
葛富東,男,博士,副教授,碩士生導師,分數階系統與控制專業委員會委員,IEEE, CAA會員,中國地質大學(武漢)教師。


  • 中文名:葛富東
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:碩士生導師
  • 任職院校:中國地質大學(武漢)
  • 性別:男








已出版Springer英文專著1部(275頁),共發表學術論文30餘篇,其中在Automatica、Information Sciences等國際期刊發表SCI論文21篇,國際會議論文11篇,並且CCC2018會議論文獲得了第24屆關肇直最佳論文獎提名。最近,還擔任了美國控制會議(ACC2019)的Session Co-Chair以及IEEE ICMA2019會議的Session Chair等。
[1]Fudong Ge, YangQuan Chen and Chunhai Kou, Regional Analysis of the Time-Fractional Diffusion Process, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-72895-7,DOI 10.1007/978- 3-319-72896-4, 2018. (278 Pages)
[2]Fudong Geand YangQuan Chen Distributed Event-Triggered Output Feedback Control for Semilinear Time Fractional Diffusion Systems[M]//NonlinearDynamics and Control. Springer, Cham, 2020: 245-253.
[1]Fudong Ge* and YangQuan Chen, Observer-based event-triggered control for semilinear time fractional diffusion systems with distributed feedback. NonlinearDynamics, 99(2) (2019), 1089-1101.
[2]Fudong Ge* and YangQuan Chen, Event-triggered boundary feedback control for networked reaction-subdiffusion processes with input uncertainties. Information Sciences, 476 (2019) 239–255.
[3] Ruiyang Cai,Fudong Ge*, YangQuan Chen, et al. Regional observability for Hadamard-Caputo time fractional distributed parameter systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 360 (2019)190-202.
[4]Fudong Ge*, Thomas Meurer and YangQuan Chen, Mittag-Leffler convergent backstepping observers for coupled semilinear subdiffusion systems with spatially varying parameters. Systems & Control Letters, 122 (2018) 86–92.
[5]Fudong Ge, YangQuan Chen* and Chunhai Kou, Regional controllability analysis of fractional diffusion equations with Riemann–Liouville time fractional derivatives, Automatica, 76 (2017) 193–199.
[6]Fudong Ge, YangQuan Chen* and Chunhai Kou, On the regional gradient observability of time fractional diffusion processes, Automatica, 74 (2016) 1–9.
[7]Fudong Ge, YangQuan Chen, Chunhai Kou and Igor Podlubny*, On the regional controllability of the sub-diffusion process with Caputo fractional derivative, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 19 (5) (2016) 1261–1281.
[8]Fudong Ge, YangQuan Chen* and Chunhai Kou, Actuator characterizations to achieve approximate controllability for a class of fractional sub-diffusion equations,International Journal of Control, 90 (6) (2017) 1212-1220.
[9]Fudong Ge, YangQuan Chen* and Chunhai Kou, Regional gradient controllability of sub-diffusion processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 440 (2016) 865-884.
[10]Fudong Ge, YangQuan Chen* and Chunhai Kou, Boundary feedback stabilization for the time fractional order anomalous diffusion system, IET Control Theory & Applications, 10 (11) (2016) 1250-1257.
[11]Fudong Geand YangQuan Chen*, Extended Luenberger-type observer for a class of semilinear time fractional diffusion systems. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2017, 102: 229-235.
[12] Weijing Song,Fudong Ge* and YangQuan Chen,Subdiffusive Source Sensing by a Regional Detection Method. Sensors,19(16) (2019), 3504.
[13]Fudong Ge, Huacheng Zhou* and Chunhai Kou, Approximate controllability of semi-linear evolution equations of fractional order with nonlocal and impulsive conditions via an approximating technique, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 275 (2016) 107-120.
[14]Fudong Geand Chunhai Kou*, Stability analysis by Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem for nonlinear fractional differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 257 (2015) 308-316.
[15]Fudong Ge, YangQuan Chen* and Chunhai Kou, Cyber-physical systems as general distributed parameter systems: three types of fractional order models and emerging research opportunities [J]. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2015, 2(4): 353-357.
[16] Min Jin andFudong Ge*, Observer-based Event-triggered Output Feedback Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems[C]//2019 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA). IEEE, 2019: 308-313.


