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(6) Jianguo Nie,Liang Tang,and C. S. Cai.Performance of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams under Combined Bending and Torsion,JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING- ASCE,2009(135),1048-1057.
(7) Jianguo Nie,Yu Bei,C. S. Cai,New Connection System of confined Concrete Colum and Beams I: Experimental Study,JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING- ASCE,Volume 134,December,2008,530-540.
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(11) Jianguo Nie; Yan Xiao; and Lin Chen,Experimental studies on shear strength of composite steel-concrete beams,JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING-ASCE,Vol.130,No.8,August,2004,1206-1213.
(12) Jianguo Nie and Chun S. Cai,Steel-concrete composite beams considering shear slip effects,JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING-ASCE,Vol.129,No.4,April,2003,495-506.
(13) Jianguo Nie and Chun S. Cai,Deflection of cracked RC beams under sustained loading,JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING-ASCE,Vol.126,No.6,June,2000,708-716
(14) Jianguo Nie and Yan Xiao,Yin Tan,and Wang Hongquan,Experimental Study on Behavior of Composite Steel High-Strength Concrete Beams,ACI STRUCTURAL JOURNAL,V101,No.2,2004,245-251.
(15) Jian-Guo Nie,Chun-Yu Tian,C. S. Cai,Effective width of steel-concrete composite beam at ultimate strength state,Engineering Structures,30(2008)1396-1407.
(16) Jianguo Nie,Jiangsheng Fan,C. S. Cai,Experimental study of partially shear-connected with profiled sheeting,Engineering Structures,30(2008)1-12.
(17) J.G. Nie,C. S. Cai,H. Wu,J. S. Fan,Experimental and theoretical study of steel-concrete composite beams with openings in concrete falnge,Engineering Structures,28(2006)992-1000.
(18) Jianguo Nie,C. S. Cai,Ting Wang,Stiffness and Capacity of Steel-Concrete Composite beams with profied sheeting,Engineering Structures,27(2005)1074-1085.
(19) Jianguo Nie,Kai Qin,C. S. Cai,Seismic behavior of connections composed of CFSSTCs and steel-concrete composite beams-experimental study,Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64(2008),1178-1191
(20) Jianguo Nie,Kai Qin,C. S. Cai,Seismic behavior of connections composed of CFSSTCs and steel-concrete composite beams-finite element analysis,Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64(2008),680-688
在鋼-混凝土組合結構新體系和新技術的研發、以及組合結構基本性能、設計理論和計算方法及新型加固技術等研究和工程套用方面取得了一系列創新性成果,提出廣義組合結構思想並付諸工程實踐,解決了大型複雜工程結構中的多項關鍵技術難題。研發的疊合板組合梁、組合板、大跨交叉組合梁樓蓋、新型組合節點等是對傳統組合結構的重要發展。疊合板組合梁成功套用於北京國貿橋、深圳彩虹橋、太原第一熱電廠控制樓、濱州會展中心、廣州合景大廈等100餘項工程。完成大量組合結構的試驗研究和分析,拓展了其研究套用範圍,發展了相關設計計算方法,其中折減剛度法是對組合梁設計理論和方法的重要發展。多項成果被中國現行國家標準《鋼結構設計規範》、《高層民用建築鋼結構技術規程》等所採納。成果對促進組合結構的發展起到了重要作用。主持國家傑出青年科學基金、國家自然科學基金重點項目以及為工程建設服務的項目等30餘項。獨著專著1本,主編教材1本。已申請專利4項。作為第一、二作者在《Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE》、《土木工程學報》等知名期刊發表學術論文102篇,發表會議論文35篇。