




  • 中文名:耿莉敏
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校長安大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:大學教授
  • 專業方向:能源與動力工程 


1997.9-2001.7,長安大學 本科 汽車運用工程
2001.9-2004.7,長安大學 碩士 載運工具運用工程
2005.9-2009.7,長安大學 博士 載運工具運用工程;
2007.9-2008.1,清華大學 進修學習;
2015.2-2019.10,長安大學 機械工程 博士後;
2017.11-2018.11,美國伊利諾伊大學香檳分校 訪問學者。




1.耿莉敏, 趙揚, 高楠等. 鋰離子電池內短路形成機理及檢測方法綜述[J]. 汽車工程學報, 2023,13(4):481-495.
2.Feichuang Huang, Limin Geng*, Nan Gao, Guifen Sheng. A review of water fault diagnosis of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell[C]. ITNEC 2023, Accepted. EI檢索
3.Geng Limin, Chen Yang, Chen Xubo, Lee Chia-fon. Study on combustion characteristics and particulate emissions of a common-rail diesel engine fueled with n-butanol and waste cooking oil blends[J]. Journal of the Energy Institute,2019,92,438-449. ESI高被引論文, SCI檢索, IF 4.902
4.Geng Limin, Xiao Yonggang, Li Shijie, Chen Hao. Effects of injection timing and rail pressure on particulate size-number distribution of a common rail DI engine fueled with Fischer-Tropsch diesel synthesized from coal[J]. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2021,95,219-230. ESI高被引論文, SCI檢索, IF 4.902
5.Qi Donghui, Geng Limin, Chen Hao, Bian Yaozhang. Combustion and performance evaluation of a diesel engine fueled with biodiesel produced from soybean crude oil[J]. Renewable Energy, 2009,34,12,2706-2713. ESI高被引論文, SCI檢索, IF 6.572
6.Geng Limin, Li Shijie, Xiao Yonggang, Chen Hao, Chen Xubo, Ma Yanlei. Influence of the addition of titanium oxide nanoparticles to Fischer-Tropsch diesel synthesised from coal on the combustion characteristics and particulate emission of a diesel engine[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021,145,411-424. SCI檢索, IF 5.169
7.Geng Limin, Li Shijie, Xiao Yonggang, Xie Yuantao, Chen Hao, Chen Xubo. Effects of injection timing and rail pressure on combustion characteristics and cyclic variations of a common rail DI engine fuelled with F-T diesel synthesized from coal[J]. Journal of the Energy Institute,2020,93,2148-2162. SCI檢索, IF 4.902
8.Geng Limin, Wang Yanjuan, Wang Jue, Wei Youtao, Lee Chia-fon. Numerical simulation of the influence of fuel temperature and injection parameters on biodiesel spray characteristics[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2020,8,312-326. SCI檢索, IF 3.553
9.Geng Limin, Bi Leichao, Li Qi, Chen Hao, Xie Yuantao. Experimental study on spray characteristics, combustion stability, and emission performance of a CRDI diesel engine operated with biodiesel-ethanol blends[J]. Energy Reports, 2021,7,904-915. SCI檢索, IF 4.765
10.Geng Limin, Xie Yuantao, Wang Jue, Liu Wenchuan, Li Chong, Wang Cheng. Experimental and numerical analysis of the spray characteristics of biodiesel-ethanol fuel blends[J]. Simulation-Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 2021,97(10),703-714. SCI檢索, IF 1.307
11.耿莉敏, 王城, 魏有濤, 李琪.生物質混合燃料在柴油機噴嘴內流動特性模擬[J]. 農業工程學報, 2017,33,(21):70-77. EI檢索
12.耿莉敏, 程清波, 陳陽, 魏有濤, 李慧梅. 生物柴油-柴油-乙醇混合燃料的燃燒與排放特性[J]. 中國公路學報, 2018,31(11):236-243. EI檢索
13.Geng Limin, Wang Yanjuan, Wang Yueying, Li Huimei. Effect of the injection pressure and orifice diameter on the spray characteristics of biodiesel[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), 2020,7,331-339. EI檢索
14.耿莉敏,李士傑,李慧梅,陳陽,程清波. 發動機燃用生物柴油-柴油-乙醇混合燃料的性能試驗[J].車用發動機:2018,(2):35-40.
15.耿莉敏,程清波,陳陽,陳旭博,李慧梅. 電控高壓共軌柴油機燃用生物柴油-柴油混合燃料的燃燒特性[J].車用發動機:2017,(5):88-92.
16.陳朝陽, 耿莉敏, 鞏靜, 湯成龍, 張春化. 摻氫對二甲醚預混層流燃燒特性的影響[J]. 西安交通大學學報,2014,48(6):122-126. EI檢索
17.耿莉敏,汪月英,曹建明.燃料物理性質差異對柴油機噴霧特性的影響[J]. 鄭州大學學報(工學版), 2014,35(4):14-18.
18.Geng Limin. Study on atomization and evaporation property of biodiesel[C]. 2011 2nd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE 2011:6119-6121. EI檢索
19.Geng Limin. The impact of antioxidants on the oxidation stability of biodiesel [C]. 2011 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering, v1, p 62-65, 2011. EI檢索
20.耿莉敏,曹建明,王磊,莊嚴,邊耀璋. 生物柴油/柴油混合燃料的噴霧特性[J].長安大學學報(自然科學版), 2009,29(3):88-91.
21.耿莉敏,邊耀璋,董元虎,田育鋒. 生物柴油的氧化安定性[J].長安大學學報(自然科學版), 2009,29(1):88-90.
22.耿莉敏,董元虎,邊耀璋,陳昊. 生物柴油與輕柴油混合燃料的理化特性[J].長安大學學報(自然科學版), 2008,28(3):88-91. EI檢索
23.耿莉敏,陳昊,宋建桐. 增壓柴油機燃用生物柴油與柴油的排放特性比較[J].小型內燃機與機車,2008,37(5):50-53.
24.耿莉敏,邊耀璋,張春化,陳昊等. 直噴式柴油機燃用生物柴油的試驗研究[J].鄭州大學學報(工學版):2007,28(4):105-108.
25.耿莉敏,杜建,邊耀璋. 舊機動車綜合成新率計算方法[J].長安大學學報(自然科學版),2006,26(6):94-98. EI檢索


3.Energy、Fuel、Energy&Fuels、Environmental Science and Pollution Research等多個國際期刊審稿人。


