





  • 中文名:舒良樹
  • 出生地:江西玉山
  • 職業:教授,博導
  • 畢業院校:南京大學






聯合培養博士8名;和法國Charvet Jacques教授、Faure Michel教授聯合培養了2名博士(Laurent- CharvetSebastien和王博)。


出版專著6部;發表學術論文256篇(其中SCI檢索101篇: 國際SCI 75篇,SCI-E 26篇)。提交國內外學術會議論文摘要100多篇。
發表的論文成果被國內外同行大量引用。獲國務院“享受政府特殊津貼的專家”獎,全國百篇優秀博士學位論文導師獎, 主持獲得教育部自然科學二等獎3次,省教學一等獎1次、國家精品課程獎1次,等。參加獲獎10餘次。研究成果受到科研和生產部門好評,應邀講學、指導與評審、驗收項目。


南京大學浦口本科校區 “我最喜愛的老師”稱號:2003年
教育部自然科學獎二等獎: 2012年,排名第一(華南早古生代陸內構造-岩漿作用與大陸動力學演化)
教育部自然科學獎二等獎: 2005年,排名第一(天山造山帶東段碰撞變形與運動學研究)
教育部科技進步獎二等獎: 1999年,排名第一(江南中段新元古代碰撞造山運動學及高壓變質帶研究)
中國地質學會優秀論文:2002年, 排名第一(A large-scale Palaeozoic dextral ductile strike-slip zone)
教育部科技進步二等獎: 1992年,排名第六(地體構造研究)
科技部,“中華優秀專利技術”:1998年, 排名第二(中深構造位傾滑斷裂帶的固態流變機制)


近20年一直和法國同行合作研究華南和天山地質等。法方合作負責人Charvet Jacques教授為聯合國地質科學聯合會副主席、法國地質學科委員會主任、地質學會理事長、Orleans大學副校長。1999年被江蘇省人民政府授予“江蘇省外國專家友誼獎”;2002年9月被中國政府授予“外國專家友誼獎”。
1989-1991(France); 96.4.10-96.12.5(France); 98.1.13-98.6.18 (France); 1999.10.16-10.28(New York); 00.3.18-5.13(France); 01.6.9-01.8.8 (France); 01.12.19-12.24 (HongKong); ; 04.6.5-7.2; 04.10.1-8(Osaka, Japan);05.6.3-7.1;06.3.15-3.24(Taiwan); 08.8.5.-8.10(Oslo), 10.9.13-9.17 (Kazakhstan),10.12(San francisco)
附屬檔案 (研究生培養及發表的學術論著):
培養碩士生Training Master degree students :
Zhang Xihui (張喜慧1993-1995), Wang Juefu (王覺富1995-1997), YueHuanyin (岳煥印1996-1998), YinDonghao (印棟豪1998-2000), LiJuan (李娟1999-2002), MuYufu (慕玉福1999-2002), WangBo (王博2000.9-2003.6),Wang Bin (王彬2001.9-2003), ZuFuping (祖輔平2001.9-2004),Yang Fan (楊帆2002.9-present),Wang Renhou (王仁厚2003.9-2006.5), Guo Ping(郭平2003.9-2006.5), Ma Qian (馬前2004-2007.5), Wang Miao (王淼2004-2007.5),LiuHao(劉浩2006.9-2008.6), HuangXianhui(黃顯輝, 2006.9-2009.6)Ao Dekui(敖德逵, 2006.9-2009.6) Fu Weili (付衛麗, 2006.9-2009.6),Xiang Lei(向磊,2007.9-2009.9),Wang Yan(王艷,2007.9-2010.6),WangEnhui(王恩輝,2007.9-2010.6),Li Weiyi (李維禕,2007.09-2010.06),Chen Xijie (陳希節,2008.9-20010.9),Zhang Yuan (張苑, 2008.9-2011.06),Wang Fei (王飛,2008.9-2011.06), Ma Xuxuan(馬緒宣, 2009.09-2011.09), Yao Jinlong (姚金龍, 2010-9-2012.9),Ye Liangwen(葉良文, 2009.09-2012.12),Xiong Changlin(熊長林, 2010.09-); ChenGuohua(陳國華, 2010.09-); Chen Xiaoyong (陳小勇,2011.9-),Wang Jingqiang ( 王靜強,2012.9-),
合作培養博士生Co-training Ph.D degree students:
92.2 - 95.6, 崔可銳 (與施央申教授); 94.9 - 97.11,郭震宇 (與郭令智教授); 95.9 – 99.10, 劉海齡 (與郭令智教授); 1998.9 – 2001.6, 邱愛金 (與郭令智教授);1996.9-2002.5 Laurent-Charvet Sebastien (與Charvet Jacques教授) ;1999.9-2005.6,鐘康惠(與施央申教授);2001.9-2005.10,樓法生(與王德滋教授); 2006.9-2009.9 張芳榮(與王德滋教授)
培養博士生Training Ph.D degree students:
Deng Ping (鄧平2000.9-2003.10), Yu Jianguo (於建國1999-2003.12), YuXinqi (余心起2001.9-2004.6),Guo Jian (郭建2000.9-2005.5),Chen Haiyun (陳海雲2002.9-2006.6),Wang Baichang (王伯長2002.9-2007.10),Sun Shuwen (孫樹文03.9-2008.11 ), Wang Bo(王博2003.9-2006.9),Min Bin (閔斌2004.9-2007.6),DengXinliang (鄧興梁2006.9-2010.10),Zu Fuping (祖輔平,2007.9-2012.8),Xiang Lei(向磊,2009.9-), ChenXijie (陳希節,20010.9-), MaXuxuan(馬緒宣, 2011.09-), Yao Jinlong (姚金龍, 2012-9-),ZhaoLigang (趙理芳, 2012-9-)
1. 羅皓,陳國華,舒立旻,舒良樹*.2012.華南早中生代板內沉積-構造特徵及其對鄰區碰撞事件的回響.地層學雜誌,已錄用
2. 陳國華,萬浩章,舒良樹*, 張 誠,康 川.江西景德鎮朱溪銅鎢多金屬礦床地質特徵與控礦條件分析.岩石學報,已錄用
3. 專著:鄧平,舒良樹.2012. 南嶺東段中-新生代盆山動力學及其鈾成礦作用.北京:地質出版社,1-247.
