菜系及功效:補氣食譜 補血食譜 美容菜譜 補虛養身食譜 健脾開胃食譜
1. 蓮藕用水洗淨,原枝去皮;
2. 赤小豆和陳皮用水浸透,洗淨;
3. 豬胰用水洗淨,去脂肪筋膜;
4. 用適量水,猛火煲至滾;
5. 放入全部材料,用慢火煲至約3小時;
6. 加鹽調味,即可飲用。小帖士-健康提示:
1. 此湯健脾開胃、補血養顏、湯水鮮甜,可一家佐膳飲用。
2. 平常人常飲用此湯,能補益氣血、強壯身體。
3. 如身體虛弱、血氣不足、精神疲乏、面色蒼白、小便不暢順、飲食無胃口,可煲此湯佐膳作食療。
4. 蓮藕有清熱、涼血、散瘀、止血的作用,加上赤小豆及陳皮同煲,不愧為一補身的上好湯水。
Cuisine and efficacy: nourishing blood recipes beauty recipes recipes recipes spleen tonic-cultivation appetizer recipes
Taste: salty taste
Technology: stew
Lotus bean soup making pig pancreas material:
Ingredients: 640 g lotus root, Chixiaodou 120 grams, 250 grams of pig how to say soap
Accessories: 5 grams of dried tangerine peel
Seasoning: salt, 5 grams
1. Lotus water wash, the original branch peeled;
2. Chixiaodou and dried tangerine peel water soak, wash;
3. Porcine pancreas wash water to fat fascia;
4. With the amount of water to rolling boil over high flame;
5. Add all ingredients to pot with low heat about 3 hours;
6. Salt seasoning, you can drink. Small posts disabilities - Health Tip:
1. This soup appetizer spleen, blood and beauty, sweet soups, can be a Zuoshan drinking.
2. Ordinary people often drink the soup, to benefit qi and blood, strong body.
3. Such as body weakness, blood gas shortage, mental fatigue, pale urine is not smooth, eating no appetite, can burn the soup Zuoshan for diet.
4. Lotus root can clear away heat, cooling blood, stasis, hemostasis, and dried tangerine peel with Chixiaodou pot, worthy of a meeting of enclosed body soup.
Small posts disabilities - Food with g:
Chixiaodou: carp and red beans cook, both of which can benefit water swelling, edema in time for the treatment of nephritis good effect, but because the benefits of water features is too strong, normal people should avoid eating both at the same time, as far as possible across Several hours after eating, whether because of human body with the food varies.
Citrus: Citrus is not appropriate and Breit, Southern Star with the use; not with warm dry drug with the use of incense.