2020.7-至今, 北京理工大學, 計算機學院, 電子政務研究院,預聘助理研究員
2016.2-2020.7, 北京理工大學, 計算機科學與技術博士後, 合作導師: 王樹良
2005.09 - 2009.07,電子科技大學,軟體工程專業, 本科
2009.09 - 2015.12,武漢大學,測繪遙感信息工程國家重點實驗室, 攝影測量與遙感專業,導師:龔健雅(中國科學院院士)
1、 期刊論文
[1].Shuliang Wang, Jingting Yang, Zhengyu Chen, Hanning Yuan, Jing Geng*, Zhen Hai,2020,Global and Local Tensor Factorization for Multi-Criteria Recommender System. Patterns (Cell 子刊),1(2): 100023
[2]. Geng Jing; Gan Wenxia; Xu Jinying,Yang Ruqin,Wang Shuliang,2020,Support vector machine regression (SVR)-based nonlinear modeling of radiometric transforming relation for the coarse-resolution data-referenced relative radiometric normalization (RRN),Geo-Spatial Information Science, 23(3):237-247
[3]. Jing Geng, Shuliang Wang*, Wenxia Gan*, Hanning Yuan*, Zeqiang Chen.Promoting Geospatial Service from Information to Knowledge with Spatiotemporal Semantics, Complexity vol.2019, Article ID 9301420, 14 pages. DOI: 10.1155/2019/9301420. SCI: IS4SX 1076-2787 , JCR Q2
[4]. Qi Li, Shuliang Wang, Chuanfeng Zhao, Boxiang Zhao, Xin Yue, Jing Geng*, 2021, HIBOG: Improving the clustering accuracy by ameliorating dataset with gravitation, Information Sciences, 550: 41-56. JCR Q1
[5]. Shuliang Wang, Kanokwan Malang, Hanning Yuan, Aniwat Phaphuangwittayakul Yuanyuan Lv, Matthew David Lowdermilk, and Jing Geng*.2020, Extracting Skeleton of the Global Terrorism Network Based on m-Modified Topology Potential. Complexity, vol.2020, Article ID 7643290, 18 pages (IF:2.462), JCR Q2
[6]. Shuliang Wang, Qi Li, Hanning Yuan, Deren Li, Jing Geng*, Chuanfeng Zhao, Yimeng Lei, Chuanlu Liu, Chengfei Liu.δ-Open set clustering— A new topological clustering method; Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2018.8(6). JCR Q2
[7]. Shuliang Wang, Shaopeng Wang, Hanning Yuan, Qi Li, Jing Geng*, Yang Yu. Clustering by differencing potential of data field; Computing, 2018. 100:403–419. JCR Q3
[8]. Shuliang Wang, Dapeng Li, Jing Geng*, Longxing Yang, Tianru Dai, Learning bi-utterance for multi-turn response selection in retrieval-based chatbots. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems,March-April 2019: 1–10,DOI: 10.1177/1729881419841930 1729-8814,JCR Q4
[9]. Shuliang Wang; Dapeng Li; Jing Geng*; Hongyong Leng, 2020, Learning to balance the coherence and diversity of response generation in generation-based chatbots, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 17(4):1-11
[10]. Shuliang Wang, Yiping Zhao, Yue Shu, Hanning Yuan, Jing Geng, Shaopeng Wang, 2018, Fast search local extremum for maximal information coefficient (MIC). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 327: 372-387 (SCI: FJ5LG; IF 2.037), JCR Q1
[11]. Hanning Yuan, Zhengyu Chen, Jingting Yang, Geng Jing, Shuliang Wang*, 2020, A Hybrid Aspect Based Latent Factor Model for Recommendation, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 29 (3): 482-490 IF 0.945 1022-4653
[12]. Chuanlu Liu, Shuliang Wang*, Hanning Yuan, Jing Geng, 2020, Discovering the Association of Algae with Physicochemical Variables in Erhai Lake, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 29 (2): 265-272 IF 0.945 1022-4653
[13]. Tu Peng, Shuliang Wang*, Jing Geng, Qinsi Wang, Yun Yang, Kang Zhang, 2020, Verification of the Instantiation and Integration of Security Patterns, Journal of Web Engineering, 19(3-4): 521-556
[14]. Wang Shuliang, Chi Hehua, Yuan Ziqiang, Geng Jing, 2019, Emotion recognition using cloud model, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 28(3): 470-474,DOI:10.1049/cje.2018.09.020, May 2019
[15]. WANG Shuliang, LI Qi, YUAN Hanning, GENG Jing, DENG Chenwei, 2019, Robust Clustering with Topological Graph Partition, Chinese Journal of Electronics 28(1):76-84 (SC:IFT0SC Ei ) JCR Q4 DOI:10.1049/cje.2018.09.005
[16]. Shuliang Wang, Hehua Chi, Hanning Yuan, Jing Geng, 2017, Extraction and representation of common feature from uncertain facial expressions with cloud model. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, December 2017, 24(36): 27778–27787, DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-0237-2 (SCI:FP8EX IF 2.741,2.8, 3.056) JCR Q2
[17]. Hanning Yuan, Shuliang Wang*, Jing Geng, Yang Yu, Ming Zhong. 2017, Robust clustering with distance and density,International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 13(2):63-74. (corresponding author) (SCI: FD9QP; Ei: 20172103688417; IF 1.355 0.727, 0.781)
2、 會議論文
[1]. GeoGlobe-based Application User Case Analysis, ISPRS 2012: International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress. Australia, 2012, Geng Jing, Gong Jianya.
