxidase from litchi fruit. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2007, 31: 300-313.
62. Hai Liu, Lili Song, Yueming Jiang, Daryl C Joyce, Mouming Zhao, Yanli You and Yong Wang. Short-term anoxia treatment maintains tissue energy levels and membrane integrity and inhibits browning of harvested litchi fruit. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2007, 87: 1767-1771.
63. Jian Sun, Yueming Jiang, John Shi, Xiaoyi Wei and Sophia Jun Xue. Identification of two polyphenolic compounds with antioxidant activities in longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) pericarp tissues. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007, 55: 5864-5868.
64. Mouming Zhao, Ning Yang, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang and Guihe Zhang. Structural characterization of water-soluble polysaccharides from Opuntia monacantha cladodes in relation to their anti-glycated activities. Food Chemistry, 2007 105: 1480-1486.
65. Yanli You, Yueming Jiang, Hengming Yang, Lili Song, Hai Liu and Xuewu Duan. Effect of short N2 treatments on browning and quality of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut. Journal of Food Preservation and Processing, 2007, 31: 595-605.
66. Xuewu Duan, Daryl C. Joyce and Yueming Jiang. Postharvest biology and handling of banana fruit. Fresh Produce, 2007, 1(2): 140-152.
67. Litao Peng, Shuzhen Yang, Qiong Li, Yueming Jiang, Daryl C. Joyce. Hydrogen peroxide treatments inhibit the browning of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2008, 47: 260-266.
68. Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, John Shi, Ning Yang and Yueming Jiang. Effect of ultrasonic treatment on the recovery and DPPH radical scavenging activity of polysaccharides from longan fruit pericarp tissues. Food Chemistry, 2008, 106: 685-690.
69. Limei Yu, Mouming Zhao, Jin shui Wang, Chun Cui, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang and Qiangzhong Zhao. Antioxidant, immunomodulatory and anti-breast cancer activities of phenolic extract from pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb) bark. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2008, 9: 122-128.
79. Haiyan Wang, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang and Guohua Rao. Identification of polyphenols in tobacco leaf and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Food Chemistry, 2008, 107: 1399-1406.
71. Guiping Cheng, Xuewu Duan, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Wangjin Lu, Yunbo Luo, Weibo Jiang. Effect of hydroxyl radical on the scission of cellular wall polysaccharides in vitro of banana fruit at various ripening stages. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2008, 30: 257-263.
72. Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, John Shi, Yueming Jiang, Guiping Chengand Neungnapa Ruenroengklin. Variations in contents of water soluble saccharides and phenols in longan fruit pericarp after various dryings. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2008, 31: 66-77.
73. Lili Song, Changtao Li, Hai Liu, Daryl Joyce, Yanli You, Yong Wang and Yueming Jiang. Effect of exogenous adenosine triphosphate supply on the senescence-related physiology of cut carnation flowers. HortScience, 2008, 43: 271-273.
74. Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Mouming Zhao, John Shiand Lingzhao Wang. Effects of ultrasonic extraction on the physical and chemical properties of polysaccharides from longan fruit pericarp. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2008, 93: 268-272.
75. Jian Sun, John Shi, Mouming Zhao, Sophia Jun Xue, Jiaoyan Ren and Yueming Jiang. A comparative analysis of property of lychee polyphenoloxidase using endogenous and exogenous substrates. Food Chemistry, 2008, 108: 818-823.
76. Jian-ye Chen, Li-hong He, Yue-ming Jiang, Yong Wang, Daryl C. Joyce, Zuo-liang Ji, Wang-jin Lu. Role of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in heat pretreatment-induced chilling tolerance in banana fruit. Physiologia Plantarum, 2008, 132: 318-328.
77. Guiping Cheng, Xuewu Duan, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Wangjin Lu, Yunbo Luo and Weibo Jiang. Effects of reactive oxygen species on cellular wall disassembly of banana fruit during ripening. Food Chemistry, 2008, 109: 319-324.
