

《英語聽力教程3:英語高級聽力(學生用書)(MP3版)》整套教程共分為三冊。第一冊適合大學一年級學生或英語初學者使用;第二冊的對象是大學二年級學生和有中等英語水平的自學者;第三冊可供大學三、四年級學生和有較高英語水平的自學者使用。每冊均含《學生用書》(Student's Book)和《教師用書》(Teacher's Book),功用不同,相輔相成。《學生用書》以錄音材料中的生詞表、文化背景注釋和配套的練習為主。《教師用書》則包含錄音的書面材料、練習答案和相關文化背景知識的補充讀物。聽力是英語教學中四項基本技能之一,也是中國學生的一個難點。突破這個難關不僅有助於其它單項技能的訓練,同時也為培養學生的英語交際能力奠定一個良好的基礎。在國家教委最近頒布的《高等學校英語專業基礎階段英語教學大綱》和《高等學校英語專業高年級英語教學大綱》中,對於大學一、二、三、四年級學生在聽力方面應該達到的標準都作出了詳細的規定。Listen to This 就是按照這兩個大綱的要求,根據中國英語教學的特點而編寫的《英語高級聽力》(學生用書重印版)(雙色)一套聽力教程。 點擊連結進入:《英語高級聽力(5CD-ROM)(精)》


  • 書名:英語聽力教程3:英語高級聽力
  • 類型:英語與其他外語
  • 出版日期:2002年8月1日
  • 語種:英語, 簡體中文
  • ISBN:7560006477, 9787560006475
  • 作者:何其莘 王敏
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 頁數:443頁
  • 開本:32
  • 品牌:外語教學與研究出版社




Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Five
Lesson Six
Lesson Seven
Lesson Eight
Lesson Nine
Lesson Ten
Lesson Eleven
Lesson Thirteen
Lesson Fourteen
Lesson Fifteen
Lesson Sixteen
Lesson Seventeen
Lesson Eighteen
Lesson Nineteen
Lesson Twenty
Lesson Twenty-One
Lesson Twenty-Two
Lesson Twenty-Three
Lesson Twenty-Four
Lesson Twenty-Five
Lesson Twenty-Six
Lesson Twenty-Seven
Lesson Twenty-Eight
Lesson Twenty-Nine
Lesson Thirty
Lesson Thirty-One
Lesson Thirty-Two
Lesson Thirty-Three
Lesson Thirty-Four
Lesson Thirty-Five
Lesson Thirty- Six


聽力是英語教學中四項基本技能之一,也是中國學生的一個難點。突破這個難關不僅有助於其它單項技能的訓練,同時也為培養學生的英語交際能力奠定一個良好的基礎。在國家教委最近頒布的《高等學校英語專業基礎階段英語教學大綱》和《高等學校英語專業高年級英語教學大綱》中,對於大學一、二、三、四年級學生在聽力方面應該達到的標準都作出了詳細的規定。Listen to This就是按照這兩個大綱的要求,根據中國英語教學的特點而編寫的一套聽力教程。




