


  • 中文名:耿涌
  • 畢業院校:加拿大達爾胡西大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:循環經濟、產業生態學、環境管理、氣候變化政策 


上海交通大學環境科學與工程學院院長 / 國際與公共事務學院副院長,講席教授,博士生導師,國家傑出青年基金獲得者,教育部長江學者特聘教授,國家百千萬人才工程入選者,國務院特殊津貼獲得者,中國科學院百人計畫入選者(A類)及結題優秀獲得者,中國科學院優秀導師及百篇優博指導教師、上海市優秀學術帶頭人、遼寧省百千萬工程百人層次入選者、遼寧省首批“十百千高端人才引進工程”人選,瀋陽市五一勞動獎章獲得者,聯合國氣候變化委員會第五次及第六次評估報告主要作者(IPCC-AR5/AR6),聯合國大學高等研究所客座研究員,聯合國工業發展組織國家顧問,聯合國區域發展中心固體廢物管理專家,聯合國環境署生態城項目專家,亞太地區可持續消費與生產圓桌會議董事會成員,中國可持續發展研究會理事,中國應急學會常務理事,國家科技部可持續發展示範區專家,遼寧省發改委低碳經濟專家、上海市環境應急管理專家,日本國立環境研究所亞洲環境研究組環境系統研究室客座研究員。


1. 耿涌譯,Cote著,《工業園環境管理》. 北京:中國環境科學院,2001.
2. Lowe,E、耿涌,《工業生態學與生態工業園》. 北京:化學工業出版社,2003.
3. 朱慶華,耿涌,《工業生態設計》. 北京:化學工業出版社,2004.
4. 王新北,郗鳳明,耿涌,《地源熱泵技術套用節能減排效益評價及管理模式最佳化研究》。北京:機械工業出版社,2013.
5. Festel,G. and Geng, Y.,Chemical Industry parks in China. The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in China. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2005.
6. Hollander, R., Salonen, T., Wu, C., Geng, Y. 2005. Sustainable Management of Industrial Parks. Logos Verlag Berlin. (ISBN: 3-8325-1081-8)
7. Geng, Y*. and Cote, R., 2001. EMS as an opportunity for engaging China's economic development zones: The Case of Dalian. Environmental Management of Industrial Estates,UNEP No.42號檔案.


1. Geng, Y*. and Cote, R., 2002. Scavengers and decomposers in an eco-industrial park. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 9(4):333-340.(SCI(625BH)) (IF: 2.811)
2. Zhu, Q.H. and Geng, Y., 2002. Integrating environmental issues into supplier selection and management. The Journal of Corporate Environmental Strategy and Practice, 35:27-40.(EA)
3. Geng, Y*. and Cote, R., 2003. Environmental management system at industrial park level in China. Environmental Management, 31(6):784-794 ; Doi: 10.10 07/ s0026 7-002-2854-9.(SCI(711AK)/ EI(2003387637505)) (IF: 2.376)
4. Chiu, A. and Geng, Y., 2004. On the industrial ecology potential in Asian Developing Countries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 12(8-10):1037-1045; Doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2004.02. 013 . ( SCI(829UR)/EI(2004238195348) ) (IF: 6.395)
5. Geng, Y*. and Cote, R., 2004. Applying industrial ecology in Asian rapidly industrializing countries.International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 11(1):69-85. (SCI(828PT)) (IF: 2.811)
6. Geng, Y*., 2005. The role of pricing on integrated water management at the industrial park level: a case of TEDA. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 19(3): 256-263; Doi:10.1111/j.1747-6593.2005.tb01594.x. (IF: 1.178) (SCI(967EU)/EI(20064810267323))
7. Zhu, Q.H., Sarkis, J., Geng,Y., 2005. Green supply chain management in China: Pressures, practices and performance. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25(5-6): 449-468; Doi: 10.1108/01443570510593148. (SSCI(946EC)) (IF: 4.111)
8. Geng, Y*., 2005. Greening Chinese business: opportunities and barriers. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 9(3):213-214; Doi: 10.1162/1088198054821582. (IF: 4.826)
9. Geng, Y*. and Yi, J., 2006. Integrated water resources planning and management at the industrial park level: a case of TEDA. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 13(1):37-51.(SCI(104CZ)) (IF: 2.811)
10. Geng, Y*., Haight, M., Zhu, Q.H., 2007. Empirical analysis of eco‐industrial development in China. Sustainable Development, 15(2): 121-133; Doi: 10.1002/sd.306. (SSCI)(IF:3.821)
11. Geng, Y*., Cote, R., Fujita, T., 2007. A quantitative water resource planning and management model for an industrial park level. Regional Environmental Change, 7:123-135; Doi: 1007/s10113-00 7-0026-4. (SCI/SSCI(198LJ)/EI) (IF: 3.149)