78. Xiaoli Liu, Mouming Zhao, Jinshui Wang, Bao Yang and Yueming Jiang. Antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of emblica fruit (Phyllanthus emblica L.) from six regions in China. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2008, 21: 219-228.
79. Xiaoli Liu, Chun Cui, Mouming Zhao, Jinshui Wang, Wei Luo, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang. Identification of phenolics in the fruit of emblica (Phyllanthus emblica L.) and their antioxidant activities. Food Chemistry, 2008, 109: 909-915.
80. Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, Feng Chen, Yueming Jiang. Optimization of tyrosinase inhibition activity of ultrasonic extracted polysaccharides from longan fruit pericarp. Food Chemistry, 2008, 110: 294-300.
81. Jinyi Yang, Hong Wang, Yueming Jiang, Yuanming Sun, Ke Pan, Hongtao Lei, Qing Wu, Yudong Shen, Zhili Xiao and Zhenlin Xu. Development of the enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent analysis of the carbofuran residue. Molecules, 2008, 13, 871-881.
82. C. Yi, H. X. Qu, Y. M. Jiang, J. Shi, X. W. Duan, D. C. Joyce and Y. B. Li. ATP-induced changes in energy status and membrane integrity of harvested litchi fruit and its relation to pathogen resistance. Journal of Phytopathology, 2008, 156: 365-371.
83. Xuewu Duan, Guiping Cheng, Yueming Jiang, Chun Yi, En Yang, Neungnapa Ruenroengklin, Wangjin Lu and Yunbo Luo. Modification of pectin polysaccharides during ripening of postharvest banana fruit. Food Chemistry, 2008, 111: 144-149.
84. Yuxiong Zhong, Jianye Chen, Hailing Feng, Jianfei Kuang, Ruo Xiao, Min Ou, Hui Xie, Wangjin Lu, Yueming Jiang and He-Tong Lin. Differential expression of Expansin and XET genes associated with aril breakdown in harvested longan fruit. Journal of American Journal for Horticultural Science, 2008, 133: 462-467.
85. Xuewu Duan, Xinguo Su, John shi, Yanli You, Mouming Zhao, Yuebiao Li, Yong Wang and Yueming Jiang. Inhibitory Effect of anyhocyanin extract from seed coat of black bean on pericarp browning and lipid peroxidation of litchi fruit during storage. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2008, 32: 415-430.
86. Jingyu Shi, Jian Sun, Xiaoyi Wei, John Shi, Guiping Cheng, Mouming Zhao and Yueming Jiang. Identification of (-)-epicatechin as the direct substrate for polyphenol oxidase from longan fruit pericarp. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2008, 41: 1742-1747.
87. Jiaoyan Ren, John Shi, Yukio Kakuda, Daniel Kim, Sophia Jun Xue, Mouming Zhao, and Yueming Jiang. Phytohemagglutinin isolectins extracted and purified from red kidney beans and its cytotoxicity on human H9 lymphoma cell line. Separation and Purification Technology, 2008, 63, 122-128.
88. Yanping Hong, Yanchun Qiao, Shunquan Lin, Yueming Jiang and Feng Chen. Characterization of antioxidant compounds in Eriobotryafragrans Champ leaf. Scientia Horticulturae, 2008, 118: 288-292.
89. Yanping Hong, Shunquan Lin, Yueming Jiang and Muhammad Ashraf. Variation in leaf total phenolic and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activities of 12 Eriobotrya species. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition,2008, 63: 200-204.
90. Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Rui Wang, Mouming Zhao and Jian Sun. Ultra-high pressure treatment effects on polysaccharides and lignins of longan fruit pericarp. Food Chemistry, 2009, 112: 428-431.
91. Chun Yi, John Shi, Sophia Jun Xue, Yueming Jiang and Dong Li. Effects of supercritical fluid extraction parameters on lycopene yield and antioxidant activity. Food Chemistry, 2009, 113: 1088-1094.
92. Chun Yi, John Shi, John Kramer, Sophia Xue, Yueming Jiang, Mingwei Zhang,Ying Ma, Joseph Pohorly. Fatty acid composition and phenolic antioxidants of wine making pomace powder. Food Chemistry, 2009, 114: 570-576.
93. Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao and Yueming Jiang. Anti-glycated activity of polysaccharides of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp treated by ultrasonic wave. Food Chemistry, 2009, 114: 629-633.
94. Jianrong Li, Shaoxia Miao and Yueming Jiang. Changes in quality attributes of longan juice during storage in relation to effects of thermal processing. Journal of Food Quality, 2009, 32: 48–57.
95. Guiping Cheng, Xuewu Duan, Andrew Macnish, Yanli You,Yuebiao Li and Yueming Jiang. Physiological and quality responses of longan fruit to low and high oxygen atmospheres. Journal of Food Quality, 2009, 32: 2-17.
96. K. Nagendra Prasad, En Yang, Chun Yi, Mouming Zhao and Yueming Jiang. Effects of high pressure extraction on the extraction yield, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of longan fruit pericarp. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2009, 10: 155-159.
97. Lili Song, Haiyan Gao, Hangjun Chen, Jinlin Mao, Yongjun Zhou, Wenxuan Chen and Yueming Jiang. Effects of short-term anoxic treatment on antioxidant ability and membrane integrity of postharvest kiwifruit during storage. Food Chemistry, 2009, 114: 1216-1221.
98. Guiping Cheng, Xuewu Duan, Yueming Jiang, Jian Sun, Shaoyu Yang, Bao Yang, Shenggen He, Hong Liang and Yunbo Luo. Modification of hemicellulose polysaccharides during ripening of postharvest banana fruit. Food Chemistry, 2009, 115, 43-47.
99. Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Mouming Zhao, Feng Chen, Rui Wang, Yulong Chen, Dandan Zhang. Structural characterization of polysaccharides purified from longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp. Food Chemistry, 2009, 115: 609-614.
100. Jianye Chen, Lihong He, Yueming Jiang, Jianfei Kuang, Chunbin Lu, Daryl C. Joyce, Andrew Macnish, Ya-Xuan Heg and Wangjin Lu. Expressions of PAL and HSPs in fresh-cut banana fruit. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2009, 66: 31-37.
101. Neungnapa Ruenroengklin, Jian Sun, John Shi, Sophia Jun Xue and Yueming Jiang. Role of endogenous and exogenous phenolics in litchi anthocyanin degradation caused by polyphenol oxidase. Food Chemistry, 2009, 115: 1253-1256.
102. Jian Sun, Xu Xiang, Chunyan Yu, Jinyu Shi, Hongxiang Peng, Bao Yang, Shaoyu Yang, En Yang and Yueming Jiang. Variations in contents of browning substrates and activities of some related enzymes during litchi fruit development. Scientia Horticulturae, 2009, 120: 555-559.
103. Cairong Li, Weibing Shen, Wangjin Lu, Yueming Jiang, Jianghui Xie and Jianye Chen. 1-MCP delayed softening and affected expressions of XET and EXP genes in harvested cherimoya fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2009, 52: 254-259.
104. Nagendra K. Prasad, Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao,Biaoshi Wang, Feng Chen and Yueming Jiang. Effects of high pressure treatment on the extraction yield, phenolic content and antioxidant activity of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruit pericarp. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2009, 44: 960-966.
105. K. Nagendra Prasad, Bao Yang, Shaoyu Yang, Yulong Chen, Mouming Zhao, Muhammad Ashraf and Yueming Jiang. Identification of phenolic compounds and appraisal of antioxidant and antityrosinase activity of litchi (Litchi sinensis Sonn.) seeds. Food Chemistry, 2009, 116: 1-7.
106. John Shi, Chun Yi, Sophia Jun Xue, Yueming Jiang, Ying Ma and Dong Li. Effects of mdifiers on the profile of lycopene extracted from tomato skins by supercritical CO2. Journal of Food Engineering, 2009, 93: 431-436.
107. Ruo Xiao, Jian-ye Chen, Jian-wen Chen, Min Ou, Yueming Jiang, He-tong Lin and Wang-jin Lu. Expression analysis of endo-1,4-β-glucanase genes during aril breakdown of harvested longan fruit. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2009, 89: 1129-1136.
