2014.5 - 2018.12 浙白犁詢江大學海洋學院 海洋化學與環境研究所 講師
2016.4-2016.8 香港大學
土木工程系 (中國香港) 訪問助理教授
2014.12-2015.01 成功大學
環境工程系 (中國台灣) 訪問學者
2009.9 - 2013.12 澳大利亞阿德萊德大學地球與環境科學學院 水處理 理學博士
(Dean’s Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence,The University of Adelaide)
2010.1 - 2013.8 澳大利亞水質中心 (AWQC, SA Water Corporation) 專業培訓
課程代碼:69190290 課程名稱:環境化學陵臘旬拜 (本科三年級)
課程代碼:74120190 課程名稱:海洋環境化學(本科三年級)
課程名稱:環境化學進展 (碩士生課程,霉元跨中英文雙語教學)
2018-2020 國家自然科學青年基金
低水平抗生素脅迫下微囊藻的生理生化及水處理行為特徵,51708490 (主持)
2018-2022 國家自然科學重點基金子課題
2018-2021 國家自然科學面上基金
2018-2021 國家自然科學面上基金
2017-2020 國家自然科學面上基金
2015-2016 中央高校基本科研業務費青年專項基金
水處理氧化過程對藍藻細胞及其代謝產物的影響2015QNA4040 (主持)
2009-2013 在隸屬於南澳水公司的澳大利亞水質中心獲得專業的培訓
2009-2013 博士課題-多種化學處理方法對藍藻及其代煉墓整斷謝產物的影響藍槓狼燥藻的控制背厚束
Peer-reviewed international journal articles:
1. Zhang, K., Pan, R., Luo, Z., Zhang, T., Fan, J.*, (2020) Interspecific competition between Microcystis aeruginosa and Pseudanadaenaand their production of T&O compounds. Chemosphere (Elsevier) 252, 126509. IF=5.108, SCI, ZJU top.
2. Fan, J.J., Hu, Y.-B., Li, X.-Y.*, (2018) Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron coated with Magnesium Hydroxide for effective removal of cyanobacteria from water. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (ACS ) 6 (11), 15135-15142. IF=6.97, SCI, 1 citation(from google scholoar)
3. Fan, J.J., Lin, B.-H., Chang, C.-W., Zhang, Y.Q., Lin, T.-F.*, (2018) Evaluation of potassium ferrate as an alternative disinfectant on cyanobacteria inactivation and associated toxin fate in various waters. Water Research (Elsevier)129, 199-207. IF=7.913, SCI, ZJU 100. 11 citations (from google scholar)
4. Wang, J., Zhang, L., Fan, J.J.*, Weng, Y.**, (2017) Impacts of Rac- and S-metolachlor on cyanobacterial cell integrity and release of microcystins at different nitrogen levels. Chemosphere (Elsevier) 181, 619-626. IF=5.108, SCI, ZJU top. 5 citations(from google scholoar)
5. Fan, J.J., Rao, L., Chiu, Y.-T., Lin, T.-F.*, (2016) Impact of chlorine on the cell integrity and toxin release and degradation of colonial Microcystis. Water Research (Elsevier)102, 394-404. IF=7.913, SCI, ZJU 100. 19 citations(from google scholoar)
6. Fan, J.J.*, Hobson, P., Ho, L., Daly, R., Brookes, J., (2014) Application of various control and pre-treatment technologies for cyanobacterial inactivation and toxin removal in wastewater. Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE) 04014022, 1-8. IF=1.657, SCI. 9 citations (from google scholar)
7. Fan, J.J.*, Hobson, P., Ho, L., Daly, R., Brookes, J.**, (2014) The effects of various control and water treatment processes on the membrane integrity and toxin fate of cyanobacteria. Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier) 264,313-322. IF=7.65, SCI, ZJU top. 47 citations (from google scholar)
8. Fan, J.J.*, Ho, L., Hobson, P., Brookes, J.**, (2013) Evaluating the effectiveness of copper sulphate, chlorine, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and ozone on cyanobacterial cell integrity. Water Research (Elsevier) 47, 5153-5164. IF=7.913, SCI, ZJU 100. 103 citations (from google scholar)