12. Geng, Y*., and Cote. R., 2007. Diversity in industrial ecosystems. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 14:329-335.(SCI(200WI)) (IF: 2.811)
13. Geng, Y*., Zhu, Q.H., Haight, M., 2007. Planning for integrated solid waste management at the industrial Park level: A case of Tianjin, China. Waste Management, 27(1):141-150; Doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2006.0 7.013 . ( SCI (115UZ)/EI(064610234691)) (IF: 5.431)
14. Geng, Y*., Doberstein, B., 2008. Developing the circular economy in China:challenges and opportunities for achieving leapfrog development. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 3(15):231-239; Doi: 10.3843 /SusDev.15.3:6. (SCI(325HJ)) (IF: 2.811)
15. Geng, Y*., Zhang, P., Cote, R., Qi, Y., 2008. Evaluating the applicability of the Chinese eco-industrial park standard in two industrial zones. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 15(6):543-552; Doi: 10.3843 /SusDev.15.6. (SCI(400AX)) (IF: 2.811)
16. Geng, Y*. and Doberstein, B., 2008. Greening government procurement in developing countries: a case of China. Journal of Environmental Management, (88):932-938; Doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2007.04.8656. (SCI(343RO)) (IF: 4.865)
17. Zhu, Q.H., Sarkis, J., Lai, K.H., Geng, Y., 2009. The role of organizational size in the adoption of green supply chain management practices in China. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15(6):322-337; Doi:10.10 02/csr.173.(SSCI) (IF:5.513)
18. Geng, Y*., Zhang, P., Cote, R., Fujita, T., 2009. Assessment of the national eco-industrial park standard for promoting industrial symbiosis in China. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 13(1):15-26; Doi: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2008.000 71.x .(SCI(409QO)/EI) (IF: 4.826)
19. Geng, Y*., Zhu, Q.H., Doberstein, B., Fujita, T., 2009. Implementing China’s circular economy at the regional level: a case of Dalian. Waste Management, 29:996–1002; Doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2008.06.036.(SCI(386SB)/EI(084811741032)) (IF: 5.431)
20. Van Berkel, R., Fujita, T., Hashimoto, S., Geng, Y., 2009. Industrial and urban symbiosis in Japan: Analysis of the Eco-Town program 1997–2006. Journal of Environmental Management, 90:1544–1556; Doi:10. 1016/ j.jenv -man.2008. 11.010. (SCI(401VG)) (IF: 4.865)
21. Ren, W.X., Li P.J., Geng, Y., Li, X.J., 2009. Biological leaching of heavy metals from a contaminated soil by Aspergillus niger. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 167:164–169, Doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.12.104. (SCI(461KX)/EI(20092712164924)) (IF:7.65)
22. Geng, Y* and Zhao, H.X., 2009. Industrial park management in the Chinese environment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17:1289-1294; Doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2009.03.009IF:1.362. (SCI (475YF)/EI(20092612149772)) (IF: 6.395)
23. Geng, Y*., Mitchell, B., Zhu, Q.H., 2009. Teaching industrial ecology at Dalian university of technology: toward improving the overall eco-efficiency. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 13(6):978-989; Doi: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2009.00184.x. (SCI(533PT)/EI(20100512685419)) (IF: 4.826)
24. Geng, Y*., Mitchell, B., Fujita, T., Nakayama, T., 2010. Perspective on Small Watershed Management: A Case of Biliu. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 17(2):172–179; Doi: 10.1080/13504500903549528. (SCI(593MC)) (IF: 2.811)
25. Zhu, Q.H., Geng, Y., Fujita, T., Shizuka, H., 2010. Green supply chain management in leading manufacturers: case studies in Japanese large companies. Management Research Review, 33(4):380-392; Doi: 10.1108/01 409171011 030471.
