











  1. 2024.01-2027.12:國家自然科學基金面上項目,“陸相頁岩儲層滲吸誘發裂隙對滲吸驅油效率的影響機理研究”,主持;
  2. 2022.04-2026.03:中國地質大學(武漢)“地大學者”人才崗位科研啟動項目,主持;
  3. 2022.01-2024.12:國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,“陸相頁岩油微觀可動空間定量表征及主控因素研究”,主持;
  4. 2020.01-2021.09:中央高校自主創新科研計畫項目,“壓裂液與儲層的相互作用及其對頁岩油產出的影響機理”,主持。


  1. Meng, Mianmo., Zhang, Yaxiong., Yuan, Bao., Li, Zijian., Zhang, Ye. Imbibition behaviorof oil-saturated rock: Implications for enhanced oil recovery in unconventionalreservoirs. Energy & Fuels. 2023. 37(18). 13759-13768.
  2. Meng, Mianmo., Peng, Jichao., Ge, Hongkui., Ji, Wenming., Li, Xiaoming., Wang, Qianyou.Rock fabric of lacustrine shale and its influence on residual oil distributionin the Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Songliao Basin. Energy &Fuels. 2023. 37(10). 7151-7160.(ESI全球前1%高被引論文)
  3. Meng, Mianmo., Li, Hao., Shi, Tingting., Ji, Wenming., Zhang, Ye. Insights into salt iondiffusion behavior in imbibed fluids and the source of salt ions in clay-richshale from Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Songliao Basin. Energy &Fuels. 2023. 37(9). 6524-6532.
  4. Meng, Mianmo., Li, Longlong., Yuan, Bao., Wang, Qianyou., Sun, Xiaohui., Zhang, Ye., Li,Dahua. Influence of overburden pressure on imbibition behavior in tightsandstones using nuclear magnetic resonance technique. Journal of EnergyResources Technology. 2023. 145(7). 073302.
  5. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming., Wang, Qianyou. Rock fabric of tight sandstone and its influence on irreducible water saturation in eastern Ordos Basin. Energy & Fuels. 2023. 37(5). 3685-3696.
  6. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming., Li, Zijian. Insight into water occurrence and pore size distribution by nuclear magnetic resonance in marine shale reservoirs, southern China. Energy & Fuels. 2023. 37(1). 319-327.
  7. Meng, Mianmo., Hu, Qinhong., Yuan, Bao., Ji, Wenming., Yuan, Mingliang. Quantitative comparison of T2 spectra from 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance methods in monitoring imbibition behavior of tight reservoirs. Journal of Energy Engineering. 2022. 148(6). 04022041.
  8. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Wang, Leilei. Influence of rock fabric on salt ion diffusion behavior in Upper Cretaceous lacustrine shale from Songliao Basin. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2022. 208. 109355.
  9. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming. Evaluation of the pore structure variation during hydraulic fracturing in marine shale reservoirs. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 2021. 143. 083002.
  10. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Hu, Qinhong., Li, Longlong., Gao, Zhiye., Tian, Tonghui., Chao, Jing. The effect of clay-swelling induced cracks on imbibition behavior of marine shale reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2020. 83. 103525.
  11. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Li, Longlong., Tian, Tonghui., Chao, Jing. The effect of clay-swelling induced cracks on shale permeability during liquid imbibition and diffusion. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2020. 83. 103514.
  12. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming. Fractal characterization of pore structure and its influence on salt ion diffusion behavior in marine shale reservoirs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2020. 45. 28520-28530.
  13. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming., Li, Longlong., Yu, Jiayao., Li, Qinyu., Liu, Tongyuan., Li, Yunfeng. Estimation of the bubble influence on the imbibed liquid measurement during tight rock continuous imbibition. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 2020. 142. 063002.
  14. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ren, Fei., Ji, Wenming. A novel method for monitoring the imbibition behavior of clay-rich shale. Energy Reports. 2020. 6. 1811-1818.
  15. Meng, Mianmo., Shen, Yinghao., Ge, Hongkui., Xu, Xiaosong., Wu, Yang. The effect of fracturing fluid saturation on natural gas flow behavior in tight reservoirs. Energies. 2020. 13. 5278.
