



  • 書名:職業英語交際手冊
  • 作者:司建國//楊新義
  • ISBN:9787560080390
  • 頁數:241
  • 定價:16.90元
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • 出版時間:2009-06-01
  • 副標題:職業英語交際手冊


“新職業英語”系列教材是針對高職高專院校非英語專業開發的全新英語教材,以“工學結合、能力為本”的職業教育理念為指導,在幫助學生打好語言基礎的同時,注重培養學生在不同職業場景中的英語交際能力,真正體現職業性和實用性。本系列教材分為基礎篇、行業篇、專業篇和素質篇,配有教師用書、MP3光碟和助教課件,為學生和教師提供全方位、立體化的教學支持。 《職業英語交際手冊》是本系列教材基礎篇主幹教程《職業綜合英語》的配套口語專項訓練教材,旨在培養學生的職場英語交際能力。全書共30個單元,每個單元涉及一個行業或話題,以對話形式生動地反映該行業典型的社交和職業場景。


Unit 1Are you Mr. Johnson from New York?Unit 2What kind of room do you prefer? Unit 3May I have your order now?Unit 4Welcome to WaI-Mart!Unit 5I've got to mail some urgent documentsUnit 6I have to take a make-up exam in computer classUnit 7You can't have your cake and eat it tooUnit 8Now we have so many electronic journal titlesUnit 9My first self-driving tour is so screwed up!Unit 10It isn't rush hourUnit 11Can I have a window seat?Unit 12I'd like to book a boothUnit 13I'd like to propose a toast to your healthUnit 14Can I leave you a message?Unit 15Packages are "silent salespeople".Unit 16Do you have an E-mail address?Unit 17My laptop has a virusUnit 18What's WAP?Unit 19Are you looking for a new car?Unit 20Will it be expensive to build up a gene bank?Unit 21Are you an art lover?Unit 22You are going to be discharged the day after tomorrowUnit 23What type of motor are you looking for?Unit 24What is the area of these two suites respectively?Unit 25I've come here for an interviewUnit 26What sort of account do you have in mind?Unit 27Freeze! Police!Unit 28He performed a hat trick!Unit 29A new Steven Spielberg movie is outUnit 30Would you be interested in buying insurance?