4. SCI檢索75 Chen Xijie,Shu Liangshu, Santosh M., Zhao Xixi.2012. Island arc-type bimodal magmatism in the eastern Tianshan Belt, Northwest China: Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronologyand implications for the Paleozoic crustal evolution in Central Asia. Lithos,
5. SCI檢索74 Ma Xuxuan, Shu Liangshu, Santosh M.and Li Jinyi. 2012 Article title: Petrogenesis and tectonicsignificance of an early Palaeozoic mafic-intermediate suite of rocks from theCentral Tianshan, northwest China.International Geology Review,
6. SCI檢索73 Yao Jinlong, ShuLiangshu,Santosh M., Li Jinyi. 2012. Precambrian crustal evolution of the South China Block and its relation tosupercontinent history: constraints from U-Pb ages, Lu-Hf isotopes and REEgeochemistry of zircons from sandstones and granodiorite. Precambrian Research, 208-211: 19-48. IF: 4.116*為通訊作者
7. SCI檢索72 Ma Xuxuan, ShuLiangshu*, Santosh M, Li Jinyi. 2012. Detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotope data from Central Tianshan suggesting a link with the Tarim Block: Implications onProterozoic supercontinent history. PrecambrianResearch, 206-207: 1-16. IF: 4.116*為通訊作者
8. SCI檢索70 Yao Jinlong, Shu Liangshu*,Santosh M., Li Jinyi. 2012.Geochronology and Hf isotope of detrital zirconsfrom Precambrian sequences in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen: Constraining theassembly of Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks in South China.Journalof Asian Earth Sciences,IF: 2.215*為通訊作者
9. SCI檢索71 WangaXiao-Lei, Shu Liang-Shu, Xing Guang-Fu, Zhou Jin-Cheng, Tang Ming, Shu Xu-Jie, QiLiang, Hu Yan-Hua. 2012. Post-orogenic extension inthe eastern part of the Jiangnan orogen: Evidence from ca 800–760 Mavolcanic rocks. Precambrian Research
10.SCI檢索72 Wang Shengli, ShuLiangshu, Zhu Wenbin, Xu Mingjie, Lu Huafu, Xiao Zhongyao, Luo Juncheng, ZhuChangjian. 2012. Mesozoic faults in the NE Tarim (western China) and theimplications on collisions in the southern Eurasian margin. Journal of AsianEarth Sciences, 56: 191-199. IF:2.215
11.SCIE檢索26Wang Dezi and Shu Liangshu. 2012. LateMesozoic basin and range tectonics and related igneous rock assemblages of Southeast China. GeoscienceFrontiers, 3(2):109-124.
12.舒良樹. 2012.華南構造演化基本特徵. 地質通報,31(7): 1035-1053.
13.祖輔平,舒良樹*,李成. 2012.永安盆地晚古生代—中—新生代沉積構造環境演化特徵.地質論評,58(1):126-148. *為通訊作者
14.陳希節;舒良樹*;馬緒宣. 2012. 新疆尾亞蛇綠混雜岩與鎂鐵質麻粒岩地球化學特徵及構造意義. 高校地質學報,18(4):1-15. *為通訊作者
15.舒良樹,解國愛,王博,胡文宣,徐仕進. 2012. 新形勢下普通地質學教學內容和課程體系建設的思考.高等理科教育,104(4):143-147.
16. 解國愛,舒良樹,王博,胡文宣,徐仕進. 2012. “普通地質學”實驗教學改革與探討. 教育理論與教學研究, 165(3):28-30.
17. 王博,舒良樹,解國愛,胡文宣,徐仕進. 2012.教改新形勢下如何提高《普通地質學》野外教學質量的思考.
18. 解國愛、舒良樹.2011. 普通地質學實驗及複習指導書,南京:南京大學出版社,1-106.
19. SCI檢索56 ShuLiangshu, Faure Michel, Yu Jinhai, Jahn Borming. 2011. Geochronological and geochemical features of theCathaysia block (South China): new evidencefor the Neoproterozoic breakup of Rodinia. PrecambrianResearch, 187:263-276.
20.SCI檢索57Shu LS, Wang B, Zhu WB,Guo ZJ, Charvet J and Zhang Y. 2011. Timing ofinitiation of extension in the Tianshan, based on structural, geochemical andgeochronological analyses of bimodal volcanism and olistostrome in the BogdaShan (NW China). International Journalof Earth Sciences, 100(7): 1647-1663.
