



  • 作者:金曉婧
  • 出版社:寧波出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年7月1日
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • ISBN:9787552632354
  • 書籍定價:CNY 39.00
這是一本美麗的無字書。 公園裡,女兒因為追逐一隻蝴蝶與媽媽走散了。媽媽在人群中焦急地尋找女兒。這是一個以作者童年經歷為題材的故事。通過黑色和橙色的雙線結構,表現了母女不同的世界和心情。換位思考,媽媽學會理解孩子有時需要獨立的玩耍空間,孩子也能體會到媽媽對自己的擔憂和愛。 英文介紹: A beautiful, heart-warming wordless book. In the park the daughter is chasing a butterfly and separated with her mother. Mom is anxiously looking for her daughter in the crowd. This is a story based on the author's childhood experience. T...(展開全部) 這是一本美麗的無字書。 公園裡,女兒因為追逐一隻蝴蝶與媽媽走散了。媽媽在人群中焦急地尋找女兒。這是一個以作者童年經歷為題材的故事。通過黑色和橙色的雙線結構,表現了母女不同的世界和心情。換位思考,媽媽學會理解孩子有時需要獨立的玩耍空間,孩子也能體會到媽媽對自己的擔憂和愛。 英文介紹: A beautiful, heart-warming wordless book. In the park the daughter is chasing a butterfly and separated with her mother. Mom is anxiously looking for her daughter in the crowd. This is a story based on the author's childhood experience. Through two story lines structured in black and orange, it shows the different world and experiece of mother and daughter. A lesson of empathy tells by the mother learning to understand that children sometimes need independent play space, and children can also understand their mother's concern and love. 金曉婧 90後繪本作者和插畫師。出生於山東,3歲開始喜歡上畫畫,本科畢業於中央美術學院繪本工作室,碩士就讀於紐約視覺藝術學院,目前生活在紐約。《原來你在這兒》是她正式出版的第一部繪本。本科畢業作品《咔嚓 咔嚓》曾獲信誼圖畫書創作佳作獎。


