



  • 集數:全季共26集
  • 線上播放平台:百度影音
  • 製片地區:澳大利亞
  • 類型:勵志
  • 首播時間:2010年
  • 主演Xenia GoodwinJordan Rodrigues,Alicia Banit,Dena Kaplan,Tara Morice湯姆·格林蒂姆·波考克Robert Alexander,Josef Brown,Stephen Multari
  • 中文名:舞蹈學院
  • 外文名:Dance Academy
  • 其它譯名:Táncakadémia (Hungary)、Dance Academy - Tanz deinen Traum! (Germany)
  • 出品公司:ABC 3
  • 語言:英語


Kat:作為Tara的好友,她幾乎擁有合格好友的所有優點:她古靈精怪,嬉笑怒罵灑脫自如; 她嫉惡如仇,甘願為朋友兩肋插刀;她舞蹈天份極高卻視名利為糞土,仿佛就像個永動機,能為周圍人帶來源源不斷的驚喜與歡樂。毋庸置疑,她就是每個女生心中渴望卻不敢親自實踐的人物。然而其實這樣的人心裡也有渴望安全感的時候。
Ethan:他帥氣、富有、溫和、舞技精湛 是無數男孩心中的偶像,是女生心中的白馬王子,也是Tara的暗戀對象。然而看似擁有一切,總是微笑待人的他其實也很自我,有自己無法超越的競爭對手,也有自己努力追求卻無所得的情感糾葛。


Cameras Start Rolling Today On Dance Academy, Series Two31/01/2011 舞蹈學院第二季已經開拍,將在澳大利亞時間3月31日上映。
Two new characters are set to join the lead cast of ABC3’s popular teen drama Dance Academy when filming starts today in Sydney - producing a further 26 half-hour episodes. Grace Whitney (played by Issi Durant, So You Think You Can Dance) joins the Academy after being kicked out of the Royal Ballet School in London. She immediately takes centre stage and figures if she is going to stay she’s going to need to shake things up. Ben Tickle (played by Tom Lacey, Blue Heelers) is the new class hottie; however his tendency to say the wrong things and aversion to personal hygiene often raises concerns with fellow dancers. Series two will also see the return of cast members including, Tara (Xenia Goodwin), Abigail (Dena Kaplan), Sammy (Tom Green), Christian (Jordan Rodrigues), Ethan (Tim Pocock) and Miss Raine (Tara Morice) as well as regular guest appearances from Kip Gamblin (Home and Away) playing dance teacher Zach, Keiynan Lonsdale (FAME The Musical) playing third year student Ollie and Brooke Harman (Rake) playing dance teacher Saskia Duncan. Seen through the eyes of Tara Webster, the second year at the Academy will be harder and the same allowances as first year will no longer be made. This year the students compete to be part of the world’s most prestigious ballet competition, the Prix de Fonteyn. Dance Academy producer Joanna Werner said: “We are thrilled to start work on the second series of Dance Academy. Our cast have been working hard in ‘ballet boot camp’ in preparation for the demanding shoot ahead. We hope our fans will enjoy what’s in stall for series two.” ABC TV’s Children’s Head of Commissioning and Development, Carla De Jong said: “Dance Academy is an award winning ABC3 program. We are thrilled with the success of series one and we look forward to working with Werner Film Productions in the months ahead.”




