



  • 中文名:英文經典幽默系列
  • 作者:王勛 、劉新玲
  • 出版時間:2011年8月1日
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社 
  • 頁數:539 頁
  • ISBN:9787302249597
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝




Where is god?
Kids theories of science
Choose the Right One
Czech Dissident
Working in the garden
Frozen to death
Translate your CV
Signs & Notices
Advertising Terms 1
Advertising Terms 2
The Bank Robber
Mother In Law
The Balloonist and the Programmer
Two-Cow philosophy
Out of the mouths of babes
Product Labels
A rich man goes to heaven
Air hostess
Climbing the stairs
Yet another technical support
Birthday belief systems
Doctors & mechanics
The Microsoft waiter
You and your boss
Swapping professional secrets
Hit the floor——A true story
The job interview
Farmer joes accident
A bad hairdresser day
Woman held hostage by pillsbury biscuit
George W. Bush Bible——-His favorite Bible verse
The "noisy cactus" That Turned out to Have Thousands of Tarantulas In It
Live on a Cruise Liner Rather than a Retirement Facility?
The hunters who end up dynamiting a brand new SUV and their dog
on a frozen lake
The danger of Green Grass Snakes
The Louisiana lawyer who was asked to prove title on a piece of property
‘back to its origin.’
The Arkansas woman who thought the rapture was taking place and got
killed on a highway
Insulting voice mail at Pacific Palisades High School
Stories about crazy questions from government employees to travel agents
The man who owed zero and had to pay zero to correct his bill
A dogs eye view of the world
Adopt an NBA player
A French teachers memories: a short nap
A French teachers memories: boys are not born in cabbage fields
A French teachers memories: first day at school
A happy relationship with animals
A true story from the japanese embassy in US


