

姓 名: 苗運法

性 別: 男

專家類別: 傑出青年/四青人才/博士生導師

通訊地址: 甘肅省蘭州市東崗西路320號


  • 中文名:苗運法
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:蘭州大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:自然地理學、孢粉學與環境變化 
  • 職務:博士生導師 


2018.01-至今 中國科學院西北生態環境資源研究院, 研究員
2015.12-2016.12 美國Louisiana State University, 訪問學者
2011.01-2017.12 中國科學院寒區旱區環境與工程研究所, 副研究員
2010.06-2010.12 中國科學院寒區旱區環境與工程研究所, 助理研究員
2010.03-2010.05 德國Senckenberg Naturmuseum, 訪問學者
2007.07-2010.06 中國科學院青藏高原研究所, 博士後
1997.07-2007.07 蘭州大學資源環境學院, 學士、博士


自然地理學、孢粉學與環境變化。具體包括亞洲內陸乾旱環境形成與演化 (沙漠與沙漠化)、青藏高原隆升及其效應 (高原海拔重建、生態環境變化、古火重建與生物多樣性)等。






共發表論文100餘篇,包括一作Science、Geology、Earth-Science Reviews等。同時,授權專利6項 (*通訊作者,#指導的博後或研究生)。
1. Wang ZS#, Miao YF*, Zou YG, et al., 2023. Microcharcoals Reveal More Grass Than Trees During the Mid-Holocene Optimum on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103637.
2. Miao YF*, Zheng T, Huang KY, et al., 2023. Pollen assemblages reflect a Mid-Miocene precipitation gradient in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 617, 111514.
3. Jiang YS, Miao YF*, Zhao YT, et al., 2023. Extreme-wind events in China in the past 50 years and their impacts on sandstorm variations. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 1058275.
4. Liu PL#, Zhang SJ, Qiu MH…Miao YF*…, 2023. Vegetation history and its links to climate change during the last 36ka in arid Central Asia: Evidence from a loess-paleosol sequence in the Eastern Ili Valley. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 1041374.
5. Lei Y#, Miao YF*, Zhao YT, et al., 2023. The effects of meteorological conditions on allergenic airborne pollen in arid Northwest China. Atmospheric Environment, 299, 119647.
6. 向明星#, 苗運法*, 王雪蓮, 2022. 古氣候定量重建—共存似然估計常態分配法的新認識. 古生物學報, 61(01): 123-135.
7. Wang XL, Yang YH, Hua YF… Miao YF*, 2022. Hexicladia, a new genus of the Cisuralian conifer from Hexi Corridor, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 14(22), 3661.
8. Miao YF, Chang H*, Li L, et al., 2022. Early Oligocene—Late Miocene Wildfire History in the Northern Tibetan Plateau and Links to Temperature-Driven Precipitation Changes. Frontiers in Earth Science. 10, 850809.
9. Miao YF*, Warny S*, Liu C, et al., 2022. Palynomorph assemblages evidence for river reorganization 8.5 million years ago in Southeast Asia. Global and Planetary Change, 212, 103808.
10. Zhao YT, Miao YF*, Huang XZ, et al., 2022. Holocene hydroclimate changes revealed by multiple proxies from an alpine lake in the central Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 597, 111004
11. Miao YF*, Nie JS, Wan Z, et al., 2022. Wildfire history and savanna expansion across southern Africa since the late Miocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 603, 111189
12. Miao YF*, Xiang MX, Zhang T, et al, 2022. Comment on “An equable subtropical climate throughout China in the Miocene based on palaeofloral evidence” by Qing Wang, Yan Li David K. Ferguson, Wen-Bo Mo, and Nan Yang, Earth-Science Reviews, [Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103649]. Earth-Science Reviews, 233, 104020
13. Zhao YT, Miao YF*, Li Y, et al, 2022. Non-linear response of mid-latitude Asian dryland vegetation to Holocene climate fluctuations. CATENA, 213, 106212
14. Miao YF*, Fang XM*, Sun JM, et al., 2022. A new biologic paleoaltimetry indicating Late Miocene rapid uplift of northern Tibet Plateau. Science, 378, 1074-1079.
15. Zhao YT, Miao YF*, Lei Y, et al., 2021. Progress, problems and prospects of palynology in reconstructing environmental change in inland arid areas of Asia. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 13(04): 271-291.
16. Zhao YT, Miao YF*, Fang YM, et al., 2021. Investigation of factors affecting surface pollen assemblages in the Balikun Basin, central Asia: Implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Ecological Indicators, 123, 107332.
17. Zou YG#, Miao YF*, Yang SL, et al., 2021. A new automatic statistical microcharcoal analysis method based on image processing, demonstrated in the Weiyuan Section, northwest China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 17.
18. Miao YF*, Song YG*, Li Y, et al., 2020. Late Pleistocene fire in the Ili Basin, Central Asia, and its potential links to paleoclimate change and human activities. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 547, 109700.
19. 王梓莎#, 趙永濤, 苗運法*, 等, 2020. 以孢粉學方法為例淺論黃土沉積物中微體炭屑的統計問題. 乾旱區地理, 43(3): 661-670
20. 王梓莎#, 苗運法*,趙永濤, 等, 2020. 柴達木盆地北緣湖泊表層沉積物炭屑特徵及其環境意義. 中國沙漠, 40(4): 10-17
21. Miao YF*, Wu FL*, Warny S, et al., 2019. Miocene fire intensification linked to continuous aridification on the Tibetan Plateau. Geology, 47(4), 303-307.
22. Miao YF*, Warny S*, Clift PD, et al., 2018. Climatic or tectonic control on organic matter deposition in the South China Sea? A lesson learned from a comprehensive Neogene palynological study of IODP Site U1433. Intern J Coal Geology, 190, 166-177.