21.SCI檢索58 Shu L S, Deng X L, Zhu WB, Ma D S and Xiao W J. 2011. Precambrian tectonic evolution of the TarimBlock, NW China: new geochronological insights from the Quruqtagh domain. Journal of AsianEarth Sciences, 42: 774-790
22.SCI檢索59 Yao Jinlong,Shu Liangshu*,Santosh M. 2011. Detrital zirconU-Pb geochronology, Hf-isotopes and geochemistry—New clues for the Precambriancrustal evolution of Cathaysia Block, South China.Gondwana Research, 20:553–567 *為通訊作者
23.SCI檢索60 Chen Xijie,Liangshu Shu, Santosh M..2011. Late Paleozoic post-collisional magmatism in theEastern Tianshan Belt, Northwest China:new insights from geochemistry, geochronology and petrology of bimodal volcanicrocks. Lithos,SCI, IF:3.12*為通訊作者
24.SCI檢索61 Ma Xuxuan, ShuLiangshu*,Jahn Bor-Ming, Faure Michel.2011.Precambrian tectonic evolution of Central Tianshan,NW China: constraints from U-Pb dating and in-situ Hf isotopic analysis ofdetrital zircons. Precambrian Research,SCI, IF:4.116*為通訊作者
25.SCI檢索62 Wang B, Shu LS,Faure M, Jahn BM. Cluzel D, Charvet J, Chung SL and Meffre S. 2011. Paleozoictectonics of the southern Tianshan: New insights from structural, chronologicaland geochemical studies of the Heiyingshan ophiolitic mélange (NW China), Tectonophysics, 497: 85-104
26.SCI檢索63 Charvet J, ShuL S, Laurent-Charvet S, Wang B, Faure M, Cluzel D, Chen Y & de Jong K.2011. Palaeozoic tectonic evolution of the Tianshan belt, NW China.Science in China (Earth Sciences), 54: 166-184
27.SCI檢索64 Zhang Yuan,Shu Liangshu, Chen Xiangyun. 2011.Study of geochemistry, geochronology and petro-genesis of the Early Paleozoicgranitic plutons in the central-southern Jiangxi Province.Science in China (Earth Sciences), 54(10):1492-1510. 張苑,舒良樹*,陳祥雲. 2011. 華南早古生代花崗岩的地球化學、年代學及其成因研究-以贛中南為例. 中國科學(地球科學), 41(8):1061-1079.*為通訊作者
28.SCI檢索65 Xu Xianbing, Zhang Yueqiao, Shu Liangshu, Jia Dong. 2011. La-ICP-MSU-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the sheared metamorphic rocks in theWuyishan:Constraints onthe timing of Early Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic tectono-thermal events in SEChina. Tectonophysics, 501(1-4):71-86.
29.SCI檢索66 Zhu Wenbin, Zheng Bihai, ShuLiangshu, Ma Dongsheng, Wu Hailin, Li Yongxiang, Huang Wentao, Yu Junjie.2011. Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the PrecambrianAksu blueschist terrane, northwestern Tarim, China: Insightsfrom LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb ages and geochemical data. Precambrian Research,185:215–230.
30. SCI檢索67 Zhu WB, Zheng BH, Shu LS, Ma DS. 2011. Geochemistryand SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronology of the Korla mafic dykes: Constrains onthe Neoproterozoic continental breakup in the Tarim Block, northwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42:791-804. SCI, IF: 2.215
31. SCI檢索68 ZhangZhiyong, Zhu Wenbin, Shu Liangshu,Wan Jinglin, Yang Wei, Zheng Bihai Su Jinbao. 2011. Multi-stage exhumation ofthe NE Tarim Precambrian bedrock, NW China: constraints from apatite fissiontrack thermochronology in the Kuluketage area. Terra Nova, 23:324-332.SCI,IF:2.163
32. SCI檢索69 WangBo, Jahn Bor-ming, Lo Ching-Hua, ShuLiang-shu, Wu Chieh-Yu, Li Kong-sen, Wang Fei. 2011. Structural analysisand 40Ar/39Ar thermochronolgy of Proterozoic rocks in Sailimu area (NW China):Implication to polyphase tectonics of the North Tianshan.Journal o Asian Earth Sciences, 42: 839-853 (SCI, IF:2.215)
33. 舒良樹,王艷,沙金庚。2011.中國東南部侏羅紀沉積特徵與形成環境研究.地質學刊,, 35(4):337-348.
34.祖輔平,舒良樹*,沈驥千,李成. 2011.金衢盆地的原型及其含油氣前景. 沉積學報,29(4):644-657. *為通訊作者
35.祖輔平,舒良樹*,李成. 2011.永安盆地有機碳同位素特徵與古環境意義. 地層學雜誌,35(3):268-277. *為通訊作者
36.教材舒良樹主編. 2010. 普通地質學. 北京:地質出版社,1-292
37.SCI檢索51 CharvetJacques, Shu Liangshu, Faure Michel,Choulet Flavien, Wang Bo, Lu Huafu, Le Breton Nicole. 2010. Structuraldevelopment of the Lower Paleozoic belt of South China:Genesis of an intracontinental orogen.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 39: 309–330
38.SCI檢索52 Xiang Lei,Shu Liang-shu*. 2010. Predevonian tectonic evolution of theeastern South China block: geochronologicalevidence from detrital zircons.Sciencein China (Earth Sciences), 53(10): 1427-1444.向磊,舒良樹*. 2010. 華南東段前泥盆紀構造演化:來自碎屑鋯石的證據. 中國科學(地球科學), 40(10):1377-1388. *為通訊作者
39.SCI檢索53 Wang Qingchen, ShuLiangshu, Charvet Jacques, Faure Michel, Ma Huadong, Natal’in Boris, GaoJun, Kroner Alfred, Xiao Wenjiao, Li Jinyi, Windley Brian, Chen Yan, GlenRichard, Jian Ping, Zhang Wei, Seltmann Reimar, Wilde Simon, Choulet Flavien,Wan Bo, Quinn Cameron, Rojas-Agramonte Yamirka, Wang Bo, Lin Wei. 2010. Understanding and study perspectives on tectonicevolution and crustal structure of the Paleozoic Chinese Tianshan: Report onthe International Excursion and Workshop, Urumqi, China. Episodes,33(4):242-265
40.SCI檢索54 Wang Bo,Faure Michel, ShuLiangshu, deJong Koen, CharvetJacques, Cluzel Dominique, JahnBor-ming, Chen Yan and Gilles Ruffet. 2010. Structuraland geochronological study of high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Kekesusection (Northwestern China): Implications forthe Late Paleozoic tectonics of the southern Tianshan. Journal of Geology, 118: 59–77. (國際SCI論文)
41.SCI檢索55 Zhu WB, Zhang ZY, Shu LS, WanJL, Lu HF, Wang SL, Yang W and Su JB. 2010. Thermotectonic evolution ofPrecambrian basement rocks in the Kuruktag uplift, NE Tarim craton, NW China: evidence from apatite fission-track data. International Geology Review, 52(9): 941-954(SCI,IF: 1.288)
42.SCI檢索56 ZhengBihai, Zhu Wenbin, Jahn Bor-Ming, ShuLiangshu, Zhang Zhiyong and Su Jinbao.2010. Subducted Precambrian oceanic crust: geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopicevidence from metabasalts of the Aksu blueschist, NW China. Journal of the Geological Society, London,167:1161-1170
43.SCI-E檢索23陳希節, 舒良樹*. 2010. 新疆哈爾里克山後碰撞期構造-岩漿活動特徵及年代學證據. 岩石學報,26(10):3057-3064. *為通訊作者
44.SCI-E檢索24王飛, 王博,舒良樹. 2010. 阿克蘇南華紀大陸拉斑玄武岩對塔里木北緣新元古代裂解事件的制約. 岩石學報, 26(2): 547-558.
