


  • 中文名:董從林
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:武漢理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:載運工具運用工程









[1] 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,51605248,橡膠尾軸承的粘-滑行為與摩擦噪聲之間的映射關係研究,2017/1-2019/12,24萬,在研,主持
[2] 中國博士後科學基金一等資助,2015M580089,低速重載下水潤滑橡膠尾軸承的粘-滑行為機理與控制,2015/07-2017/07,8萬元,已結題,主持
[3] 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金(優秀博士培育項目),2012-YB-13,船舶聚合物水潤滑尾軸承磨損、疲勞和老化耦合壽命評估,2012/01-2013/12,5萬,已結題,主持
[5] 國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金項目,51422507,船舶摩擦學的基礎問題,2015/01-2017/12,100萬,在研,參與,主持人:袁成清 教授。
[6]國家自然科學基金傑出青年科學基金項目,51425502,機械摩擦學與表面技術,2015/01-2019/12,400萬,在研,參與:主持人:田煜 教授。
[7] 國家自然科學基金重點項目,51139005,大型船舶的推進系統-船體動力學耦合理論及方法研究,2012/01/01- 2016/12/31,290萬,結題,參與,主持人:嚴新平 教授。


[1] Dong Conglin,Yuan Chengqing*,Bai Xiuqin,Li Jian,Qin Honglin,Yan Xinping. Coupling mechanism between wear and corrosion processes of 304 stainless steel in hydrogen peroxide environments. Scientific Reports,2017, 7: 2327.(SCI;IF:4.258; JCR分區:Q1)
[2] Dong Conglin,Yuan Chengqing,Bai Xiuqin,Qin Honglin,Yan Xinping. Investigating relationship between deformation behaviours and stick-slip phenomena of polymer material. Wear, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2017.01.061. (SCI源刊;IF:2.323;JCR分區:Q1;引用:3次)
[3] Dong Conglin,Shi Lichun,LiLvzhou,Bai Xiuqin,Yuan Chengqing,Tian Yu. Stick-slip behaviours of water lubrication polymer materials under low speed conditions. Tribology International,2017,106:55–61. (SCI;IF:2.259;JCR分區:Q1;引用:4次)
[4] Dong Conglin, Yuan Chengqing, Wang Lei, Liu Wei, Bai Xiuqin, Yan Xinping. Tribological Properties of Water-lubricated Rubber Materials after Modification by MoS2Nanoparticles. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 35023.(SCI;IF:5.228;JCR分區:Q1;引用:7次)
[5] Dong Conglin,Yuan Chengqing,Bai Xiuqin,Yang Ying,Yan Xinping. Study on wear behaviours for NBR/stainless steel under sand water-lubricated conditions. Wear, 2015, 332-333:1012-1020.(SCI;IF:2.323;JCR分區:Q1;引用:11次)
[6] Dong Conglin,Yuan Chengqing,Bai Xiuqin,Yan Xinping,Peng Zhongxiao. Tribological properties of aged nitrile butadiene rubber under dry sliding conditions. Wear, 2015,322-323:226-237.(SCI;IF:2.323;JCR分區:Q1;引用:16次)
[7] Dong Conglin,Yuan Chengqing,Bai Xiuqin,Yan Xinping,Peng Zhongxiao. Study on wear behavior and wear model of nitrile butadiene rubber under water lubricated conditions. RSC Advances,2014,4:19034-19042.(SCI;IF:3.289;JCR分區:Q2;引用:14次)
[8] Dong Conglin, Yuan Chengqing, Li Jian, Yan Xinping. Assessment model fortribological property of ceramic/stainless steel rubbing pairs in H2O2solution. Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(12):3017-3023.(SCI;IF:1.441;JCR分區:Q2;引用:3次)
[9] Dong Conglin,Yuan Chengqing,Li Jun,Li Jian,Yan Xinping. Study on tribological properties of Al2O3ceramics/1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel rubbing pairs in H2O2solutions. Lubrication Science,2011,23(1):41-48. (SCI;IF:1.384;JCR分區:Q2;引用:6次)
[10] Yuan Chengqing,Li Jun,Dong Conglin,Li Jian,Yan Xinping. Study on tribological properties of ceramics/stainless steel rubbing pairs in hydrogen peroxide solutions. Wear,2011,271(9-10):1617-1622.(SCI;IF:2.323;JCR分區:Q1;引用:4次)
[11] 董從林,白秀琴,嚴新平,袁成清. 海洋環境下的材料摩擦學研究進展與展望. 摩擦學學報,2013,33(3):311-320.(EI
[12] Dong Conglin,Yuan Chengqing,Bai Xiuqin,Yan Xinping,Mao Shuhua. Reliability evaluation of marine propulsion shaft based on stress-strength interference theory. ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,St. John's,Canada,2015.5.31-2015.6.5.(EI
[13] Dong Conglin,Yuan Chengqing,Liu Zhenglin,Yan Xinping. Study on evaluation model of fatigue life of water lubricated rubber stern tube bearing. Prognostics and System Health Management Conference,Shenzhen,China,2011.5.24-2011.5.25.(EI
[14] Yuan Chengqing,Dong Conglin,Zhao Liangliang,Yan Xinping. Marine environmental damage effects of solar cell panel. 2010 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference,Macao, China,2010.1.12-2010.1.14.(EI


[1] 2016年獲2015—2016年度湖北省優秀博士學位論文獎;
[4] 2014年獲“求新”優秀研究生獎學基金優秀博士生獎;
[5] 2013-2014年獲“校三好研究生”;
[6] 2013年11月獲“The Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Prize”;
[7] 2012年12月獲2011—2012年度湖北省優秀碩士學位論文;
[8] 2012年3月獲武漢理工大學2011—2012年度校優秀碩士學位論文;
[9] 2010年10月獲武漢理工大學校三好研究生;
[10] 2010年全國青年摩擦學會議優秀論文獎“水潤滑艉軸承磨損可靠性壽命評估模型研究”。


[1] Dong Conglin, Yuan Chengqing, Bai Xiuqin, Yan Xinping, Mao Shuhua. Reliability evaluation of marine propulsion shaft based on stress-strength interference theory. ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, St. John's, Canada, 2015.5.31-6.5.(宣講論文)
[2] Dong Conglin, Yuan Chengqing, Bai Xiuqin, Yang Ying, Yan Xinping. Study on wear behaviors for NBR/stainless steel under sand water-lubricated conditions. The 20th International Conference on Wear of Materials,The Sheraton Centre, Toronto, Canada, 2015.4.12–16.(宣講論文)
[3] Dong Conglin, Yuan Chengqing, Bai Xiuqin, Yan Xinping. Study on wear behaviour and wear model of nitrile butadiene rubber under water lubricated conditions. 7th China International Symposium on Tribology, Xuzhou, China, 2014.4.27- 30.(宣講論文)
[4] Dong Conglin, Yuan Chengqing, Yan Xinping. Study on the tribological properties of nitrile butadiene rubber with accelerated aging under dry friction conditions. The Fifth World Tribology Congress, Torino, Italy, 2013.9.8–13.(宣講論文)
[5] Dong Conglin, Yuan Chengqing, Liu Zhenglin, Yan Xinping. Study on Evaluation Model of Fatigue life of Water Lubricated Rubber Stern Tube Bearing. Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, Shenzhen, China, 2011.5.24-25.(宣講論文)