23. 苗運法*, 吳福莉, 方小敏, 等, 2018. 青藏高原北部柴達木盆地中新世菌孢子變化及其意義初探. 第四紀研究, 38(1): 67-75.
24. Miao YF, Warny S*, Clift PD, et al., 2017. Evidence of continuous Asian summer monsoon weakening as a response to global cooling over the last 8 Ma. Gondwana Research, 52, 48-58.
25. Miao YF, Warny S*, Liu C, et al., 2017. Neogene fungal record from IODP Site U1433, South China Sea: Implications for paleoenvironmental change and the onset of the Mekong River. Marine Geology, 394, 69–81.
26. Miao YF*, Zhang DJ, Cai XM, et al., 2017. Holocene fire on the northeast Tibetan Plateau in relation to climate change and human activity. Quaternary International, 1-8.
27. 嚴永耀#, 安聰榮, 苗運法*, 等, 2017.新疆青海地區現代地表沉積物顏色指標與氣候參數關係. 乾旱區地理, 40(2): 355-364.
28. Miao YF, Jin HL*, Cui JX, 2016. Human activity accelerating the rapid desertification of the Mu Us Sandy Lands, North China. Scientific Report, 6, 23003.
29. Miao YF*, Fang XM*, Song CH, et al., 2016. Late Cenozoic fire enhancement response to aridification in mid-latitude Asia: evidence from microcharcoal records. Quat Sci Rev, 139, 53-66.
30. Miao YF*, Fang X, Liu Y S C, et al., 2016. Late Cenozoic pollen concentration in the western Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau, and its significance for paleoclimate and tectonics. Rev Palaeobot Palynol, 231, 14-22.
31. Miao YF, Song CH*, Fang XM, et al., 2016. Late Cenozoic genus Fupingopollenites development and its implications for the Asian summermonsoon evolution. Gondwana Res, 29 (1), 320–333.
32. Miao YF, Wu FL*, Chang H, et al., 2016. A Late-Eocene palynological record fromthe Hoh Xil Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau, and its implications for stratigraphic age, paleoclimate and paleoelevation. Gondwana Res, 31, 241–252.
33. Miao YF, Zhang P*, Lu S, et al., 2015. Late Quaternary pollen records from the Yangtze River Delta, East China, and its implications for the Asian monsoon evolution. Arabian J Geosci, 1-10.
34. Miao YF, Jin HL*, Liu B, et al., 2015. Holocene climate change on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from mountain-slope pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs. Rev Palaeobot Palynol, 221, 22–31.
35. 蔡曉敏, 苗運法*, 靳鶴齡, 等, 2015.全新世中期毛烏素沙地炭屑記錄與火災歷史. 中國沙漠, 35(05): 1156-1162.
36. Miao YF, Jin HL*, Liu B, et al., 2014. Natural ecosystem response and recovery after the 8.2 ka cold event: Evidence from slope sediments on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. J Arid Environ, 104, 17-22.
37. Yan XL, Miao YF*, Zan JB, et al., 2014. Late Cenozoic fluvial- acustrine susceptibility increases in the Linxia Basin and their implications for Tibetan Plateau uplift. Quat Intern, 334–335, 132–140.
38. Miao YF, Wu, FL*, Herrmann M, et al., 2013. Late early Oligocene East Asian summer monsoon in the NE Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from a palynological record from the Lanzhou Basin, China. J Asian Earth Sci, 75 (2013) 46–57.
39. Miao YF, Fang XM*, Wu FL, et al., 2013. Late Cenozoic continuous aridification in the western Qaidam Basin: evidence from sporopollen records. Clim Past, 9, 1863–1877.
40. Miao YF, Fang XM*, Song CH, et al., 2013. Pollen and fossil wood’s linkage with Mi-1 Glaciation in northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Palaeoworld, 22, 101–108 (SCI).
41. Zhang P, Miao YF*, Zhang ZY, et al., 2013. Late Cenozoic sporopollen records in the Yangtze River Delta, East China and implications for East Asian summer monsoon evolution. Palaeogeogr, Palaeoclim, Palaeoecol, 388, 153–165.
42. 苗運法*, 楊勝利, 卓世新, 等, 2013. 我國西北乾旱區現代地表沉積物顏色指標與降水關係. 海洋地質與第四紀地質, 33(04): 77-85.
43. Miao YF*, Herrmann M, Wu FL, et al., 2012. What controlled Mid-Late Miocene long-term aridification in Central Asia? –Global cooling or Tibetan Plateau uplift: A review. Earth-Sci Rev, 112, 155–172.
44. Miao YF, Fang XM*, Herrmann M, et al., 2011. Miocene pollen record of KC–1 core in the Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau and implications for evolution of the East Asian monsoon. Palaeogeogr, Palaeoclimat, Palaeoecol, 299, 30–38.
45. Miao YF, Meng QQ*, Fang XM, et al., 2011. Origin and development of Artemisia (Asteraceae) in Asia and its implications for the uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau: a review. Quat Intern, 236, 3–12.
46. Miao YF*, Yan XL, Shao YJ, et al., 2011. Cenozoic Ephedraceae adaptation to global cooling in Northwestern China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 3(5), 0375–0380.
47. 陳傳飛, 苗運法*, 方小敏, 等, 2009. 西寧盆地謝家剖面車頭溝組底部木化石的發現及其意義. 地質學報, 83(08): 1104-1109.
48. Miao YF, Fang XM*, Song ZC, et al., 2008. Late Eocene pollen records and palaeoenvironmental changes in northern Tibetan Plateau. Sci. China, Ser. D: Earth Sci, 51(8), 1089–1098.
49. 苗運法, 方小敏*, 宋之琛,等, 2008. 青藏高原北部始新世孢粉記錄與古環境變化. 中國科學(D輯: 地球科學), (02): 187-196.
50. 苗運法, 方小敏*, 戴霜, 等, 2007. 依據孢粉記錄初探青海湟水流域二級階地的成因. 地質通報, (12): 1697-1702.