News in Brief: 1. Freed American hostage Jacobsen
2. Reagads campaign
3. New President in Mozambique
News in Detail: David Jacobsen in West Germany
Special Report: Barnstone on Mao Tsetong's poems
Reading: Hostage Release
News in Brief: 1. US Secret diplomatic mission to Iran
2. Waite and hostage negotiation
3. Family reunion of the Jacobsens
4. US Congress election
Newsin Detail: Former US National Security Advisor's visit to Tehran
Special Report: One fundamentalist religious group on trial
Reading: Blackmailing the US
News in Brief: 1. IBM pulls out of South Africa
2. Demonstrations in Zimbabwe
3. Kohl's meeting with Reagan
News in Detail: West German Chancellor Kohlin Washington
Special Report: A college scholarship program in Boston
Reading: US Big Business Pulls Out
News in Brief: 1. One more American kidnapped in Beirut
2. Soviet UN employee on spy charges
3. A magazine editor killed in Chile
News in Detail: Unrest in Chile
Special Report: Brief history of the Ford Foundation
Reading: Pinochet Strikes Back
News in Brief: 1. A new bill to combat illegal drugs
2. A US-Soviet cultural exchange faces boycott
3. Agreement on the Taba border dispute
News in Detail: New efforts in resolving drug problems
Special Report: A Center for Chinese and American Studies
Reading: 1. Drug Fever in Washington
2. Summit in Alexandria
News in Brief: 1. Senate overrides Reagan's veto
2. American food aid threatened
3. White House's denial of misleading the press
News in Detail: Disinformation campaign against Quddafi
Special Report: TV and teenage suicide rate
Reading: 1. Shadowboxing with Quddafi
2. Quddafi: A War of Leaks
Lesson 7
News in Brief: 1. New immigration law
2. Abortion case in the Supreme Court
3. Elie Wiesel: Nobel Peace Prize Winner
News in Detail: An immigration reform in US
Special Report: Photographs vs. Reality
Reading: March of the Nobel Laureates
Lesson 8
News in Brief: 1. Arrival of Cuban prisoners
2. Reagan announces new plans against drug abuse
3. Shimon Peres in Washington
News in Detail: Israeli Prime Minister's last visit to US
Special Report: Poetry written by medical students
Reading: A Souffle Summit in Egypt
Lesson 9
Newsin Brief: 1. Assassination attempt against Gandhi
2. Jess Moore and Challenger disaster
News in Detail: Rajiv Gandhi escapes an assassination attempt
Special Report: Farmhand program and city dwellers
Reading: India: Gandhi's Escape
Lesson 10
News in Brief: 1. US defense spending bill
2. Air raid in Beirut
3. South Africa and international sanctions
4. Reagan vetos a sanctions bill
5. Trading on Wall Street
News in Detail: Israeli bombs Palestinian bases
Special Report: Strike of Californian wine workers
Reading: Ferment in California
Lesson 11
Newsin Brief: 1. Texas Air buys People Express Airline
2. A rally on Wall Street
3. "Freedom flight of Cuban political prisoners
News in Detail: Expansion of Texas Air Corporation
Special Report: Nancy Griffith and country music
Reading: Country Music
Lesson 12
News in Brief: 1. American reporter Daniloff in West Germany
2. Disagreement on sanctions against South Africa
News in Detail: Daniloffis freed in Moscow
Special Report: Earthquake and new economic structure in Mexico
Reading: 1. A Chillin the Air
2. Trading a Cell for a Finer Hotel
Lesson 13
News in Brief: 1. Impeachment trial ofjudge Claiborne
2. Reagan for a drug free America
3. Bomb explosion in Paris
News in Detail: Terrorist activities in Paris
Special Report: US counter-intelligence efforts
Reading: The Bombs of September
Lesson 14
News in Brief: 1. Resignation of Bernard Kalb
2. US plane crashes in Nicaragua
News in Detail: Bernard Kalb and disinformation program
Special Report: Freedom fighters in Warsaw during World War Ⅱ
Reading: Bernard Kalb's "Modest Dissent
Lesson 15
News in Brief: 1. Release of Daniloff and Iceland meeting
2. Vatican's denouncement against homosexuality
3. Drug-related death of a basketball star
News in Detail: A warm welcome for freed Daniloff
Special Report: Power struggle in CBS
Reading: The Showdown at CBS
Lesson 16
Newsin Brief: 1. Announcement of US-Soviet Iceland meeting
2. Yuri Orlov, Soviet dissident
News in Detail: Forthcoming Iceland meeting
Special Report: Maternity leave and job guarantee
Reading: Yuri Orlov: the End of an Ordeal
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Lesson 20
Lesson 21
Lesson 22
Lesson 23
Lesson 24
Lesson 25
Lesson 26
Lesson 27
Lesson 28
Lesson 29
Lesson 30
Lesson 31
Lesson 32
Lesson 33
Lesson 34
Lesson 35
Lesson 36