9. Fan, J.J., Daly, R., Hobson, P., Ho, L., Brookes, J.*, (2013) Impact of potassium permanganate on cyanobacterial cell integrity and toxin release and degradation. Chemosphere (Elsevier) 92, 529-534. IF=5.108, SCI, ZJU top. 53 citations (from google scholar)
范佳佳. Impact of various control and water treatment processes on cyanobacterial cells. 中國化學會第十二屆全國水處理化學大會暨學術研討會, 2014/10, 中國廣州。
水處理氧化過程對藍藻細胞及其代謝產物的影響2015QNA4040 (主持)
2009-2013 在隸屬於南澳水公司的澳大利亞水質中心獲得專業的培訓
2009-2013 博士課題-多種化學處理方法對藍藻及其代謝產物的影響藍藻的控制
Peer-reviewed international journal articles:
1. Zhang, K., Pan, R., Luo, Z., Zhang, T., Fan, J.*, (2020) Interspecific competition between Microcystis aeruginosa and Pseudanadaenaand their production of T&O compounds. Chemosphere (Elsevier) 252, 126509. IF=5.108, SCI, ZJU top.
2. Fan, J.J., Hu, Y.-B., Li, X.-Y.*, (2018) Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron coated with Magnesium Hydroxide for effective removal of cyanobacteria from water. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (ACS ) 6 (11), 15135-15142. IF=6.97, SCI, 1 citation(from google scholoar)
3. Fan, J.J., Lin, B.-H., Chang, C.-W., Zhang, Y.Q., Lin, T.-F.*, (2018) Evaluation of potassium ferrate as an alternative disinfectant on cyanobacteria inactivation and associated toxin fate in various waters. Water Research (Elsevier)129, 199-207. IF=7.913, SCI, ZJU 100. 11 citations (from google scholar)
4. Wang, J., Zhang, L., Fan, J.J.*, Weng, Y.**, (2017) Impacts of Rac- and S-metolachlor on cyanobacterial cell integrity and release of microcystins at different nitrogen levels. Chemosphere (Elsevier) 181, 619-626. IF=5.108, SCI, ZJU top. 5 citations(from google scholoar)
5. Fan, J.J., Rao, L., Chiu, Y.-T., Lin, T.-F.*, (2016) Impact of chlorine on the cell integrity and toxin release and degradation of colonial Microcystis. Water Research (Elsevier)102, 394-404. IF=7.913, SCI, ZJU 100. 19 citations(from google scholoar)
6. Fan, J.J.*, Hobson, P., Ho, L., Daly, R., Brookes, J., (2014) Application of various control and pre-treatment technologies for cyanobacterial inactivation and toxin removal in wastewater. Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE) 04014022, 1-8. IF=1.657, SCI. 9 citations (from google scholar)
7. Fan, J.J.*, Hobson, P., Ho, L., Daly, R., Brookes, J.**, (2014) The effects of various control and water treatment processes on the membrane integrity and toxin fate of cyanobacteria. Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier) 264,313-322. IF=7.65, SCI, ZJU top. 47 citations (from google scholar)
8. Fan, J.J.*, Ho, L., Hobson, P., Brookes, J.**, (2013) Evaluating the effectiveness of copper sulphate, chlorine, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and ozone on cyanobacterial cell integrity. Water Research (Elsevier) 47, 5153-5164. IF=7.913, SCI, ZJU 100. 103 citations (from google scholar)
9. Fan, J.J., Daly, R., Hobson, P., Ho, L., Brookes, J.*, (2013) Impact of potassium permanganate on cyanobacterial cell integrity and toxin release and degradation. Chemosphere (Elsevier) 92, 529-534. IF=5.108, SCI, ZJU top. 53 citations (from google scholar)