1. 苗運法, 張騰, 閆宏傑, 雷艷, 2022. 發明專利: 一種適用於乾旱區的空氣微體顆粒風力分級收集裝置. (ZL 202111042908.5)
2. 鄒亞國, 苗運法, 趙永濤, 等, 2022. 發明專利: 一種基於圖像光譜原理的炭屑自動統計方法 (ZL 2022 1 0574656.9)
3. 苗運法, 閆宏傑, 向明星, 等, 2020. 實用新型: 一種收集空氣孢粉的裝置 (ZL 202020242742.6)
4. 苗運法, 邵亞軍, 吳福莉, 等, 2016. 發明專利: 微體古生物提取自動換水裝置 (ZL 201310063374.3)
5. 苗運法, 王遠平, 孫愛軍, 等, 2014. 實用新型: 孢粉提取過程中提高氫氟酸與矽酸岩反應效率的裝置 (ZL 201420059466.4)
6. 苗運法, 邵亞軍, 吳福莉, 等, 2013. 實用新型: 孢粉提取自動換水裝置 (ZL 201320091591.9)


1. 國家自然科學基金傑出青年項目 (2024-2029): 孢粉學與新生代環境演化
2. 中國科學院“西部之光-西部交叉團隊重點實驗室專項” (2023-2025): 晚新生代青藏高原東北緣植物多樣性演化研究
3. 國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目 (2021-2024), 亞洲中緯度地區上新世大空間降水重建與區域對比研究
4. 國家重點研發計畫 (2020-2025): 荒漠化對氣候變化的回響與反饋及其生態效應
5. 二次青藏科考子子課題 (2019-2024): 高原風化剝蝕歷史及氣候環境效應
6. 中國科學院青促會優秀會員項目 (2019-2022)
7. 中組部“萬人計畫” (2019-2021): 新生代亞洲乾旱環境演化的孢粉學研究
8. 中國科學院A類先導專項(子專題) (2018-2022): 高原北部重大古氣候事件的孢粉記錄
9. 國家自然科學基金面上項目 (2018-2021): 晚新生代大空間尺度上炭屑-古火記錄與亞洲乾旱-季風氣候演化研究
10. 中國科學院西部之光A類 (2018-2020): 黃土高原-毛烏素沙地生態環境變化中的人為和自然因素貢獻率


