


  • 書名:英語學習動機的激發與培養策略
  • 作者:孟天
  • 出版日期:2014年6月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787561851036
  • 外文名:Motivational Strategies in EFL Classrooms
  • 出版社:天津大學出版社
  • 頁數:164頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:天津大學出版社




Chapter One Motivational Strategies in EFL Classrooms
1. 1 Introduction
1. 2 Definition of motivation
1. 3 Types of motivation
1. 4 Motivation constructs
1. 5 Motivational teaching in EFL classrooms
1. 5.1 Motivational teaching practice
1.5.2 Strategies to initiate and sustain motivation in EFL classrooms
1.5.3 Designing communicative tasks under the guidance of motivational strategies
1.6 Conclusion
Chapter Two Promoting Group Cohesiveness in Language Classes
2. I Introduction
2.2 Group cohesiveness and language class
2.2. 1 Definition of group cohesiveness
2.2.2 Three components of group cohesiveness
2.2. 3 Language class as a social group
2.2.4 Advantages of promoting cohesiveness in a class group
2. 3 Promoting group cohesiveness in language classrooms
2.3. 1 Teachers' awareness and appropriate behavior
2.3.2 Integrating group cohesiveness tasks into language teaching
2. 3.2. 1 Promoting acceptance among students
2. 3.2. 2 Promoting cooperation among students Establishing group goals, constructive group rules and norms Identifying, inviting and assigning student roles
2.4 Challenges for teachers to build a cohesive group
2.5 Conclusion
Samples of promoting group cohesiveness tasks
Task 1 : Building group rules
Task 2: Name poems
Task 3 : Introduction of peers
Task 4: Listening to peers
Task 5 : Good memories of class
Chapter Three Laughter in Grammar Classrooms
3. 1 Introduction
3.2 Grammar teaching in EFL classrooms
3.2. 1 Grammar as the teaching focus
3.2. 2 Problems with grammar teaching
3.2. 3 Form and meaning
3.3 Understanding jokes
3.3. 1 Definition of jokes
3.3.2 Categories of jokes
3.3.3 The language of jokes
3.3.4 The culture context of jokes
3.4 Justifications for using jokes to teach grammar
3.4. 1 Meaningful contexts
3.4. 2 Affective factors
3.4.3 Retention
3.4. 4 Creative language use
3.5 Risks of using jokes to teach grammar
3.6 Guidelines of using jokes to teach grammar
3.6. 1 Instructing how to appreciate jokes
3.6. 2 Adapting jokes
3.6. 3 Laughter in interaction
3.6. 4 Selecting jokes
3.7 Techniques of using jokes to teach grammar
3.7. 1 Analysis
3.7.2 Correcting errors
3.7.3 Expansion
3.7.4 Reconstruction
3.7.5 Reformulation
376 Production
38 Conclusion
Chapter Four Group Work and Communication Strategy Training
Chapter Five Graded Readers and Authentic Reading Materials
Chapter Six The Genre Approach and Creative Writing
Chapter Seven Giving Feedback


