



  • 中文名:船舶保全(英文版)
  • 作者:范中洲、蘇作靖
  • ISBN:9787563236992
  • 頁數:118頁
  • 定價:19元
  • 出版社:大連海事大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年9月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Course Overview
1.2 Current Security Threats and Patterns
Chapter 2 Maritime Security Policies
2.1 Relevant International Conventions, Codes and Recommendations
2.2 Definitions
2.3 Handling Sensitive Security Related Information and Communications
Chapter 3 Security Responsibilities
3.1 Contracting Governments
3.2 Recognized Security Organizations
3.3 The Company
3.4 The Ship
3.5 The Port Facility
3.6 The Ship Security Officer
3.7 The Company Security Officer
3.8 The Port Facility Security Officer
3.9 Ship Personnel with Specific Security Duties
3.1 0 Facility Personnel with Specific Security Duties
3.1 1 Other Personnel
Chapter 4 Ship Security Assessments
4.1 Risk Assessment Methodologies
4.2 Assessment Methods and Tools
4.3 On-scene Security Surveys
Chapter 5 Security Equipment and Systems
5.1 Main Security Equipment and Systems
5.2 Operational Limitations of Security Equipment and Systems
5.3 Testing, Calibration and Maintenance of Security and Systems
Chapter 6 The Ship Security Plan
6.1 Requirements of the Ship Security Plan
6.2 Confidentiality Issues
6.3 Implementation and Modification of the Ship Security Plan
Chapter 7 Threats Identification, Recognition, and Response
7.1 Recognition/Detection of Weapons, Dangerous Substances & Devices
7.2 Methods of Physical Searches & Non-intrusive Inspections
7.3 Execution & Coordination of Searches
7.4 Recognition, on a Non-discriminatory Basis, of Persons Posing Potential Security Risks
7.5 Techniques Used to Circumvent Security Measures
7.6 Crowd Management and Control Techniques
Chapter 8 Ship Security Actions
8.1 Actions Required by Different Security Levels
8.2 Maintaining Security of the Ship/Port Interface
8.3 The Familiarity with the Declaration of Security
8.4 Reporting Security Incidents
Chapter 9 Emergency Preparedness, Drills and Exercises
9.1 Execution of Contingency Plans
9.2 Security Drills & Exercises
Chapter 10 Security Administration
10.1 Documentations
10.2 Records
10.3 The Internal Audit
10.4 The External Audit
Annex 1
Annex 2