45.張苑,舒良樹. 2010. 21世紀實驗岩石學的重大突破—核幔邊界D"層研究. 地質學刊, 34(2):113-116(40634022,40972132)
46.舒良樹. 2010. 盆山耦合.地球科學編委會:“10000個科學難題”(地質學篇) . 北京: 科學出版社, 240~243.
47.張芳榮,舒良樹*,王德滋,沈渭洲,於津海,謝磊. 2010. 江西付坊花崗岩體的年代學、地球化學特徵及其成因研究. 高校地質學報,16(2):161-176 *為通訊作者
48.SCI-E檢索25 張芳榮,沈渭洲,舒良樹. 2010. 江西省早古生代晚期花崗岩的地球化學特徵及其地質意義.岩石學報,26(12):3456-3468(40634022,40972132)
49.徐先兵, *張岳橋, 舒良樹, 賈東, 王瑞瑞, 許懷智. 2010. 武夷山地區前寒武紀地層沉積時代研究. 地層學雜誌, 34(3):254-267.
50.SCI檢索39 Shu L.S., Zhou X.M., DengP., Wang B., Jiang S.Y., Yu J.H., Zhao X.X.. 2009. Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the southeast china block: Newinsights from basin analysis. Journal ofAsian Earth Sciences, 34:376-391
51.SCI檢索40 Shu LiangShu, Wang Yan,Sha Jingeng, Jiang Shaoyong and Yu Jinhai. 2009. Jurassic sedimentaryfeatures and tectonic settings of southeast China. Science in China(D): 52(12): 1969-1978
52.SCI檢索41 Faure M., Shu Liangshu, Wang Bo, Charvet J.,Choulet1 F. andMonie P. 2009. Intracontinental subduction: a possible mechanism for the EarlyPalaeozoic Orogen of SE China. Terra Nova, 21:360-368.
53.SCI檢索42 Shen Weizhou, Linhongfei, Shu Liangshu, Zhang Fangrong and XiangLei. 2009. Sm—Nd isotopic compositions of Cambrian-Ordovician strata at theJinggangshan area in Jiangxi Province:tectonicimplications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(10): 1750-1758 沈渭洲, 凌洪飛, 舒良樹, 張芳榮, 向磊. 江西井岡山地區寒武-奧陶紀地層的Sm-Nd同位素組成及其構造意義. 科學通報,54(10): 1750-1758.
54.SCI-E檢索21沈渭洲, 舒良樹, 向磊, 張芳榮, 王博.2009. 江西井岡山地區早古生代沉積岩的地球化學特徵及其對沉積環境的制約. 岩石學報,25(10):2442-2458 Shen WZ, Shu LS, Xiang L, Zhang FR and Wang B.2009. Geochemical characteristics of Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in theJinggangshan area, Jiangxi Province and theconstraining to the sedimentary environment. Acta Petrologica Sinica,25(10):2442-2458
55.SCI檢索43 Wang Bo,Cluzel Dominique,Shu Liangshu,FaureMichel,CharvetJacques,ChenYan,MeffreSebastien and de Jong Koen. 2009. Evolution of calc-alkaline to alkalinemagmatism through Carboniferous convergence to Permian transcurrent tectonics,western Chinese Tianshan. Int J EarthSci (Geol Rundsch), 98:1275–1298
56.SCI檢索44 Wang Bo,Faure Michel,ShuLiangshu, de Jong Koen, Charvet Jacques, Cluzel Dominique, Jahn Bor-ming, Chen Yan and Gilles Ruffet. 2010. Structural and geochronological studyof high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Kekesu section (Northwestern China): Implications for the Late Paleozoic tectonics of thesouthern Tianshan. Journal of Geology,118: 59–77.
57.SCI檢索45 Zhu WB; Zhang ZY; ShuLS. 2009. Unravelling the exhumation history of the Precambrianbssement rocks in the northern Tarim through apatite fission tracktheomochronology.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73: A1532-A1532
58.SCI檢索46 Zhang Zhiyong,ZhuWenbin,Shu Liangshu, Wan Jinglin, Yang Wei,Su Jinbao, Zheng Bihai. 2009. Thermo-tectonic evolution of Precambrianblueschists in Aksu, Xinjiang, NW China. GondwanaResearch,16:182-188
59.SCI檢索47 Zhang Zhiyong,ZhuWenbin,Shu Liangshu, Su Jinbao, Zheng Bihai.2009. Neoproterozoic ages of the Kuluketage diabase dyke swarm in Tarim ofnorthwest Chinaand its relationship to the breakup of Rodinia. Geological Magazine, 146(1): 150-154.
60.SCI檢索48 de Jong. Koen, Wang Bo,Faure Michel, Shu Liangshu, CluzelDominique,Charvet Jacques, Ruffet Gilles, Chen Yan. 2009. New 40Ar/39Ar ageconstraints on the Late Palaeozoic tectonic evolution of the western Tianshan(Xinjiang, northwestern China),with emphasis on Permian fluid ingress.International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98:1239–1258.
