



  • 中文名:北京茗聖軒茶藝館
  • 外文名:Beijing Ancient Tea House
  • 地點:北京
  • 屬性:傳統茶藝館


譯名:Beijing Ancient Tea House


註:風雨滄桑幾經變遷茗聖軒今天地址在 平安大街官園路南


Ming Sheng Xuan
In Ming Sheng Xuan,everything from decorations to furniture is a piece of valuable antique. Although we call ourselves a teahouse, the cultural atmosphere that you can experience in our teahouse will not be any less than what you experience in a museum, if not better.When you come to Ming Sheng Xuan, we want you to taste the best quality tea, also to appreciate the traditional Chinese culture.The Shan Xi stone lion and the large column for horse tying are from the Qing Dynasty. The arch over the gate dates back to Qing Yong Zhen time. It was shipped from Shan Xi, Ping Yuan. From far away, it looks majestic. From up close, you could see the refined carvings that fit under the four themes of “luck,” “wealth,” “longevity” and “happiness.”
The creak of the old Qing Dynasty door’s opening is a perfect introduction of traditional environment that Ming Shen Xuan provides. While studying the antiques, listening to their histories, tasting our refined tea, you can be surrounding by objects and words of luck.
The relatively high doorstep resembles the meaning of keeping out the unfortunate “wind” while keeping in the wealth. It’s said that no one should purposely step on the doorstep, but to step over it. On the door, there is a pair of fish-styled door rings. They mean that “when you stretch out your hand, there are more than enough for you to take.” When you step into the teahouse, there is a slightly uprising slope; it has the hidden wish for the visitor: higher position for every step. Facing the visitor and the door is a Ming Dynasty styled wall; it has the meaning of “good luck is right in front of you.” Then with the accompaniment of sounds from the traditional zither music and the flow of the water fountain, the visitor walks a down a light slope into the teahouse. Having felt an introduction to Chinese traditional culture, you will be seated in Ming Dynasty’s officers’ chairs. Ming Sheng Xuan can bring you back in centuries, offering you the perfect environment for tea tasting.
After having experienced the four features that Ming Sheng Xuan uses to welcome visitors, you can slowly study our unique antique collection and our traditional store setup, which tasting our tea. The ceiling of our teahouse is quite high. There are two stories. When you enter the door, you would see a bright and spacious area with antique tables and chairs for guests. There are also personal rooms available downstairs, and upstairs as well. Everything has been through careful consideration. Even the staircase is an antique that dates back to the Qing Dynasty. Such valuables such as Qing Dynasty Yong Zheng period’s carvings that wish “being the best” can be seen anywhere in the teahouse. Even the cups and plates that visitors use are antiques from centuries back. We think that by using these antiques can give them more appreciation value than by making them exhibits.
Just like what “The Establishment of Our Teahouse, Ming Sheng Xuan” says: every object has a history of more than a hundred years; there are antiques on every table for visitors to examine and appreciate; the paintings on the walls are from famous artists; nothing is a counterfeit. The teahouse is not extravagant, but every detail is perfect; everything is fitting to the specially designed traditional flavor.