26. Chen, X.D., Geng, Y*., Fujita, T., 2010. An overview of municipal solid waste in China. Waste Management, 30: 716-724; Doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.011. (SCI(571PM)/EI(20100612691910)) (IF: 5.431)
27. Xue, B.,Chen, X.P., Geng, Y., Yang, M., Y, F.X., Hu X.F., 2010. Emergy-based study on eco-economic system of arid and semi-arid region: a case of Gansu province, China. Journal of Arid Land, 2(3):207−213; Doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1227.2010.00207. (SCI(802FX)) (IF: 1.357)
28. Hashimoto, S., Fujita, T., Geng, Y., Nagasawa, E., 2010. Realizing CO2 emission reduction through industrial symbiosis: A cement production case study for Kawasaki. Resource, Conservation and Recycling, 54(10): 704-710; Doi: 10.1016/j. resconrec.2009.11. 013. (SCI(621GF)/EI(20103213127117)) (IF: 7.044)
29. Zhu, Q.H., Geng, Y., Lai, K.H., 2010. Circular economy practices among Chinese manufacturers varying in environmental-oriented supply chain cooperation and the performance implications. Journal of Environmental Management, 91(6): 1324-1331; Doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.02.013. (SSCI/SCI(597MF)/EI) (IF: 4.865)
30. Geng, Y*., Fujita, T., Chen, X.D., 2010. Evaluation of innovative municipal solid waste management through urban symbiosis: a case study of Kawasaki. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18: 993-1000; Doi: 10.1016 /j.jcl epro. 2010.03.003. (SCI(602XS)/EI(20103213122278)) (IF: 6.395)
31. Chen, X.D., Haight, M., Geng, Y*., 2010. Managing MSW from a system perspective: a comparative study of Dalian, China and Waterloo, Canada. Sustainable Development, 18(5):282-294;Doi: 10.1002/sd.479. (SSCI(661QV))(IF:3.821)
32. Nakayama, T., Sun, Y., Geng, Y., 2010. Simulation of water resource and its relation to urban activity in Dalian city, Northern China. Global and Planetary Change, 73:172- 185; Doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2010.06.001 (SCI(677BY)/EI(20111213808384)). (IF: 4.1)
33. Geng Y*, Wang, X.B., Zhao, H.X., Zhu, Q.H., 2010. Regional initiatives on promoting cleaner production in China: a case of Liaoning. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(2010):1500-1506;Doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2010.06.028. (SSCI/SCI(645UR)/EI(20103313156914) (IF: 6.395)
34. Xue, B., Chen, X.P., Geng, Y., Guo, X.X., Lu, C.C., Zhang, Z.L., Lu, C.Y., 2010. Survey of officials’ awareness on circular economy development in China: Based on municipal and county level. Resource, Conservation and Recycling, 54:1296-13 02; Doi.org/10. 1016/j.resconrec.2010.05.010. (SCI/SSCI(649FE)/EI(20103413183645)) (IF: 7.044)
35. Geng, Y*., Zhang, P., Ulgiati, S., Sarkis J., 2010. Emergy analysis of an industrial park: the case of Dalian, China. Science of the Total Environment, 408:5273-5283; Doi: 10.10 16/j.scitotenv.2010.07.081. (SCI(672UG)/EI(20103813252575)) (IF: 5.589)
36. Zhu Q.H, Geng, Y., Lai K.H., 2011. Environmental supply chain cooperation and its effect on the circular economy practice-performance relationship among Chinese manufacturers. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 15(3): 405- 419; Doi: 10.1111/j.1530- 92 90.2011.00329.x. (SCI(772GL)/EI(20112314044154)) (IF: 4.826)
