



  • 中文名:英美經典詩歌選讀
  • 作者:張躍軍
  • 出版社:廈門大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787561568033




上篇 英國詩歌
The Middle Ages
Unit 1 Geoffrey Chaucer
Text: The Canterbury Tales: The General Prologue (Excerpt) The 16th to the 18th Century
Unit 2 William Shakespeare
Text 1: Sonnet
Text 2: Sonnet
Unit 3 John Donne
Text: A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
Unit 4 John Milton
Text 1: Paradise Lost (Excerpt of Book Four)
Text 2 When I Consider How My Light Is Spent
Unit 5 Thomas Gray
Text: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard The Romantic Period
Unit 6 Robert Bums
Text 1: A Red Red Rose
Text 2: Auld Lang Syne
Unit 7 William Blake
Text 1: The Sick Rose
Text 2: The Tyger
Unit 8 William Wordsworth
Text: Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintem Abbey on Revisiting the Banks of the
Wye During a Tour, July 13
Unit 9 Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Text: Kubla Khan Or a Vision in a Dream. A Fragment
Unit 10 George Gordon Byron
Unit 11 Percy Bysshe Shelley
Unit 12 John Keats
Unit 13 Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Unit 14 Alfred Tennyson
Unit 15 Robert Browning
Unit 16 William Butler Yeats
Unit 17 W.H. Auden
Unit 18 Seamus Heaney
Unit 19 Ralph Waldo Emerson