[2]. HierArchical-Grid CluStering Based on DaTA Field in Time-Series and the Influence of the First-Order Partial Derivative Potential Value for the ARIMA-Model; ADMA 2018, 2018, Krid Jinklub, Jing Geng*, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-05090-0_3.
[3]. The Comprehensive Analysis of Flood Disasters Losses in China from 2000 to 2010. CTCE 2018, Lei Zhang, Jing Geng* and Chunbo Fan.
[4]. Ship Detection from Remote Sensing Images Based on Deep Learning; International Conference on Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence, Springer, 2017:336-344; Ziqiang Yuan, Jing Geng*, Tianru Dai.
3、 專著
[1]. Yuan H., Geng J. Bian F. (Eds.), 2017, Geo-spatial Knowledge and Intelligence Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) ,Volume 698, Berlin: Springer.
[2]. Yuan H., Geng J. Bian F. (Eds.), 2017, Geo-spatial Knowledge and Intelligence Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) ,Volume 699, Berlin: Springer.
[3]. Yuan H., Geng J. Liu C. (Eds.), 2018, Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) ,Volume 848, Berlin: Springer.
[4]. Yuan H., Geng J. Liu C. (Eds.), 2018, Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) ,Volume 849, Berlin: Springer.
4、 專利
[1] 王樹良 李琦 耿晶 代天茹, 一種服務於聚類任務的自編碼器網路最佳化方法,申請日期2019.09.24,公開日:2020.01.17,專利號CN201910903391.0,中國國家知識產權局,IPC分類號G06T15/08
[2] 王樹良 耿晶 劉傳魯, 一種三維變數間相關性衡量方法及指標最佳化方法,申請日期2019.11.07,公開日:2020.02.14,專利號CN201911082689.6,中國國家知識產權局,IPC分類號G06T15/08
[3] 王樹良 耿晶 劉傳魯, 一種水質數據分析方法 [發明],申請日期2019.11.08,公開日:2020.02.25,專利號CN201911088806.X,中國國家知識產權局,IPC分類號G16C20/70
[4] 王樹良 許建峰 馮俊達 劉傳魯 耿晶 , 數據集中強相關變數提取及專利數量影響因素提取方法,申請日期2019.11.26,公開日:2020.04.10,專利號CN201911176601.7,中國國家知識產權局,IPC分類號 G06F16/2458
[5]袁漢寧 呂媛媛 王樹良 耿晶,一種共享腳踏車骨架網路提取方法,申請日期 2019.11.04,公開日期 2020.10.02,專利號 ZL 201911066648.8,中國國家知識產權局,IPC分類號 H04W4/021
5、 軟體著作權
[1]. 道路擁堵分析軟體V1.0
1、 國家重點研發計畫(2020YFC0832602),《智慧法院創新業務運行與戰略技術體系研究》,2020.10-2021.09,在研,主持;
2、 市場監管總局“2020年市場監管技術保障專項”,《基於食品安全突發時間應急處置的數據關係構建與關聯分析方法研究》,2020.06-2021.06,在研,主持;
3、 產學合作協同育人項目,《數據倉庫與數據挖掘》,2020.10-2021.10,在研,主持;
4、 國家自然科學基金面向項目(6207023801),《多源基礎地理數據智慧型治理關鍵技術》,2021.01-2024.12,在研,參與;
5、 北京航天XXXX,XXXXXXXX基金課題,2016.12-2018.12,已結題,主持;
6、 中央網信辦重大支撐課題,《電子政務信息系統整合和遷移策略研究》,2018.04 -2018.12,已結題,主持;
7、 地理國情監測國家測繪地理信息局重點實驗室2017年開放基金重點基金《基於不確定性分析的地理國情時空大數據挖掘》,2018.1-2019.12,在研,主持;
8、 國家重點研發計畫(2016YFC0803000), 《災害現場信息快速提取與綜合分析等/災害現場信息空地一體化獲取技術研究與集成套用示範》,2016.07 -2020.12,在研,第二主持;
9、 國家重點研發計畫(2016YFB0502604),《空間信息應急決策支持與平台研製》,2016.7-2019.7,已結題,第二主持;
10、 教育部《產教融合的大數據技術協同育人體系建設》,2019.1-2019.12,已結題,第二主持;
11、 北京理工大學創新團隊,空間大數據挖掘機理,2016.1 -2017.12,已結題,第二主持。
12、 北京市科學技術委員會重點項目《大數據共享融合關鍵技術研發及政務治理驗證》,2017.12 -2019.12,已結題,合作主持;
13、 國家自然科學基金(61472039)《空間大數據挖掘的關鍵技術研究》,2015.1 -2018.12,已結題,參與;