聶宇,YU (MARCO) NIE,男, 西北大學(美國)土木與環境工程系教授 。他的主要研究是致力於更好的掌握和預測交通網路的行為,並且制定新的設計和控制策略來提高這些系統的流動性、可靠性和可持續。與其他網路不同,例如通信與社交網路,交通網路的行為依賴於人類的活動(出行方式選擇和駕駛行為等)、交通基礎設施的物理屬性和網路拓撲結構。聶宇教授主要利用最最佳化、網路科學、交通流理論、經濟學與統計學等多學科的研究方式展開交通系統的分析研究。
- Yu (Marco) Nie, “On the potential remedies for license plate rationing”, Economics of Transportation, (2017)
- Peng (Will) Chen, Yu (Marco) Nie, “Connecting e-hailing to mass transit platform”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, (2017)
- Yu (Marco) Nie, “How can the taxi industry survive the tide of ridesourcing? Evidence from Shenzhen, China”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, (2017)
- Peng Will Chen, Yu Marco Nie, “Analysis of an idealized system of demand adaptive paired-line hybrid transit”, Transportation Research, Series B: Methodological, (2017)
- Yu (Marco) Nie, “Why is license plate rationing not a good transport policy?”, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, (2017)
- Jun Xie, Yu Nie, Xiaobo Liu, “Testing the proportionality condition with taxi trajectory data”, Transportation Research, Series B: Methodological, (2016)
- Mehrnaz Ghamami, Yu (Marco) Nie, Ali Zockaie, “Planning charging infrastructure for plug-in electric vehicles in city centers”, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, (2016)
- Mehrnaz Ghamami, Ali Zockaie, Yu Marco Nie, “A general corridor model for designing plug-in electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support intercity travel”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, (2016)
- Yu Nie, Mehrnaz Ghamami, Ali Zockaie, Feng Xiao, “Optimization of incentive polices for plug-in electric vehicles”, Transportation Research, Series B: Methodological, (2016)
- Yu Marco Nie, “Why is license plate rationing not a good transport policy?”, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, (2016)
- Yu (Marco) Nie, “A New Tradable Credit Scheme for the Morning Commute Problem”, Networks and Spatial Economics, (2015)
- Yang Liu, Yu Marco Nie, Jonathan Hall, “A semi-analytical approach for solving the bottleneck model with general user heterogeneity”, Transportation Research, Series B: Methodological, (2015)
- Hongyu Chen, Yu Marco Nie, Yafeng Yin, “Optimal multi-step toll design under general user heterogeneity”, Transportation Research, Series B: Methodological, (2015)
- Li, Qianfei; Nie, Yu; Chen, Peng, “Finding optimal hyperpaths in large transit networks with realistic headway distributions”, European Journal of Operational Research, (2015)
- Nie, Yu Marco; Liu, Yang; Hall, Jonathan, “A semi-analytical approach for solving the bottleneck model with general user heterogeneity”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, (2015)
- Nie, Yu; Chen, Peng, “Optimal transit routing with partial online information”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, (2015)
- Nie, Yu; Chen, Peng, “Stochastic optimal path problem with relays”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, (2015)
- Li, Qianfei; Nie, Yu (Marco); Vallamsundar, Suriya; Lin, Jane; Homem-de-Mello, Tito, “Finding Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Paths for Risk-Averse Freight Carriers”, Networks and Spatial Economics, (2014)
- Zhao, Tingting; Nie, Yu Marco; Zhang, Yi, “Extended spectral envelope method for detecting and analyzing traffic oscillations”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, (2014)
- Nie, Y.; Ghamami, Mehrnaz, “A corridor-centric approach to planning electric vehicle charging infrastructure”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, (2013)
- Nie, Yu Marco; He, Fang; Yin, Yafeng; Shirmohammadi, Nima, “Tradable credit schemes on networks with mixed equilibrium behaviors”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, (2013)
- Mahmassani, Hani; Zockaie, Ali; Nie, Yu; Wu, Xing, “Impacts of correlations on reliable shortest path finding”, Transportation Research Record, (2013)
- Nie, Yu; Wu, Xing, “Solving the multiclass percentile user equilibrium traffic assignment problem”, Transportation Research Record, (2013)
- Nie, Yu (Marco), “A New Tradable Credit Scheme for the Morning Commute Problem”, Networks and Spatial Economics, (2013)
- Nie, Yu; Li, Qianfei, “An eco-routing model considering microscopic vehicle operating conditions”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, (2013)
- Nie, Yu (Marco); Chen, Peng, “Bicriterion shortest path problem with a general nonadditive cost”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, (2013)
- Nie, Yu Marco; Yin, Yafeng, “Managing rush hour travel choices with tradable credit scheme”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, (2013)
- Zhang, H.M.; Nie, Yu (Marco); Qian, Zhen (Sean), “Modelling network flow with and without link interactions: The cases of point queue, spatial queue and cell transmission model”, Transportmetrica B, (2013)
- Nie, Yu Marco; Wu, Xing; Homem-de-Mello, Tito, “Optimal Path Problems with Second-Order Stochastic Dominance Constraints”, Networks and Spatial Economics, (2012)
- Nie, Yu.; Liu, Yang, “Welfare effects of congestion pricing and transit services in multiclass multimodal networks”, Transportation Research Record, (2012)
- Nie, Yu, “A note on bar-Gera's algorithm for the origin-based traffic assignment problem”, Transportation Science, (2012)
- Y. M. Nie, X. Wu, J. F. Dillenburg and P. C. Nelson, “Reliable route guidance: A case study from Chicago”, Transportation Research Part a-Policy and Practice, (2012)
- X. Wu and Y. M. Nie, “Modeling heterogeneous risk-taking behavior in route choice: A stochastic dominance approach”, Transportation Research Part a-Policy and Practice, (2011)
- Y Liu;Y Nie, “Morning commute problem considering route choice, user heterogeneity and alternative system optima”, Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, (2011)
- Nie, Y.M., “Multi-class percentile user equilibrium with flow-dependent stochasticity”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, (2011)
- Nie, Y.M., “A Note on Bar-Gera's Algorithm for the Origin-Based Traffic Assignment Problem”, Transportation Science, (2011)
- Y NIE;Y LIU, “Existence of self-financing and Pareto-improving congestion pricing: Impact of value of time distribution”, Transportation Research Part a-Policy and Practice, (2010)
- S LU;Y NIE, “Stability of user-equilibrium route flow solutions for the traffic assignment problem”, Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, (2010)
- YM Nie, “A cell-based Merchant-Nemhauser model for the system optimum dynamic traffic assignment problem”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, (2010)
- HM ZHANG;JT MA;Y NIE, “Local Synchronization Control Scheme for Congested Interchange Areas in Freeway Corridor”, Transportation Research Record, (2009)
- YM Nie, X Wu, “Reliable a Priori Shortest Path Problem with Limited Spatial and Temporal Dependencies”, Transportation and Traffic Theory 2009: Golden Jubilee ..., (2009)
- Y Nie, “A class of bush-based algorithms for the traffic assignment problem”, Transportation Research Part B, (2009)
- Y NIE, X WU, “Shortest path problem considering on-time arrival probability”, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, (2009)