



  • 書名:英語口語自己學:英語口語基本結構
  • 作者:顧南華
  • ISBN:978-7-122-26754-2
  • 頁數:236頁
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年7月
  • 裝幀:平
  • 開本:大32K 850×1168 1/32
  • 版次:1版1次


可靈活使用本套書:一般的英語讀者,只要掌握本套書的“英語口語基本結構”分冊,就可以學會開口說英語,即可達到具有基本的英語口語溝通能力。如果需要進一步拓展自己的口語水平,可以通過自學或在老師指導下,學習本套書的“英語口語高頻動詞”分冊和“英語口語常用短語和表達方式”分冊, 就可以學會說流利和地道的英語,即可達到運用英語自由表達的能力。本書適合自學,也適合在教師指導下循序漸進式的英語口語學習。


Lesson Onewhat is this(that)?what are these(those)?1
Lesson Twothere is,there are5
Lesson Threewhat9
Lesson Fourare you…?do you,does he (she)…?have you,has he (she)13
Lesson Fivewhat timewhat is the timewhat are this(these,those)…made of?what is the color of…?what kind of…?17
Lesson Sixhow manyhow muchhow is(are)22
Lesson Sevenbuyusego to26
Lesson Eightwhere29
Lesson Nineeatlikedo not like33
Lesson Tenlike…better thanprefer…towhat do you like does she(he)likewhat would you like36
Lesson Elevenwhen40
Lesson Twelvewhy44
Lesson Thirteenit's a good(bad)habitit's necessary(important)it is so kind (nice,foolish)of you48
Lesson Fourteenhow oldhow farhow longhow often51
Lesson Fifteencan,can'tcan you…?could you…?55
Lesson SixteenI'd loveI'd (we'd)likewould you like…?60
Lesson Seventeenthinkdo you thinkwhat do you think?I don't thinkI thoughtfindI find(that)64
Lesson Eighteenneeddo you need?wantdo you want?what do you want?try69
Lesson Nineteengivegetget inget offget back to73
Lesson Twentymeanwhat do you mean?bet I(I'll) bet you betwant to bet,wanna bet77
Lesson Twenty OneexpectI'm expectingI don't(didn't)expect I expecthopeI'm hopingI was hoping
I hope so82
Lesson Twenty Twoagreeagree withdecide87
Lesson Twenty Threeseehave you seenI seeyou seehear did you hearI(we) have heard91
Lesson Twenty Fourunderstanddon't understanddo you understandseemseem to be96
Lesson Twenty Fivehow aboutwhat about100
Lesson Twenty SixI'm afraidI'm afraid notinstead instead of105
Lesson Twenty Sevenforgetforget aboutforget itdon't forget to rememberremember me to110
Lesson Twenty Eightconsiderto be consideredall things considered planplan to do,plan on doing115
Lesson Twenty Ninebelievedon't(can't) believebelieve sosuppose be supposed to bebe supposed to dosuppose so120
Lesson Thirtywonder I wonder(if),I'm wondering(if)guessI guessI guess so(not)guess what
(do you know?)125
Lesson Thirty Onesaytellcan you tell...?talktalk about talk totalk with130
Lesson Thirty Twoaskmaketake135
Lesson Thirty Threewishputput on140
Lesson Thirty Fourwhichdo145
Lesson Thirty Fivemustmust haveoughtought to haveshould should have149
Lesson Thirty Six d better (best) d rathermight as well154
Lesson Thirty Sevendo(would)you mind...?will(could,would)please...?159
Lesson Thirty Eightno matter whatno matter how...no matter where...164
Lesson Thirty Ninehow comemaybebe worth169
Lesson Fortyused tobe(get)used(accustomed)to174
Lesson Forty Onecallkeepknow179
Lesson Forty Twoopensendstart184
Lesson Forty ThreeadmitI must(have to)admitallow letlet's189
Lesson Forty Four botherpromiseI promise you I can't promise194
Lesson Forty Fivebe Going tobe Gonna=be going to have got togotta=have got to199
Lesson Forty Sixwant tokind, kind of204
Answers to the Oral Translation