61.SCI-E檢索22於津海,王麗娟, O’Reilly S Y, 舒良樹, 孫濤. 2009. 贛南存在古元古代基底:來自上猶陡水煌斑岩中捕虜鋯石的U-Pb-Hf同位素證據. 科學通報, 54(7):898-905. Yu Jinhai, Wang Lijuan, O’Reilly S Y, Shu Liangshu and Sun Tao. 2009. Paleoproterozoic basement beneaththe southern Jiangxi Province: Evidence fromU-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopes of zircons in the Doushui lamprophyre. Chin. Sci. Bull., 54(7):1555-1563.
62.SCI檢索49 Zhang Zhiyong,ZhuWenbin,Shu Liangshu, Wan Jinglin, Yang Wei,Su Jinbao, Zheng Bihai. 2009. Thermo-tectonic evolution of Precambrianblueschists in Aksu, Xinjiang, NW China. GondwanaResearch,16:182-188 SCI,IF:5.503
63.SCI檢索50 Ding Haifeng, MaDongsheng, Yao Chunyan and Shu Liangshu.2009. Sedimentary environment of Edicaran glacigenic diamictite in Guozigou of Xinjiang, China.Chinese Science Bulletin, 54:3283-3294.
64.張芳榮,舒良樹*,王德滋,於津海,沈渭洲. 2009. 華南東段加里東期花崗岩類形成構造背景探討. 地學前緣,16(1):248-260. *為通訊作者
65.楊帆,舒良樹,張富生. 2009. 南天山基性麻粒岩中變形石英和石榴子石的TEM研究. 大地構造與成礦學,334):481-487
67.劉浩, 孫岩, 舒良樹, 陸現彩. 2009. 華南武功山地區韌性剪下帶的納米尺度量測研究. 地質學報,83(5): 609-616.
68.徐先兵,張岳橋,舒良樹,賈東,王瑞瑞,許懷智. 2009. 閩西南瑋埔岩體和贛南菖蒲岩體鋯石La-ICPMS U-Pb年代學:對武夷山加里東運動時代的制約. 地質論評,55(2):277-285
69.張岳橋,徐先兵,賈東,舒良樹. 2009. 華南早中生代從印支期碰撞構造體系向燕山期俯衝構造體系轉換的形變記錄. 地學前緣,16(1):234-247
70.SCI檢索34 Shu Liangshu, Faure Michel, Wang Bo, Zhou Xinmin, Song Biao. 2008.Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic Geological Features of SouthChina: Response to the Indosinian Collision Event in Southeast Asia, Comptes rendus Geoscience (C R Geosci), 340(2-3): 151—165.
71.SCI檢索35 ShuLiangshu, Deng Ping, Yu Jinhai, Wang Yanbin and Jiang Shaoyong. 2008.The age and tectonic environment of the rhyolitic rocks on the western side of Wuyi Mountain,South China. Science in China (D): 51(8): 1053-1063. 舒良樹, 鄧平, 於津海,王彥斌,蔣少涌. 2008. 武夷山西緣流紋岩的形成時代及其地球化學特徵. 中國科學(D),38(8): 950-959.
72. 舒良樹,於津海,賈東,王博,沈渭洲,張岳橋. 2008. 華南東段早古生代造山帶研究. 地質通報, 27(10):1581-1593
73.SCI-E檢索15Sun Yan, Shu Liangshu, Lu Xiancai, Liu Hao, Zhang Xihui, LinAiming, Kosaka Kazuo.2008. Recent progress in studies on the nano-sizedparticle layer in rock shear planes. Progress in Natural Science, 18 :367–373
74.SCI檢索36 SunYan, Shu Liangshu, Lu Xiancai, Liu Hao, Zhang Xihui, Kosaka Kazuo, LinAiming.2008. A comparative study of natural and experimental nano-sizedgrainding grain textures in rocks. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(8):1217-1221
75.SCI檢索37 Zhu Wenbin, Zhang Zhiyong, Shu Liangshu, Lu Huafu,Su Jinbao & Yang Wei. 2008. SHRIMPU–Pb zircon geochronology of Neoproterozoic Korla mafic dykes in the northernTarim Block, NW China: implications for the longlasting breakup process ofRodinia. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 165: 887–890
76.SCI-E檢索16 Zhu WB, Wan JL, Shu LS,Zhang ZY, Su JB, Sun Y, Guo JC, Zhang XY. 2008. Late Mesozoic thermotectonic evolution of the Jueluotage Range,Eastern Xinjiang , Northwest China: Evidencefrom apatite fission track data. Acta Geologica Sinica, 82(2) : 348-357
77.SCI檢索38 WangBo, Faure Michel, Shu Liangshu,Cluzel Dominique, Charvet Jacques, De Jong Koen and ChenYan. 2008. Paleozoic tectonic evolution ofthe Yili Block, Western Chinese Tianshan. Bulletinde la Societé Géologiquede France, 179(5) : 483-490
78. SCI-E檢索17沈渭洲, 張芳榮, 舒良樹, 王麗娟, 向磊. 2008. 江西寧岡岩體的形成時代、地球化學特徵及其構造意義. 岩石學報, 24(10) : 2244-2254
79.SCI-E檢索18鄧興梁,舒良樹*,朱文斌,馬東升. 2008. 王博新疆興地斷裂帶前寒武紀構造-岩漿-變形作用特徵及其年齡. 岩石學報, 24(11):2000-2808 *為通訊作者
80.SCI-E檢索19 張志勇,朱文斌,舒良樹,萬景林,楊偉,蘇金寶. 2008. 新疆阿克蘇地區前寒武紀藍片岩構造-熱演化史.岩石學報,2411):2849-2856.
81.SCI-E檢索20鄭碧海,朱文斌,舒良樹,張志勇,於俊傑,黃文濤. 2008.阿克蘇前寒武紀藍片岩原岩產出的大地構造背景. 岩石學報2411):2839-2848.