37. Chen, X.D., Xi, F.M., Geng, Y*., Fujita, T., 2011. The potential environmental gains from recycling waste plastics: Simulation of transferring recycling and recovery technologies to Shenyang, China. Waste Management, 31(1):168-179; Doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2010.08.010. (SCI(687ZU)/EI(20104613380373)) (IF: 5.431)
38. Zhu, Q.H., Sarkis, J., Geng, Y., 2011. Barriers to environmentally friendly clothing production among Chinese apparel companies. Asian Business and Management,10(3):425–452; Doi:10.1057/abm.2011.15. (SSCI(799BB)) (IF:1.231)
39. Zhu, Q.H., Geng, Y., Sarkis, J., Lai, K.H., 2011. Evaluating green supply chain management among Chinese manufacturers from the ecological modernization perspective. Transportation Research Part E, 47 :808–821;Doi:10.1016/j.tre. 2010.09.013. (SSCI/SCI(811SU)) (IF: 4.253)
40. Geng, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, D., Zhao, H.X., Xue, B., 2011. Regional societal and ecosystem metabolism analysis in China: a multi-scale integrated analysis of societal metabolism (MSIASM) Approach. Energy, 36:4799-4808;Doi: 10. 1016/j. energy.2011.05.014. (SCI/SSCI(824YE)/EI(20113214214507)) (IF: 5.537)
41. Xi, F.M., Geng, Y*., Chen, X.D., Zhang, Y.S., Wang, X.B., Xue, B., Dong, H.J., Liu, Z., Fujita, T., Zhu, Q.H., 2011. Contributing to local policy making on GHG emission reduction through inventorying and attribution: a case study of Shenyang, China. Energy Policy; 39 (2011) 5999–6010, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2011.06.063 (SCI /SSCI(831TC)/EI(20113814339099)) (IF: 4.88)
42. Liu Z., Geng, Y*., 2011. Is China producing too many Ph.Ds. Nature, 474: 450; Doi: 10.1038/474450b. (SCI(781NJ)) (IF: 43.07)
43. Xue, B., Geng, Y*., Ren, W., Zhang, Z.L., Zhang, W.W., Lu, C.Y., Chen, X.P., 2011. An overview of municipal solid waste management in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management; 13(4): 283-292, Doi:10.1007/s10163-011-0024-y. (SCI(858IR)EI(20103413183645)) (IF: 2.004)
44. Geng, Y*. 2011. Improve China's sustainability targets. Nature, 477, 162, doi: 10.1038/477162b. (SCI(816MC)) (IF: 43.07)
45. Geng, Y*., Fu, J., Sarkis, J., Xue, B., 2012. Towards a national circular economy indicator system in China: an evaluation and critical analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 23: 216-224, Doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.07.005. (SCI(889LX)/EI(20115214636483)) (IF: 6.395)
46. Wang, X.B., Geng, Y*. 2012. Municipal solid waste management in Dalian: practices and challenges. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 6(4): 540–548,doi: 10.1007/s11783-011-0361-z. (SCI(991LJ)) (IF : 3.883)
47. Xi, F.M., He, H.S., Keith, C.C., Hu, Y.M., Wu, X.Q., Liu, M., Shi, T.M., Geng, Y., Gao, C. 2012. The potential impacts of sprawl on farmland in Northeast China- Evaluating a new strategy for rural development. Landscape and Urban Planning, 104:34-46, doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.09.003.(SCI/SSCI(871AA)/EI(20114714547202)) (IF : 5.144)
