



  • 書名:英語:初2年級第1學期
  • ISBN: 7810809059
  • 類別:教材
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2003年8月1日
  • 讀者對象:11-14歲


出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第1版 (2003年8月1日)
叢書名: 全國外國語學校系列教材·義務教育課程標準實驗教科書
平裝: 129頁
讀者對象: 11-14歲
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7810809059
條形碼: 9787810809054
尺寸: 25.8 x 17.8 x 1.2 cm
重量: 299 g




Unit One
Topic Reading: Entertainment (1)
Topic Writing: International Sports Events
Selected Reading: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Fun Reading: Scientific Tools
Unit Two
Topic Reading: Entertainment (2)
Topic Writing: Movies
Selected Reading: Blue Beard
Fun Reading: Enough Sleep
Unit Three
Topic Reading: Entertainment (3)
Topic Writing: TV Programmes
Selected Reading: Beauty and the Beast
Fun Reading: Mammal
Unit Four
Topic Reading: Humans (1)
Topic Writing: A Healthy Diet
Selected Reading: The Happy Prince
Fun Reading: A Pleasant Surprise
Unit Five
Topic Reading: Humans (2)
Topic Writing: The Human Body
Selected Reading: The Brave Little Tailor
Fun Reading: The Problem of the Well
Unit Six
Topic Reading: Humans (3)
Topic Writing: Feelings and Emotions
Selected Reading: Little Women
Fun Reading: The Problem of Time and the Rider
Unit Seven
Topic Reading: Geography (1)
Topic Writing: Volcanoes
Selected Reading: The Titanic
Fun Reading: The Problem of the Trains
Unit Eight
Topic Reading: Geography (2)
Topic Writing: Mountains
Selected Reading: Anpao's Journey to the Sun
Fun Reading: The Problem of the Billiard Balls
Unit Nine
Topic Reading: Geography (3)
Topic Writing: Rivers and Civilizations
Selected Reading: Dinosaur Valley
Fun Reading: The Problem of the Pie Chart
Unit Ten
Topic Reading: Geography (4)
Topic Writing: Countries
Selected Reading: The Fossil Snake
Fun Reading: Climate
Unit Eleven
Topic Reading: History (1)
Topic Writing: Historical Events
Selected Reading: The Ugly Duckling
Fun Reading: Sounds
Unit Twelve
Topic Reading: History (2)
Topic Writing: A story in the Chinese Sui Dynasty
Selected Reading: The Necklace
Fun Reading: Friction
Unit Thirteen
Topic Reading: History (3)
Topic Writing: Historical Persons
Selected Reading: The Little Match Girl
Fun Reading: Gravity
Unit Fourteen
Topic Reading: Science and Technology (1)
Topic Writing: PC Games
Selected Reading: The Princess and the Pea
Fun Reading: The Lens in a Camera
Unit Fifteen
Topic Reading: Science and Technology (2)
Topic Writing: Reaching for Outer Space
Selected Reading: The Emperor's New Clothes
Fun Reading: Speed
Unit Sixteen
Topic Reading: Science and Technology (3)
Topic Writing: Inventions and Discoveries
Selected Reading: Forgetting Their Manners
Fun Reading: Human Blood Types