82.SCI-E檢索11 Shu Liangshu,Zhou Xinmin, Deng Ping and Zhu Wenbin. 2007. Mesozoic–Cenozoic Basin Features and Evolution of Southeast China Acta Geol. Sinica, 81 (4): 573–586.
83.舒良樹,王博,朱文斌. 2007. 南天山蛇綠混雜岩中放射蟲化石的時代及其構造意義.地質學報, 81(6):1161-1168
84.舒良樹. 2007. 南嶺地區地質背景及華南中生代盆地分布章節.周新民主編:南嶺地區晚中生代花崗岩成因與岩石圈動力學演化. 北京:科學出版社,3-22.
86.SCI檢索29 CharvetJacques, Shu Liangshu and Laurent-Charvet Sébastien. 2007. Paleozoicstructural and geodynamic evolution of eastern Tianshan (NW China): welding ofthe Tarim and Junggar plates. Episodes,30 (3): 162-186.
87.SCI檢索30 Sun Shuwen, Shu Liangshu, Zeng Yanwei, Cao Jian and Feng Zhiqiang.2007. Porosity–permeability and textural heterogeneity of reservoir sandstones from theLower Cretaceous Putaohua Member Of Yaojia Formation, Weixing Oilfield,Songliao Basin, Northeast China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 24 (2):109–127 (孫樹文是舒指導的博士生)
88.SCI檢索31 Min Bin, Shu Liangshu,Yin Huibin, Xin Weijiang and DirongZhang. 2007. Conglomerate reservoir characterizationin the Caiyu field of the Langgu Sag, North China.Marine and Petroleum Geology, 24: 579–590 (閔斌是舒指導的博士生)
89.SCI檢索32 Wang B, Shu L S, Cluzel D, Faure M and CharvetJ. 2007. Geochemical Constraints on Carboniferous Volcanic rocks of Yili Block(Xinjiang, NW China): implication for thetectonic evolution of Western Tianshan. Journalof Asian Earth Sciences, 29:148-159 (Wang B0是舒指導的博士生)
90.SCI檢索33 Wang Bo, Chen Yan, Zhan Sheng, Shu Liangshu, Faure Michel, CluzelDominique, Charvet Jacques, Laurent-Charvet Sébastien. 2007. PrimaryCarboniferous and Permian paleomagnetic results from the Yili Block (NW China)and their implications on the geodynamic evolution of Chinese Tianshan Belt. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,263: 288-308 (Wang B0是舒指導的博士生)
91.SCI-E檢索12 王博, 舒良樹, Faure M, Cluzel D, CharvetJ.2007. 科克蘇穹庫什太古生代構造岩漿作用及其對西南天山造山時代的約束. 岩石學報,23(6):1354-1368.
92.SCI-E檢索13王博, 舒良樹,Cluzel D, Faure M, Charvet J.2007. 伊犁北部博羅霍努岩體年代學和地球化學研究及其大地構造意義. 岩石學報,23(8):1885-11900.
93.SCI-E檢索14朱文斌,張志勇,舒良樹,萬景林,盧華復,王勝利,楊偉,蘇金寶. 2007. 塔里木北緣前寒武基底隆升剝露史:來自磷灰石裂變徑跡的證據. 岩石學報, 23 (7):1671-1682
94.王淼, 舒良樹. 2007. 武夷山新元古代蛇綠混雜岩岩石地球化學特徵. 中國地質,34(4):572-583. (王淼是舒指導的碩士生)
95.王德滋,舒良樹.2007.花崗岩構造岩漿組合. 高校地質學報,13(3):362-370.
96.專著:郭召傑,陳正樂,舒良樹,李勝祥等. 2006. 中國西部中亞型造山帶中新生代陸內造山過程與砂岩型鈾礦成礦作用.北京:地質出版社,1-393(舒執筆22-41,194-204,212-229)
97.SCI檢索25 Liangshu Shu, Michel Faure, Shaoyong Jiang, Qun Yang, and Yujing Wang. 2006. SHRIMPzircon U-Pb age, litho- and biostratigraphic analyses of the Huaiyu Domain in South China— Evidence for a Neoproterozoic orogen, notLate Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic collision. Episodes, 29(4): 244-252
98.SCI檢索26 Zhu Wenbin, Shu Liangshu, Sun Yan,Wang Feng andZhan Zhongyan. 2006. Mesozoic-Cenozoic deformation of the central structuralbelt in the Turpan-Hami basin, Northwest China: tectonic evolution of anintracontinental basin, Central Asia. InternationalGeology Review. 48(3): 271-285
99.SCI檢索27 Zhou Xinmin, Sun Tao, Shen Weizhou, Shu Liangshuand Niu Yaoling.2006. Petrogenesis of Mesozoic granitoids and volcanicrocks inSouth China: A response to tectonicevolution. Episodes, 29(1): 26-33
100. SCI檢索28 Wang B0, Faure M, Cluzel D,Shu Liangshu and Charvet J. 2006. Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of WestChinese Tianshan belt. Geodinamica Acta,19(3-4): 227-237 (Wang B0是舒指導的博士生)
101. 舒良樹,周新民,鄧平,余心起.2006. 南嶺構造帶的基本地質特徵.地質論評, 52(2): 251-265
102. 舒良樹,王德滋. 2006.北美西部與中國東南部盆嶺構造對比研究.高校地質學報, 12(1):1-13.
