



  • 書名:自動控制專業英語(第2版)
  • 作者:李國厚、黃河、李艷、孟慶波、張桂香
  • ISBN:9787302303442
  • 定價:38
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013-1-4
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 印次:2-1


本書旨在幫助讀者通過較短時間的學習能較大幅度提高專業英語閱讀和英譯中的能力,具有題材廣泛、內容豐富、專業性和實用性強的特點。 全書共有課文20篇,主要包括自動控制理論基礎、模擬和數字電子技術、感測器和控制工程等方面的內容。每課都由課文、生詞表、注釋、翻譯技巧、英譯中和中譯英的練習及閱讀材料組成,具有較強的知識延伸性。


Unit 1 Voltage and Current Laws1
Translating Skills 科技英語翻譯概述6
Reading Material Charge, Current and Voltage11Unit 2 Sinusoidal AC Circuit Analysis and Three-Phase
Translating Skills 英漢語序的對比及翻譯23
Reading Material Power in AC Circuits and
RMS Values26Unit 3 Analog Amplifier28
Translating Skills 句量的增減--分譯與合譯32
Reading Material Analog Circuits38Unit 4 Basic Circuits of Operational Amplifiers40
Translating Skills 英漢語序的對比及翻譯(1)44
Reading Material Class A Amplifiers50Unit 5 CMOS Logic Circuit52
Translating Skills 英漢語序的對比及翻譯(2)55
Reading Material Digital Logic Systems60Unit 6 Introductions to Control Systems62
Translating Skills 數詞的譯法67
Reading Material Advanced Control73Unit 7 Introductions to Mathematical Models of Physical
Translating Skills 不定式和分詞作狀語的翻譯80
Reading Material Electrical Engineering84自動控制專業英語(第2版)目 錄Unit 8 Basic Control Actions and Industrial Automatic Controls (1) 87
Translating Skills 詞義的選擇和引申91
Reading Material An Eye on Reactor and Computer Control97Unit 9 Basic Control Actions and Industrial Automatic Controls (2) 99
Translating Skills 詞量的增減102
Reading Material Introductions to SCADA108Unit 10 Design and Compensation Techniques110
Translating Skills 詞性的轉換116
Reading Material An Introduction to Computer Simulation122Unit 11 Nonlinear Control Systems124
Translating Skills 句子成分的轉換127
Reading Material Computer Interfaces for Instrumentation
Systems131Unit 12 Introductions To Phase-Plane Analysis134
Translating Skills 常見多功能詞的譯法(1)138
Reading Material Motion Control144Unit 13 Microcontroller and Its Application146
Translating Skills 常見多功能詞的譯法(2)150
Reading Material Embedded System157Unit 14 Electronic Design Automation159
Translating Skills 被動語態的譯法166
Reading Material What is MatLab172Unit 15 Introductions To Sensors174
Translating Skills 定語從句及同位語從句的譯法(1)179
Reading Material Thermoelectric Effects and Temperature
Measurement184Unit 16 Introductions to PID Controllers186
Translating Skills 定語從句及同位語從句的譯法(2)191
Reading Material Tuning of the PID Controller197Unit 17 Introductions to PLC199
Translating Skills 狀語從句的譯法(1) 202
Reading Material Automation and Soft PLC207Unit 18 CAD And CAM210
Translating Skills 狀語從句的譯法(2)216
Reading Material Numerical Control221Unit 19 Intelligent Control and Its Dimensions224
Translating Skills 長句的譯法229
Reading Material Role of Instrumentation and Control in
Nuclear Power Plants234Unit 20 Introductions to Robotics236
Translating Skills 科技套用文的譯法243
Reading Material Mechanization and Automation252Appendix A 國際單位制(SI) 254Appendix B 度量衡比較表(Metrology Comparison Table) 255Appendix C 常用符號及數學表達(Common Marks, Symbols and
Mathematical Expressions) 259Appendix D 常用拉丁文縮寫詞(Common Latin Abbreviations) 265Appendix E 常用專業辭彙表267Appendix F 中英文課程對照286參考文獻299


