
聶康明,博士,教授,碩士生導師,化學化工學院材料系主任。中共黨員,安徽大學中青年骨幹教師。多年從事高分子材料科學的教學和基礎套用研究工作。先後參加和主持國家“863計畫” 科研子項目、國家自然科學基金、安徽省自然科學基金、中國科學院高分子化學與物理重點實驗室自然科學基金項目、中國科學院內耗開放實驗室科研基金項目、安徽省科技廳科研項目和安徽省教育廳自然科學基金等多項縱、橫向科研項目


  • 中文名:聶康明
  • 國籍:國籍
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:教授


聶康明已在 Macromolecules, Polymer, Journal of Polymer Science. Part B: Polymer Physics , Polymer International, Materials Letters, Journal of Applied Polymer Science , European Polymer Journal , Colloid Polymer Science, Thermochimica Acta, Journal of Coatings Technology, Polymers for Advanced Technologies , 《高等學校化學學報》,《套用化學》,《化學物理》,《光譜學與光譜分析》,《高分子材料科學與工程》,《功能高分子學報》等國際、國內高分子核心學術期刊和國際學術會議上發表論文40餘篇。SCI(或EI)收錄20餘篇。


1. 多相多組分高分子合成表征、相容性與相行為及自組裝研究。
2. 有機高分子-無機納米雜化材料的設計合成、微結構-性能及其套用。
3. 球型樹狀高分子的分子修飾、功能化和高分子模板合成及動力學。
4. 敏感功能高分子材料研究。
1. Hongzhi Liu, Sixun Zheng, Kangming Nie , Morphology and Thermomechanical Properties of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Composites involving Epoxy Resin and an Incompletely-Condensed Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane, Macromolecules, 2005, 38(12): 5088-5097.
2. Anila Asif , Wenfang Shi, Xiaofeng Shen, Kangming Nie. Physical and thermal properties of UV curable waterborne polyurethane dispersions incorporating hyperbranched aliphatic polyester of varying generation number. Polymer, 2005,46(24): 11066.
3. Yong Ni, Sixun Zheng and Kangming Nie. Morphology and Thermal Properties of Inorganic-Organic Hybrids Involving Epoxy Resin and Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes, Polymer, 2004 , 45(16): 5557-5568.
4.Kangming Nie, Wenmin Pang, Qingren Zhu, et al. Nonisothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Poly ( e -caprolactone) in Hydrogen Bond Coupled Polymeric-Inorganic Hybrid Materials. Polymer International , 2005 , 54(2): 327-335 .
5. Kangming Nie, Sixun Zheng, Fei Lu, Qingren Zhu, Inorganic-Organic Hybrids Involving Poly( e -caprolactone) and Silica Network: Hydrogen Bonding Interactions and Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics, J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. , 2005, 43(18): 2594-2603.
6. Sixun Zheng, Kangming Nie, Qipeng Guo. Miscibility and separation in blends of phenolphalein poly(aryl ether ketone) and poly(ethylene oxide): a differential scanning calorimetric study, Thermochimica Acta , 2004 , 419:267-274.
7.Kangming Nie , Wenmin Pang , Yusong Wang , Fei Lu , Qingren Zhu, Effects of specific bonding interactions in poly (ε-caprolactone)/silica hybrid materials on optical transparency and melting behavior , Materials, Letter , 2005, 59(11): 1325-1328.
8. Yonghong Liu,Sixun Zheng,Kangming Nie, Epoxy nanocomposites with octa(propylglycidyl ether) polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane, Polymer, 46(25):12016-12025 .
9. Huanyu wei, Wengfang Shi, Kangming Nie, et al. Thermal and Mechanical properties of UV-Cured Acrylated Hyperbranched Polyester and Its Blends with Linear Polyurethane Acrylate, Journal of coatings technology , 2003 , 75 (939): 37-40.
10. Sixun Zheng, Kangming Nie, Qipeng Guo, et al. Epoxy resin/poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) blends and cured with 1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene: miscibility and intermolecular interactions, Colloid Polym Sc i, 2003 , 281: 1051-1024.
11. Kangming Nie, Wenmin Pang , Yusong Wang , Fei Lu , and Qingren Zhu , Spectral Study on Intermolecular Coupling Interaction and Relation to Microstructure in Polyester / Inorganic Hybrid Materials, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis ,2005, 4: 537.
13 . Wen-Fang Shi, Nie Kangming, et al. Photopolymerizable hyperbranched (meth)acrylated poly(amine ester), J. Appl. Polym. Sci. , 2003 , 87(2): 168-173 .
14 . Kangming Nie, Wenmin Pang, Yusong Wang, Fei Lu, Qingren Zhu. Relationship between hydrogen-bond interaction and nano-microphase separation scale in polyester/silica hybrid materials, IUPAC, 40 th International symposium on Macromolecules, Paris, France, July 4-9, 11967 #, 2004 .
15 . Jianhua Zou, Wenfang Shi, Kangming Nie , et al. Preparation and characters of hyperbranched polyester-based organic-inorganic hybrid material compared with linear polyester, Polymers for Advanced Technologies , 2005, 16(1): 55.