108. Zi Teng, Chong Liu, Xiaoquan Yang, Lin Li, Chuanhe Tang and Yueming Jiang. Fractionation of soybean globulins using Ca and Mg: A comparative analysis. Journal of the American Oil Chemists'Society, 2009, 86: 409-417.
109. Gongming Zheng, Liangxiong Xu, Ping Wu, Yueming Jiang, Feng Chen and Xiaoyi Wei. Polyphenols from longan seeds and their radical-scavenging activity. Food Chemistry, 2009, 116: 433-436.
110. Min Wu, Ping Wu, Meifang Liu, Haihui Xie, Yueming Jiang and Xiaoyi Wei. Iridoids from Gentiana loureirill. Phytochemistry, 2009, 70: 746-750.
111. Neungnapa Ruenroengklin, Bao Yang, Hetong Lin, Feng Chen and Yueming Jiang. Degradation of anthocyanin from litchi fruit pericarp by H2O2 and hydroxyl radical. Food Chemistry, 2009, 116: 995-998.
112. Juan Li, Panpan Zhang, Jiezhong Chen, Qing Yao and Yueming Jiang. Cellular wall metabolism in citrus fruit pericarp and its Relation to creasing fruit rate. Scientia Horticulturae, 2009, 22: 45-50.
113. Guiping Cheng, En Yang, Wangjin Lu, Yongxia Jia, Yueming Jiang and Xuewu Duan. Effect of nitric oxide on ethylene synthesis and softening of banana fruit slice during ripening. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009, 57: 5799-5804.
114. Duan Xuewu, Su Xinguo, Shi john, Yi Chun, Sun Jian, Li Yuebiao and Jiang Yueming. Effect of low and high oxygen controlled atmospheres on enzymatic browning of litchi fruit. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2009, 33: 572-586.
115. K. Nagendra Prasad, Jing Hao , Chun Yi, Dandan Zhang , Shengxiang Qiu, Yueming Jiang, Mingwei Zhang and Feng Chen. Antioxidant and anticancer activities of wampee [Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels] peel. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, vol. 2009, Article ID 612805, 6 pages, 2009. doi:10.1155/2009/612805.
116. K. Nagendra Prasad, Jing Hao, John Shi, Ting Liu, Jiang Li, Xiaoyi Wei, Shengxiang Qiu, Sophia Xue and Yueming Jiang. Antioxidant and anticancer activities of high pressure-assisted extract of longan (Dimpcarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2009, 10: 413-419.
117. Guoxiang Jiang, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Haiyan Zhang and Feng Chen. Structural characteristics and antioxidant activities of oligosaccharides from longan fruit pericarp. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009, 57: 9293-9298.
118. Guoxiang Jiang, K. Nagendra Prasad, Yueming Jiang, Bao Yang, Yongxia Jia, Jian Sun. Extraction and structural identification of alkali-soluble polysaccharides of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2009, 10: 638-642.
119. Chun Yi, Yueming Jiang, John Shi, Hongxia Qu, Sophia Xue, Xuewu Duan, Jingyu Shi and Nagendra K. Prasad. Effect of ATP on changes of fatty acids in harvested litchi fruit infected by Peronophythora litchii. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2009, 54: 159-164.
120. K. Nagendra Prasad, Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, Xiaoyi Wei, Yueming Jiang and Fang Chen. High pressure extraction of corilagin from longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp. Separation and Purification Technology, 2009, 70: 41-45.
121. Yulong Chen, Jun Duan, Shaoyu Yang, En Yang and Yuming Jiang. Effect of girdling on levels of catechins in green leaf in relation to quality of ‘Huang Zhi Xiang’ oolong tea. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition , 2009, 64: 293-296.
122. K. N. Prasad, B. Yang, N. Ruenroengklin, M. M. Zhao and Y. M. Jiang. A comparative investigation intoapplication of ultrasonication or high pressure to assist extraction of flavonoids from litchi fruit pericarp. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2009, 32: 828-843.


