



  • 書名:肺癌的流行病學研究(英文版)
  • 作者:王作元 編
  • 出版社:人民衛生出版社 
  • 出版時間:2003年12月1日
  • 頁數:260 頁
  • 定價:29 元
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787117057462


The main content of this book is concerned with an epidemiological study of lung can-cer, which was conducted in Pingliang and Qingyang Prefectures of Gansu Province, Chinaduring 1994 - 1998. This is a joint project of Laboratory of Industrial Hygiene, Ministry ofHealth, China and National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, USA. Good co-operation between Chinese and American scientists and their hard works made the programsuccessful. Results from the epidemiological study will be great contributor to etiology oflung cancer. There are many environmental factors, which could cause lung cancer, such assmoking, arsenic, asbestos, particle, chloromethyl ethers, radon progeny and other agents.Especially the radon and its progeny are omnipresent in dwellings, schools, working placeand everywhere. Although the fact, that exposure of radon and its daughters is one of thecauses of lung cancer, has been identified in mine environment, but little is known about ef-fect of indoor radon level from epidemiological point of view. The Gansu lung cancer studyfills in the gaps in area of effects of indoor radon exposure.
Papers from Gansu lung cancer study collected in the book concern with some aspects oflung cancer etiology: indoor radon, smoking, cooking oil, particles from coal and biomasscombustion, previous pulmonary diseases, reproductive factors and others. The book wouldbe helpful in progress of setting national standards of indoor air pollution. It also collectssome papers from other studies concerning lung cancer, radiation effects, natural radiationand so on. These papers reflect research activities in each field in China.
Gansu lung cancer study got a lot of assistance from local Government, especially fromHealth Department of Gansu Province, Health Department of Pingliang and Qingyang Pre-fectures, Health Bureau of each county (city) as well as from local investigators. All of themmake important contribution to the joint study. It is our pleasure to recommend the book toyou. Hope it will be useful.


Part I
Lung Cancer and High Levels of Indoor Radon——General aspects of a population based case-control study in Gansu,China Residential Radon and Lung Cancer Risk in a High-exposure Area of Gansu Province,China
Residential Radon and lung Cancer in High Radon Area of Gansu Province,China Adjusting Lung Cancer and Residential Radon in China:Pooled Results of Two Studies
Lung Cancer and Environmental Tobacco smoke in a Non-industrial Area of China
Cooking Oil Fumes and Risk of Lung Cancer in Women in Rural Gansu,China
Previous Pulmonary Diseases and Risk of Lung Cancer in Gansu Province,China
Menstrual and Reproductive Factors and Risk of Lung Cancer among Chinese
Women,Eastern Gansu Province,1994-1998
Indoor Air Pollution Characterization of Underground Dwellings in China
Exploratory Survey of Combustion-related Particle Concentration in Cave Dwellings in China
Radon Measurements in Underground Dwelling from Two Prfectures in China
Elevated Indoor Exposure in Chinese Carbon Brick and Cave Dwellings
Related Genes in Lung Cancer Tissues Associated with Residential High Radon Exposure
Part II
Thyroid Nodularity and Chromosome Aberrations Among Women in Areas of High Background Radiation in China
Lung Cancer, Fruit, Green Salad and Vitamin Pills
The Relation of Smoking and Lung Cancer---Clinic Data Analysis
Natural Radiation Environment in China
Etching conditions and calibration of plastic (CR-39) nuclear track detector
for measuring Radon-222 and its short-lived daughters in air
Contribution of Plated-out 218po and 214po to Measurements of Airborne 222Rn
and Daughters with Plastic (CR-39) Nuclear Track Detectors
Suitability of Chinese Oil Well Loggers for an Epidemiologic Study of the
Carcinogenic Effects of Neutrons
Properties and Applications of CR-39


Mr.Zuoyuan Wang was born in Xianghe County,Hebei Province,China.He graduated from the Chinese University of Science and Technolgy in 1965,and then started his work in the Laboratory of Industrial Hygiene,Ministry of Health,China.As visiting scholar,he spent two years in Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,USA(1980-1982)and half year in Australian Radiation Laboratory(1993-1994).He used to be a member of Committee 4,ICRP(1984-1992)and Laboratory Director(1983-1993).He is the Principle Investigator of Gansu Epidemiology Study,that is a joint project with Natinal Cancer Institute,USA.
Dr. Longde Wang was born in Lanzhou City, GansuProvince, China. He graduated from Lanzhou Madical Col-lege in 1969 and got his Master degree from Chinese Acade-my of Medical Science in 1980. As visiting scholar, hespent two years in the City University of New York, USA(1980-1982). He used to be the Deputy Director andthen Director of Department of Health, Gansu Province,China (1984-1995). Dr. Longde Wang is the DeputyMinister of Ministry of Health, Peoples Republic ofChina and also the Co-principle Investigator of GansuEpidemiology Study that is a joint project with NationalCancer Institute, USA.


