


  • 中文名:職業發展英語
  • 提供院校:哈爾濱工業大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:李雪、王景惠、常梅、楊春艷、張世超、宋飛焱、欒岩




Job Hunting I 決勝求職篇I
1. Writing a Resume 簡歷製作訣竅
2. Structure of an Effective Résumé 完美簡歷架構
3. Tips for a Resume 簡歷建芝企體才議大全
4. Job Application Letter 優秀求職信必勝絕技
5. The Job Interview 一網打盡面試技巧
6. Sample 1 Group Job Interview of Universal Creative 經典面試模擬之小組篇
7. Sample 2 Individual Job Interview of BMW 經典面試模擬之個人篇
8. Sample 3 Constructive Comments 資深點評
Job Hunting II 決勝求職篇II
9. Common Job Interview Questions 常見面試嘗奔尋槓問題
10. Proper Questions Asked by an Interviewee 精準求職提問
11. Basics for the Job Interview 掌握面試要義
12. Salary Negotiation 決勝工資談判
13 Why Should We Hire You? 彰顯個性優勢
14. Job Interview Etiquette 熟識面試禮儀
Business Etiquette I 職場必備商務禮儀I
15. General Introduction to Etiquette商務基本禮儀簡介
16. How to Build Your Personal Brand 如何樹立自己的品牌形象
17. Polite Behaviors In Public Places 公共場所必備禮儀雄蘭習
18. Basic Table Manners in Western Culture西餐禮儀必備
19. Business/Social Etiquette 商務場所社交禮儀
20. How to Be a Lady 如滲朵何變身成為淑女
21. How to Be a Gentleman如何變身成為紳士
Business Etiquette II 職場必備商務禮儀II
22. Workplace Etiquette 職業場所禮儀規範
23. Introduction Etiquette 留下良好第一印象的見面盼催乘禮儀
24. Business Card Etiquette掌握正確名片禮儀
25. Elevator Etiquette 乘坐電梯禮儀
26. Telephone Etiquette職場必備接打電話禮儀
27. Email Etiquette in the Workplace 職場決勝電子郵件禮儀
28. Conversation Etiquette 談話技巧禮儀
29. Conversation Etiquette Mistakes談話禮儀禁忌
Field Interpretation 口譯實戰訓練
30. Brief Introduction of Interpretation 口譯面面觀
31. Skills Needed in Interpretation 決勝口譯技巧
32. Interpretation Manners 做個禮貌的譯員
33. Cultural Difference and Awareness 文化差異意識
34. Numerals and Digits 口譯殺手--數字
35. Preparation before the Task 口譯實戰準備
Business Reception, Business Meeting and Business Negotiation 商務接待、會協應戒議、談判
36. Making Reservation 為客戶預定酒店
37. Making Introduction 初次見面的介紹與閒聊、邀請與款待
38. Preparing and Opening a Business Meeting 召開商務會議的準備工作
39. Attending and Ending a Business Meeting 參與並圓滿地結束商務會議的關鍵
40. Preparing and Opening a Business Negotiation 談判的準備與開始
41. Managing Conflict, Bargaining and Making Concession and Closing a Negotiation 處理衝突,討價還價,做出讓步並結束談判的訣竅
Required Literacies and Competencies of Engineers工程師必備素養
42. Essential Literacies and Competences of an Engineer 工程師必備素養之首要篇
43. Professional Literacy of an Engineer 工程師必備之職業素養
44. Information Literacy of an Engineer工程師必備之信息素養
45. Scientific Literacy of an Engineer工程師必備之科學讀寫素養
46. Media Literacy of an Engineer 工程師必備之媒體素養
47. Cultural Literacy of an Engineer工程師必備之跨文化素養
48. Humanistic Literacy of an Engineer工程師必備之人文素養
Mind Your Talk 快樂的日常交流
49. Mind Your Accent英語口音大觀園
50. Mind Your Feelings 情感的輕鬆表達
51. Mind Your Acronyms and Initialisms 常用英文縮略語
52. Mind Your Conversation 日常的交際用語
21. How to Be a Gentleman如何變身成為紳士
Business Etiquette II 職場必備商務禮儀II
22. Workplace Etiquette 職業場所禮儀規範
23. Introduction Etiquette 留下良好第一印象的見面禮儀
24. Business Card Etiquette掌握正確名片禮儀
25. Elevator Etiquette 乘坐電梯禮儀
26. Telephone Etiquette職場必備接打電話禮儀
27. Email Etiquette in the Workplace 職場決勝電子郵件禮儀
28. Conversation Etiquette 談話技巧禮儀
29. Conversation Etiquette Mistakes談話禮儀禁忌
Field Interpretation 口譯實戰訓練
30. Brief Introduction of Interpretation 口譯面面觀
31. Skills Needed in Interpretation 決勝口譯技巧
32. Interpretation Manners 做個禮貌的譯員
33. Cultural Difference and Awareness 文化差異意識
34. Numerals and Digits 口譯殺手--數字
35. Preparation before the Task 口譯實戰準備
Business Reception, Business Meeting and Business Negotiation 商務接待、會議、談判
36. Making Reservation 為客戶預定酒店
37. Making Introduction 初次見面的介紹與閒聊、邀請與款待
38. Preparing and Opening a Business Meeting 召開商務會議的準備工作
39. Attending and Ending a Business Meeting 參與並圓滿地結束商務會議的關鍵
40. Preparing and Opening a Business Negotiation 談判的準備與開始
41. Managing Conflict, Bargaining and Making Concession and Closing a Negotiation 處理衝突,討價還價,做出讓步並結束談判的訣竅
Required Literacies and Competencies of Engineers工程師必備素養
42. Essential Literacies and Competences of an Engineer 工程師必備素養之首要篇
43. Professional Literacy of an Engineer 工程師必備之職業素養
44. Information Literacy of an Engineer工程師必備之信息素養
45. Scientific Literacy of an Engineer工程師必備之科學讀寫素養
46. Media Literacy of an Engineer 工程師必備之媒體素養
47. Cultural Literacy of an Engineer工程師必備之跨文化素養
48. Humanistic Literacy of an Engineer工程師必備之人文素養
Mind Your Talk 快樂的日常交流
49. Mind Your Accent英語口音大觀園
50. Mind Your Feelings 情感的輕鬆表達
51. Mind Your Acronyms and Initialisms 常用英文縮略語
52. Mind Your Conversation 日常的交際用語