103. 舒良樹.2006.華南前泥盆紀構造演化:從華夏地塊到加里東期造山帶.高校地質學報, 12(4): 418- 431
104. 王彬,舒良樹,楊振宇. 2006. 贛閩粵地區早、中侏羅世構造地層研究. 地層學雜誌,301):42-49(舒為通訊作者)
105. 王博,舒良樹,CluzelD, Faure M, Charvet J. 2006. 新疆伊犁北部石炭紀火山岩地球化學特徵及其地質意義.中國地質,33(3):498-508(舒為通訊作者)
106. 馬前,舒良樹,朱文斌. 2006. 天山烏-庫公路剖面中、新生代埋藏、隆升及剝露史研究. 新疆地質,24(2): 99-104(舒為通訊作者)
107. 朱文斌,舒良樹,萬景林,孫岩,王鋒,趙忠岩. 2006. 新疆博格達-哈爾里克山白堊紀以來剝露歷史的裂變徑跡證據. 地質學報, 80 (1): 16-22
108. 余心起,吳淦國,舒良樹,顏鐵增,張達,狄永軍. 2006. 白堊紀時期贛杭構造帶的伸展作用. 地學前緣,13(3)31-43
109. 徐士銀,張慶龍,舒良樹,馬前,王淼,畢素萍.2006. 反轉構造的識別及其地質意義. 江蘇地質,30(1):6-9
110. SCI-E檢索7 舒良樹, 朱文斌, 王博, 福赫 M, 夏飛 J, 克利萊爾 D. 2005. 新疆博格達南緣後碰撞期陸內裂谷和水下滑塌構造. 岩石學報,21 (1):25-36
111. SCI檢索22 L. SHU, W.ZHU, Y. SUN AND X. ZHOU.2005. Tectonic Basement of South China. Geochimica et Cocmochimica Acta, 69(10s): A306 (論文摘要)
112. SCI檢索23 W. ZHU,L. SHU, Y. Sun, F. Wang and Z. Zhao. 2005. Mesozoic-Cenozoic exhumationhistory of North Tianshan, Northwest China:Constrains from fission track analysis. Geochimicaet Cocmochimica Acta, 69(10s):A310 (論文摘要)
113. 舒良樹,王博,王良書,何光玉. 2005. 蘇北盆地晚白堊世-新近紀原型盆地分析. 高校地質學報, 11(4):534-543
114. 舒良樹. 2005. 為人師表,執著進取—郭令智院士教學科研軌跡. 中國地質教育,(2):1-4
115. 余心起,舒良樹,顏鐵增,祖輔平.2005. 贛杭構造帶紅層盆地原型及其沉積作用. 沉積學報,23(1):12-20(舒為通訊作者)
116. 余心起,舒良樹,鄧國輝,王彬,祖輔平. 2005. 江西吉泰盆地鹼性玄武岩的地球化學特徵及其構造意義. 現代地質, 19(1):133-140 (舒為通訊作者)
117. 王仁厚,舒良樹,邢志貴,魏喜,宋柏榮. 2005. 遼河斷陷大民屯凹陷靜北灰岩古潛山地層時代研究.地層學雜誌293):295-302(舒為通訊作者)
118. 陳海雲,舒良樹,於建國,侯方英,吳龍麗.2005.濟陽坳陷構造樣式及其與油氣關係. 高校地質學報, 11(4):67-76 (舒為通訊作者)
119. 樓法生,舒良樹,王德滋. 2005. 變質核雜岩研究進展.高校地質學報, 11(1):67-76
120. SCI-E檢索8 ZhuWenbin, Wan Jinglin, Shu Liangshu, Sun Yan, Guo Jichun, Wang Feng. 2005. Mesozoic-Cenozoic thermal historyof Turpan-Hami basin: apatite fission track constraints. Progress in NaturalScience, 15(4): 331-336 朱文斌,萬景林,舒良樹,孫岩,王鋒. 2004. 吐魯番—哈密盆地中新生代熱歷史:磷灰石裂變徑跡證據. 自然科學進展,14(10):1194-1198
121. SCI-E檢索9 Sun Yan, Lu Xiancai, ShuLiangshu, Gu Lianxing, Zhu Wenbin, Guo Jichun and Lin Aiming. 2005.Observation of ultra-microtexture of fault rocks in shearing-sliding zones. Progress in Natural Science, 15(5): 430-434. 孫岩,陸現彩,舒良樹,顧連興,朱文斌,郭繼春. 2005. 剪下滑動帶斷層岩中超微結構的實例觀測和研究展望. 自然科學進展,15(1):15-20
122. SCI檢索24 Lu Xiancai, SunYan, Shu Liangshu, Gu Lianxing, Guo Jichun and Zhu Wenbin.2005.Cataclastic rheology of carbonate rocks. Science in China (D),48(8):1227-1233. 孫岩,陸現彩,舒良樹,顧連興,郭繼春,朱文斌. 2004. 碳酸鹽岩的碎裂流變研究. 中國科學(D),34(12):1111-1117.
123. SCI-E檢索10 Yang Qun, WangYujing, Yin Leiming, Shu Liangshu, Lou Fasheng, Wang Bo. 2005. On theage of the ophiolitic complexes in northeastern Jiangxi: a micropaleontological analysis.Acta Geologica Sinica, 79(3): 308-312
124. 朱文斌,萬景林,舒良樹,孫岩,趙忠岩. 2005.裂變徑跡定年技術在構造演化研究中的套用. 高校地質學報, 11(4):593-600
125. 樓法生, 沈渭洲, 王德滋, 舒良樹, 吳富江, 張芳榮, 於津海. 2005. 江西武功山穹隆複式花崗岩的鋯石U-Pb年代學研究. 地質學報, 79 (5): 636-644
126. 孫岩,陸現彩,劉德良,舒良樹,朱文斌,郭繼春.2005. 斷裂剪下帶厘米級磨礫和納米級磨粒的發現、命名及其油氣地質意義.高校地質學報, 11(4):521-526
127. SCI檢索17 Shu Liangshu, Deng Ping,WangBin,Tan Zhengzhong,Yu Xinqi,Sun Yan. 2004. Lithology, Kinematicsand Geochronology Related to Late Mesozoic Basin-Mountain Evolution in theNanxiong-Zhuguang Area, South China.Science in China (D), 47(8):673-688 舒良樹,鄧平, 王彬,譚正中,余心起,孫岩.2004.南雄-諸廣地區晚中生代盆山演化的岩石化學、運動學與年代學制約.中國科學(D),34(1):1-13.
