
董浩岩先生現任香港泛華投資機構的董事總經理,做為極富經驗的風險投資人士董先生在上個世紀的九十年代就由IT行業進入風險投資領域,並快速取得成功,他投資的著名的寬頻通訊、新科半導體以及21世紀媒體等眾多企業通過美國、香港和新加坡等地的股票市場成為公眾公司,使其所管理的基金獲得了超額回報。董先生曾任Sunbright Capital Group的董事高級經理以及Raystone Capital 的總裁。在從事風險投資以來的12年時間裡,董先生直接管理的風險資本總額超過20億美元,投資涉及的IT、無線通訊、媒體和生物技術等行業的企業超過60餘家。


  • 中文名:董浩岩
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:香港泛華投資機構的董事總經理
  • 畢業院校:美國夏威夷大學
  • 代表作品:《中國風險投資實務》


董浩岩 ,香港泛華投資公司董事總經理


Mr. Harvey Dong is Managing Director of United China Venture Capital. To be a VC expert, Mr. Dong had already from IT industry to VC field in the Nineties of the twentieth century and He win the success rapidly. He was invested companies which including famous i-Cable Communication, STATS, M21 Technology, etc. to becoming public companies by the stock market of America, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc.. So that, his funds won high return. Mr. Dong was Director Senior Manager of Sunbright Capital Group and CEO of Raystone Capital. Mr. Dong has a career of 12 years in VC. During this period, He managed the VC funds of over USD2 billion and invested cases of over 60 companies throughout IT, Wireless Communication, Media, Bio-Tech, etc.
Mr. Dong has achieved the EMBA of IEWU of America Hawaii University. Mr. Dong has many study on the VC field for global representative countries and is an author of the book what named “The Development and Operation of Venture Capital in China”.