48. Liu, Z., Liang, S., Geng, Y*., Xue, B., Xi, F., Pan, Y., Zhang, T., Fujita, T. 2012. Features, trajectories and driving forces for energy-related GHG emissions from Chinese mega cites: the case of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing. Energy, 37 (2012) 245-254, 10.1016/j.energy.2011.11.040. (SCI/SSCI(894ZK)/EI(20122915245125)) (IF: 5.537)
49. Chen, X.D., Fujita, T., Ohnishi, S., Fujii, M., Geng, Y*. 2012. The impact of scale, recycling boundary, and type of waste on symbiosis and recycling. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16(1): 129-141, DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2011.00422.x. (SCI(909MZ)/EI(20121214888261)) (IF: 4.826)
50. Geng, Y*., Sarkis, J. 2012. Achieving national emission reduction target: China’s new challenge and opportunity. Environmental Science and Technology, 46: 107−108, doi: es-2011-04293x.3d. (SCI(871UJ)EI(20120114665985)) (IF: 7.149)
51. Tseng, M., Chen, Y.H, Geng, Y. 2012. Integrated model of hot spring service quality perceptions under uncertainty.Applied Soft Computing, 12(8): 2352-2361, doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2012.03.044. (SSCI/SCI(958YB)EI(20122415108903)) (IF: 4.873)
52. Liu, Z., Geng, Y*., Lindner, S., Guan, D.B. 2012. Uncovering China's greenhouse gas emission from regional and sectoral perspectives. Energy, 45:1059-1068, doi:10.1016/j.energy.2012.06.007. (SSCI/SCI(012NR)EI(20123515386320))(IF: 5.537)
53. Guan, D.B., Liu, Z., Geng, Y*., Lindner, S., Hubacek, K. 2012. The gigatonne gap in China's carbon dioxide inventories. Nature-Climate Change, 2:672-675. (SCI/SSCI(009ME))doi:10.1038/NCLIMATE1560. (IF: 21.722)
54. Geng, Y*. 2012. Toward safe treatment of municipal solid wastes in China’s urban areas. Environmental Science & Technology, 46:7067-7068. dx.doi.org/10.1021/es3022446.(SCI(966ZS)EI(20122815232995)) (IF: 7.149)
55. Zhu, Q.H., Zhao, T.L., Geng, Y. 2012. Mediation effects of environmental cooperation on the relationship between sustainable design and performance improvement among Chinese apartment developers. Sustainable Development, 20: 200-210, DOI: 10.1002/sd.1536. (SSCI(964HH))(IF:3.821)
56. Geng, Y., Dong, H.J., Xue, B., Fu, J. 2012. An overview of Chinese green building standards. Sustainable Development, 20: 211-221, DOI: 10.1002/sd.1537. (SSCI(964HH))(IF:3.821)
57. Kannan, D., Diabat, A., Alfefaei, M., Govindan, K., Geng, Y*. 2012. A carbon footprint based reverse logistics network design model. Resource, Conservation and Recycling, 67:75-79. doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2012.03.005. (SCI(020GR))(IF: 7.044).
58. Zhu, Q.H., Geng, Y., 2013. Drivers and barriers of extended supply chain practices for energy saving and emission reduction among Chinese manufacturers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 40: 6-12; Doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2010. 09.017. (SSCI/SCI(052BR)/EI(20124715686127)) (IF: 6.395)
59. Oliveira, J., Geng, Y., Kapshe, M., Doll, C., Kurniawan, T., Huisingh, D. 2012. Climate co-benefits approach in urban Asia: Understanding how to promote win–win situations in climate change mitigation, local environmental quality and development in Asian cities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 23: 273-275, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.04.009. (IF: 6.395).