128. SCI-E檢索6 鄧平,舒良樹,余心起,王彬,譚正中,孫岩. 2004.閩西-贛南早-中侏羅世盆地及其火山岩特徵.岩石學報,20(3):521-532(舒為通訊作者)
129. SCI檢索18 Yu Xinqi, Shu Liangshu*,2004. Late Mesozoic crustal evolution of the Ganhang belt, South China:constraints from geochemistry of volcanic rocks. Geochimicaet Cocmochimica Acta,68(11s): A723 (舒為通訊作者)(論文摘要)
130. SCI檢索19 Zhu Wen-Bin,Shu Liang-Shu, Zhao Min, Sun Yan. 2004.Geochemical characteristicsand genesis of the Late Paleozoic metamorphic rocks in eastern Tianshan, Northwest China. Geochimica et Cocmochimica Acta,68(11s):A622 (論文摘要)
131. 舒良樹,周新民,鄧平,余心起,王彬,祖輔平. 2004. 中國東南部中、新生代盆地特徵與構造演化.地質通報23(9-10):876-884
132. 舒良樹, 郭召傑, 朱文斌, 盧華復, 王博. 2004. 天山地區碰撞後構造與盆山演化.高校地質學報, 10(3):393-404
133. SCI檢索20 Zhu Wen-Bin,Shu Liang-Shu, Ma Rui-Shi, Sun Yan.2004. Comment on “ Characteristics anddynamic origin of the large-scale Jiaoluotage ductile compressional zone in theeastern Tianshan Mountains, China” by X.W.Xu, L.Q.Sun and X.P. Cai. Journalof Structural Geology,26:2331-2335
134. 余心起,舒良樹,顏鐵增,俞雲文,祖輔平,王彬,2004.江山-廣豐地區早白堊世晚期玄武岩的岩石地球化學及其構造意義.地球化學,33(5):465-476(舒為通訊作者)
135. 陳海雲,舒良樹, 張雲銀,林春明,劉國宏,趙彥彥. 2004. 合肥盆地中、新生代構造演化.高校地質學報, 10(2):250-256
136. 朱文斌,舒良樹,孫岩,郭令智,王鋒.2004.塔里木北緣晚新生代斷裂活動的年代學.礦物學報,24(3):225-230
137. 鐘康惠,劉肇昌,舒良樹,李凡友,施央申. 瀾滄江斷裂帶的新生代走滑運動學特點. 地質論評, 50(1):1-8
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140. SCI檢索21 SHU Liangshu, YU Jinhai, CHARVET J,Laurent-Charvet S,Zhang Rengu,Sang Haiqing. 2004. Isotopic dating andgeochemical constraint: granulite features in the eastern part of the Tianshanbelt, NW-China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,24(1):25 – 41
141. SCI-E檢索4 Shu Liangshu, Wang Bo, YangFan, Lu Huafu, Charvet J and Laurent C S. 2003. Polyphase Tectonic Events and Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basin-Range Coupling inthe Chinese Tianshan belt.Acta Geol. Sinica, 77(4): 457-467
142. SCI-E檢索5 Sun Yan, ShuLiangshu, Guo Jichun, Zhu Wenbin, Zhang Xihui, Chen Xiangyun, Wang Feng andFaure M. 2003. Tectono-geochemistryanalyses of fault rocks in shear zone of metamorphic core complex in north Jiangxi, China.Progress in natural science, 13(5):367-373
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144. SCI檢索15 Laurent-Charvet S, Monié P, Charvet J, Shu Liangshu and Ma Ruishi. 2003.Late-Paleozoic strike-slip shear zones in northeastern Xinjiang (NW China): newstructural and geochronological data. Tectonics, 22(2):1009-1032
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146. 舒良樹,王玉淨. 2003. 新疆卡拉麥里蛇綠岩帶中矽質岩的放射蟲化石. 地質論評,49(4): 408-412
147. 舒良樹,慕玉福,王伯長. 2003. 松遼盆地地質構造特徵與油氣關係. 地層學雜誌,27(4):340-347
148. 舒良樹,盧華復,印棟豪,王博. 2003.中、南天山古生代增生-碰撞事件和變形運動學研究.南京大學學報(自然科學版),39(1):17-30
149. 舒良樹, 馬瑞士,王賜銀,盧華復.2003. 天山東段尾亞和榆樹溝麻粒岩及其韌性變形. 何國琦,徐新主編:中國新疆天山地質與礦產論文集. 北京:地質出版社, 66-79
150. 鄧平,舒良樹,郭英傑,楊明桂.2003. 贛江斷裂帶地質特徵及其動力學研究. 地質論評,49(2):113-122(鄧為舒的博士)
151. 鄧平,舒良樹, 譚正中. 2003. 諸廣-貴東大型鈾礦聚集區富鈾礦成礦地質條件. 地質論評,49(5):486-494
152. 余心起,舒良樹,鄧平,王彬,祖輔平. 2003. 中國東南部侏羅紀—第三紀陸相地層沉積特徵.地層學雜誌,27(3):254-263 (舒為通訊作者)
153. 余心起,舒良樹,鄧平,王德恩,支利賡,2003.皖南晚震旦世中、淺海沉積環境. 沉積學報,21(3):398-403.
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155. 鐘康惠,劉肇昌,舒良樹,李凡友,施央申. 2003. 雲南永勝寶坪滑覆構造聚礦. 礦床地質,22(3);226-233
1. 專著:邱愛金,郭令智,鄭大瑜, 舒良樹. 2002. 大陸構造作用對相山富大鈾礦形成的制約. 北京: 地質出版社, 1-103.
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6. 樓法生,舒良樹,於津海,王德滋. 2002.江西武功山穹隆花崗岩岩石地球化學特徵與成因.地質論評,48(1):80-88.(樓為舒協助指導的博士生)
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