2001年訪問日本Nihon University 並考察富士山島弧和中央構造帶。
2006年訪問美國 University of Texas at Dallas 並考察落基山島弧。
塔里木北緣前寒武紀基底岩系構造熱演化的裂變徑跡研究(批准號:40573038, 2006-2008) 國家自然科學基金,主持人
濟陽坳陷反轉構造特徵及其與疊合盆地演化的關係(2006-2007) 勝利油田,參加人
塔里木北緣前寒武紀基底岩系構造熱年代學研究(2006-2007) 國家地震局,主持人
韌脆性剪下斷層岩中磨粒結構的觀測和探析(批准號:40372092, 2004-2006)國家自然科學基金,參加人
1. Zhu WB, Wan JL, Shu LS, Zhang ZY, Su JB, Sun Y, Guo JC, Zhang XY. Late Mesozoic thermotectonic evolution of the Jueluotage Range, Eastern Xinjiang , Northwest China: Evidence from apatite fission track data. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007.,(in press). (SCI)
2. Jinbao Su, Wenbin Zhu (Corresponding author), Huafu Lu, Mingjie Xu, Wei Yang and Zhiyong Zhang, Geometry styles and quantification of inversion structures in the Jiyang depression, Bohai Bay basin, eastern China, Marine and Petroleum Geology ,2007, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2007.08.003. (SCI)
3. Zhu Wenbin, Shu Liangshu, Sun Yan, Wang Feng, Zhao Zhongyan. Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic deformation of the central structure belt in Turpan-Hami basin, northwest China: implications for the evolution of an intracontinental basin, central Asia. International Geology Review, 2006, 48(3):271-285 (SCI).
4. Zhu Wenbin, Shu Liangshu, Sun Yan, Wang Feng, Zhao Zhongyan. Mesozoic-Cenozoic exhumation history of North Tianshan, Northwest China: Constrains from fission track analysis. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 2005, Supplement: A310. (SCI)
5. Zhu Wenbin, Wan Jingling, Shu Liangshu, Sun Yan, Wang Feng. Mesozoic-Cenozoic thermal history of Turpan-Hami Basin: apatite fission track constrains. Progress in Natural Science, 2005, 15(4): 331-336. (SCI)
6. Zhu Wen-Bin, Liang-Shu Shu, Rui-Shi Ma, Yan Sun. Comment on characteristics and dynamic origin of the large-scale Jiaoluotage ductile compressional zone in the eastern Tianshan Mountains, China. Journal of Structural Geology, 2004, 26:2331-2335. (SCI)
7. Zhu Wenbin, Shu Liangshu, Zhao Ming, Sun Yan. Geochemical characteristics and genesis of the Late Paleozoic metamorphic rocks in eastern Tianshan, Northwest China. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 2004, Supplement: A622. (SCI)
8. Zhu Wenbin, Guo Lingzhi, Ma Ruishi, Sun Yan, Wang Feng. Disscussion on structural coupling. Geotecnica et Metallogenia, 2004, 28(1): 1-17.
9. Zhu Wenbin, Sun Yan, Guo Jichun, Liu Deliang, Aiming Lin. Prospects for study of tectono-geochemistry. Progress in Natural Science, 2003, 13(3): 161~165. (SCI)
10. Zhu Wenbin, Ma Ruishi, Guo Lingzhi, Sun Yan, Xu Mingjie, Hu Dezhao, Positive inversion structure of the central structural belt in Turpan-Hami Basin. Geotecnica et Metallogenia, 2003, 27(1-2): 179-190
11. Zhu Wenbin, Ma Ruishi, Wang Ciyin, Li Pengju. The youngest structure is the reservoir structure of Tu-Ha Basin, Xinjiang Province, Northwest China, compiled by D G Howell and M J Johnsson, International Conference on Basin Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Accumlation. 1993, 297-298.
12. 朱文斌,張志勇,
舒良樹,萬景林,盧華復,王勝利,楊偉,蘇金寶. 塔里木北緣前寒武基底隆升剝露史:來自磷灰石裂變徑跡的證據. 岩石學報,2007,23(7):1671-1682. (SCI)
13. 朱文斌,
舒良樹, 萬景林,孫岩,王鋒,趙忠岩. 新疆博格達-哈爾里克山中新生代剝露歷史的裂變徑跡證據. 地質學報, 2006, 80(1):16-22 .
14. 朱文斌,萬景林,
舒良樹,孫岩,趙忠岩. 裂變徑跡定年技術在構造演化研究中的套用. 高校地質學報,2005,11(4):593-600.
15. 朱文斌,
舒良樹, 孫岩, 郭令智, 王鋒. 塔里木北緣晚新生代斷裂活動的年代學. 礦物學報, 2004,24(3):225-230.
16. 朱文斌,萬景林,
舒良樹,孫岩,王鋒,吐魯番—哈密盆地中新代剝露史:磷灰石裂變徑跡證據. 自然科學進展,2004,14(10):1194-1198.
17. 朱文斌,孫岩,
舒良樹,葛和平,林偉,王鋒.低序次韌性斷裂的負反轉構造研究. 地質論評,2003,49:583-587.
18. 朱文斌,馬瑞士,郭令智,孫岩,徐鳴潔,胡德昭,王鋒. 吐哈盆地中央構造帶正反轉演化特徵. 大地構造與成礦學,2003, 27(2):125-131.
19. 朱文斌,馬瑞士,郭繼春,孫岩,郭令智,徐鳴潔,胡德昭.吐哈盆地及鄰區早二疊世沉積特徵與構造發育的耦合關係. 高校地質學報,2002, 8:160-168.
20. 朱文斌,馬瑞士,胡德昭,徐鳴潔. 新疆覺羅塔格山與吐哈盆地的構造接觸關係.大地構造與成礦學,2001,25(2):128—135.
21. 朱文斌,馬瑞士,王賜銀. 論新疆東部黃山——鏡兒泉雜岩帶的構造屬性. 地質科學,1996,3(1):22—32.
22. 朱文斌,王賜銀,馬瑞士. 新疆庫米什變質地體研究. 大地構造與成礦學,1993, 17(4):373-383.
23. 朱文斌,王賜銀,馬瑞士. 新疆庫米什變質地體的確定及其同位素年齡的構造意義.南京大學學報(地球科學版),1991,(4):382-386.
24. 朱文斌,王賜銀,馬瑞士. 東天山變質作用與板塊運動的關係. 見:江蘇省首屆青年學術年會論文集, 北京: