《Frontlers of Agriculture in china》、《植物病理學報》、《微生物學通報》、《河北農業大學學報》、《河北林果研究》編委。河北農業大學學術委員會委員,河北農業大學學位委員會委員。1984年獲學士學位,1987年獲碩士學位,1998年獲博士學位。1999年11-12月和2000年12月赴捷克共和國農業科學院合作研究;2003年5月-2003年9月在關國DDPSC中心做高級訪問學者,從事擬南芥抗病基因的克隆與高效表達研究;2003年9月-2005年2月在美國LosAlamos國家實驗室進行博士後研究,從事炭疽菌鐵吸收基因的生物信息學分析。1991年晉升講師,1995年晉升副教授,1998年晉升教授,2000年被遴選為博士生導師(第二批)。1995年任農學院副院長,2000年任生命科學學院院長。
Jingao Dong,Yongshan Fan,Xiumei Gui,Xinlong An,Jifang Ma,Zhiping Dong. Geographic Distribution and Genetic Analysis of Physiological Races ofSetosphaeria turcicain Northern China.American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences,2008,3(1)389-398.
Jingao Dong,Srinivas Iyer,Christy Ruggiero,Murray Wolinsky, Jian Song: Bioinformatic Analysis of Iron Acquisition Systems in Bacillus anthracis.BIOCOMP,2008: 518-526
Qiaoyun WENG, Jihong XING, Zhiping DONG, Jingao DONG. Cloning and structure analysis of an NBS-LRR disease resistant gene fromSetaria italicaBeauv.Frontiers of Agriculture in China,2009, 3(3)246-246
Lihui Zhang, Jinlin Zhang, Jingao Dong. Solid fermentation of Pythium aphanidermatum and separation of herbicidal active substance.Proceedings of 2009 international conference of natural products and traditional medcine,Xi’an: Springer group,2009, 146-150.
Qiaoyun WENG,Jihong XING,Zhiyong LI,Zhiping DONG,Jingao DONG. Expression analysis ofRUS1and construction ofRUS1plant expressing vector.Frontiers of Agriculture in China,2010, 4(1)31-36
Xueli HAN,Yonggang PAN,Yingchao LIU,Jihong XING,Jingao DONG. Knockdown ofACS9expression inArabidopsisdecreases the tolerance to salt and osmotic stress.Frontier of Agriculture in China,2010, 4 (3)
Cangyue Wang,Fengru Wang,Jingao Dong. Study on the Function of OsNDPK1, Which is one of Proteins Regulated by Brassinosteroids. Eighth International Conference on “Plant Biology Frontiers:Cells and Signals”. 8
International Conference on Plant Biology Frontiers,Wuyishan,Fujian,2010,p67
Fengru Wang,Jingao Dong,Zhiyong Wang. A proteomic study idebtifies proteins involved in brassinosteroid regulation ot rice growth. Eighth International Conference on “Plant Biology Frontiers:Cells and Signals”. 8
International Conference on Plant Biology Frontiers,Wuyishan,Fujian,2010,p68
Jing ZHANG, Li LI, Jihong XING, Jingao DONG. Regulaton of flowering time by Arabidopsis EFS1. Eighth International Conference on “Plant Biology Frontiers:Cells and Signals”. 8International Conference on Plant Biology Frontiers,Wuyishan,Fujian,2010,p86
JIA Jiao,XING Ji-hong,DONG Jin-gao,HAN Jian-min,LIU Jun-sheng. Function analysis ofMYB73ofArabidopsis thalianaagainstBipolaris oryzae.Agricultural Sciences in China,2011,10(5)721-727
11.Shenghui Li,Fengru WangandJingao Dong.A proteomic approach to investigating the promotive effects of brassinolide on root growth of rice seedlings.Frontier of Agriculture in China,2011,5(2)146-151
Xueli Han,Yonggang Pan,Yingchao Liu,Jihong XingandJingao Dong.Knockdown of ACS9 expression inArabidopsisdecreases the tolerance to salt and osmotic stress.Frontier of Agriculture in China,2011,5(2)181-186
Jing Zhang,Jihong XingandJingao Dong.Construction of RNAi vector for flower-related gene and verifications of the mutant inArabidopsis thaliana.Online First™, 27 June 2011
Y. Z. FENG, X. H. LU, B. TAO, M. H. PANG, Y. C. LIU, AND J. G. DONG. Natural Occurrence of Fumonisins B1 and B2 in Corn from Three Main Production Provinces in China.Journal of Food Protection,2011, 74(8)1374–1378
Jihong XING; Ye ZHANG; Jing ZHANG; Qiaoyun WENG; Jiao JIA; Jingao DONG. Identification of a gene responsible for the 60-day delay in flowering time ofArabidopsis.Frontiers of Agriculture in China,2011,5(3) 322-327
Bin ZHAO; Meng ZHENG; Zhiying SUN; Zhiyong LI; Jihong XING; Jingao DONG. BcDR1, a putative gene, regulates the development and pathogenicity ofBotrytis cinerea.Frontiers of Agriculture in China,2011,5(3) 338-343
Yuxia DONG; Jihong XING; Jiao JIA; Qiaoyun WENG; Zhimin HAO; Jingao DONG. Cloning and pharmaceutical analysis of CaMK gene ofBotrytis cinerea.Frontiers of Agriculture in China,2011,5(3) 299-304
Qian WANG; Wei ZHAO; Zhimin HAO; Jingao DONG. mRNA level of PKA-c gene inSetosphaeria turcicawith different nutrition sources under metal ion or osmotic stress.Frontiers of Agriculture in China,2011,5(3) 361-365
Jing ZHANG; Jihong XING; Jingao DONG. Construction of RNAi vector for flower-related gene and verifications of the mutant inArabidopsis thaliana.Frontiers of Agriculture in China,2011,5(3) 333-337