蔡新華教授,男,1956年3月出生,中共黨員。大學本科畢業。1986年至1987年間在上海交通大學套用物理系學習光學專業碩士研究生課程,成績優良。現任湖南文理學院物理與電子科學系主任,湖南省物理學會理事,美國“AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE”會員,國際重要學術刊物《Chinese Physics Letters》雜誌審稿專家,湖南文理學院學術委員會委員。
- 中文名:蔡新華
- 出生日期:1956年3月
[1]. Cai X H and Kuang L M, Entanglement concentration of e ntangled squeezed vacuum states. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2002, 19: 1407-1409. (SCI源刊)
[2]. Cai X H and Kuang L M. Proposal for teleporting a superposition state of squeezed vacuum states. Phys. Lett. A, 2002, 300: 103-106. (SCI源刊)
[3]. Cai X H and Kuang L M, Preparation of entangled squeezed states and quantification of their entanglement. Chin. Phys., 2002, 11: 876-880. (SCI源刊)
[4]. Cai X H, Quantum teleportation of entangled squeezed vacuum states. Chin. Phys., 2003, 12: 1066-1069. (SCI源刊)
[5]. Cai X H, Preparation of entangled squeezed vacuum states via atom-cavity-field Raman interaction. Acta Photonica Sinica, 2004, 33: 122-125. (一級刊物A)
[6]. Cai X H, Nie J J, Scheme for teleporting the Squeezed State via Cavity QED. 湖南文理學院學報(英文版).2003, 15:
[7]. Cai X H, Nie J J and Guo J R, Entanglement translation and quantum teleportation of the single-photon entanglement state. Acta Photonica Sinica, 2005,12: (一級刊物A)
[8]. Cai X H, Nie J J and Guo J R, Entanglement diversion and quantum teleportation of entangled coherent states. Chin. Phys.(已評審通過)
[9]. Cai X H, Nie J J and Guo J R, Optical preparation of the quasi-Bell-base of entangled coherent states. 湖南文理學院學報. 2005, 3: 10