  16. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming., Wu, Yang., Xu, Xiaosong., Huang, Weihan., Li, Qinyu., Yu, Jiayao. Analyzing tight sand characteristics and its influence on aqueous phase removal by gas displacement. Geofluids. 2019. 2019. 1-18.
  17. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Ji, Wenming., Ren, Fei. Fluid saturation evolution with imbibition in unconventional natural gas reservoirs. Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization. 2018. 6. T849-T859.
  18. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Ji, Wenming., Wang, Xiaoqiong. Research on the auto-removal mechanism of shale aqueous phase trapping using low field nuclear magnetic resonance technique. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2016. 137. 63-73.
  19. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Ji, Wenming., Shen, Yinghao., Su, Shuai. Monitor the process of shale spontaneous imbibition in co-current and counter-current displacing gas by using low field nuclear magnetic resonance method. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015. 27. 336-345.
  20. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Ji, Wenming., Wang, Xiaoqiong., Chen, Lei. Investigation on the variation of shale permeability with spontaneous imbibition time: Sandstones and volcanic rocks as comparative study. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015. 27. 1546-1554.
  21. Meng, Mianmo., Ji, Wenming. Water occurrence and its influencing factors in tight gas reservoirs, The 29th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences. Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. 2023.(Oral)
  22. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Hu, Qinhong. Multiple-method pore structure characterization of Upper Cretaceous lacustrine shale from Songliao Basin in Northeast China, InterPore2020 International Conference. Qingdao, Shandong, China. 2020.(Online Oral)
  23. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui., Shen, Yinghao., Li, Qinyu., Yu, Jiayao. The study of tight gas reservoirs imbibition by nuclear magnetic resonance, ARMA-CUPB Geothermal International Conference. American Rock Mechanics Association, Beijing, China. 2019.(Oral)
  24. Meng, Mianmo., Ge, Hongkui. Investigation of imbibition in shale by nuclear magnetic resonance. AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 2018.(Poster)
  25. 蒙冕模., 葛洪魁., 胡欽紅., 申潁浩., 紀文明. 陸相頁岩儲層離子擴散規律及其主控因素研究. 第八屆油氣成藏機理與油氣資源評價國際學術研討會. 北京. 中國. 2022. (特邀報告, 分會場主持人)
  26. 朱秀川, 胡欽紅, 蒙冕模, 張軍建, 張濤, 尹娜, 孫小惠, 晁靜, 杜玉山, 劉惠民. 頁岩儲層滲吸過程中水的微觀分布及其氣測滲透率動態回響特徵. 石油學報. 2022. 43(4). 533-547.
  27. 陳揚, 胡欽紅, 趙建華, 蒙冕模, 尹娜, 張曉貝, 許格非, 劉惠民. 渤海灣盆地東營凹陷湖相富有機質頁岩紋層特徵和儲集性能. 石油與天然氣地質. 2022. 43(2). 307-324.


地大學者“青年拔尖人才(A 類)”,2022
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering專刊客座編輯,“High-Efficient Exploration and Development of Oil & Gas from Ocean”,2023(1 Edition),2023-2024(2 Edition)
Geofluids專刊客座主編,“New challenges and advances in the unconventional oil/gas reservoirs characterization and development”,2021-2022
Energies專刊客座編輯,“New progress in unconventional oil and gas development”,2022-2024
擔任多個國際SCI期刊的審稿專家,包括:Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,AAPG Bulletin,Marine and Petroleum Geology,Petroleum Science,Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,Gondwana Research,Applied Clay Science,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Energy & Fuels,ACS Omega,Adsorption Science & Technology,Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,Energy Reports,Energy Science & Engineering,Frontiers in Earth Science,Frontiers in Energy Research,Geofluids,Geological Journal,Interpretation,Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,Journal of Energy Engineering,Journal of Porous Media,Open Geosciences,Petroleum Science and Technology,Plos One,SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering,Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,Current Organic Chemistry,Processes,Applied Sciences-Basel,Natural Resources Research,Energies,Arabian Journal of Chemistry,Lithosphere,Journal of Hydrology等期刊。