60. Liu, Z., Geng, Y*., Lindner, S., Zhao, H., Fujita, T., Guan, D. 2012. Embodied energy use in China’s industrial sectors. Energy Policy, 49: 751-758. (SSCI/SCI(016CC)EI(20123615401030))(IF: 4.88)
61. Ren, W., Geng, Y., Xue, B., Fujita, T., Ma, Z., Jiang, P. 2012. Pursuing co-benefits in China’s old industrial base: a case of Shenyang. Urban Climate, 1:55-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2012.07.001.
62. Tseng, M., Wang, R., Chiu, S.F., Geng, Y., Lin, Y.H. 2013. Improving performance of green innovation practices under uncertainty. Journal of Cleaner Production, 40: 71-82. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.10.009. SSCI/SCI(052BR)/EI(20124715686134) (IF: 6.395)
63. Lin, R., Tan, K., Geng, Y. 2013. Market demand, green product innovation, and firm performance: evidence from Vietnam motorcycle industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 40: 101-107. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.01.001. (SSCI/SCI(052BR)/EI(20124715686137))(IF: 6.395)
64. Geng, Y*., Liu, K.B., Fujita, T., Xue, B. 2013. Creating a “green university” in China: a case of Shenyang University. Journal of Cleaner Production, 61: 13-19. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.07.013. EI(IP52152779) (IF: 6.395)
65. Geng, Y*., Sarkis, J., Wang, X.B., Zhao, H.Y., Zhong, Y.G. 2013. Regional application of ground source heat pump in China: a case of Shenyang. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 18: 95-102. 10.1016/j.rser.2012.10.015. SSCI/SCI(094DX) EI(20130215877732)(IF: 10.556)
66. Dong, H.J., Geng, Y*., Sarkis, J., Fujita, T., Okadera, T., Xue, B. 2013. Regional water footprint evaluation in China: a case of Liaoning. Science of the Total Environment, 442: 215-224. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.10.049. SSCI/SCI(075WP)(EI(20130215887634)) (IF: 5.589)


1) 2006年3月,霍英東第十屆高等院校青年教師基金優選資助課題獲獎者;
2) 2005年5月,大連市自然科學論文二等獎;
3) 2006年8月,大連市自然科學論文一等獎;
4) 2007年8月,大連市自然科學論文二等獎;
5) 2003年9月,加拿大KILLAM獎學金(達爾胡西大學最高學術獎學金);
6) 2002年9月,加拿大KILLAM獎學金(達爾胡西大學最高學術獎學金);
7) 2006年9月,遼寧省自然科學成果獎(論文類)三等獎;
8) 2008年3月,遼寧省社會科學成果三等獎;
9) 2008年10月,大連市科技進步獎一等獎;(排名第三)
10) 2008年8月,遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎一等獎2008-LN0022;
11) 2009年8月,遼寧省第五批“百千萬人才工程”百人層次;
12) 2011年7月,瀋陽市科技進步二等獎(2011-2-4-1);(排名第一)
13) 2012年4月,瀋陽市五一勞動獎章獲得者(編號2832);
14) 2012年4月,瀋陽市十大海外學子創業獎獲得者;
15) 2012年6月,遼寧省首批“十百千”人才工程人選;
16) 2012年9月, 遼寧省科技進步三等獎(2012J-3-61-01);(排名第一)
17) 2012年9月,瀋陽市科技進步獎一等獎(2012-1-16-01);(排名第一)
18) 2012年9月,瀋陽市科技進步獎二等獎(2012-2-55-01);(排名第一)
19) 2013年9月,遼寧省科技進步獎二等獎(2013J-2-38-1);(排名第一)
20) 2013年10月,中國科學院優秀導師獎獲得者;
21) 2014年4月,中國科學院百人計畫終期評估優秀獲得者;
22) 2014年6月,中國科學院百篇優博指導教師;
23) 2014年,入選國家自然科學基金委2013年年度優秀成果;


