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羅巍,博士,同濟大學材料科學與工程學院“青年百人計畫”特聘研究員、博士生導師。回國前擔任美國馬里蘭大學機械工程學院 Assistant Research Professor。曾先後於俄勒岡州立大學化學學院,馬里蘭大學機械工程學院進行博士後研究。




Professional Experience 工作經歷:
Professor, Tongji University 2017-present
Assistant Research Professor, Universityof Maryland, 2016-2017
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Maryland, 2014-2016
Postdoctoral Researcher, Oregon StateUniversity, 2012-2014
Ph.D., Huazhong University of Science andTechnology, China, 2009-2012
B. E. and M. E., NorthwesternPolytechnical University, China, 2002-2009


Research Interests研究方向:
1. All Solid State Batteries 全固態電池
2. High Energy Density Electrodes 高比能正負極材料
3. Sodium-ion Batteries 鈉離子電池
4. Intercalation Chemistry ofTwo-dimensional Materials 二維材料插層化學


Selected Representative Publications 代表性論文
1. Duan, J.; Zheng, Y.; Luo, W.*; Wu, W.; Wang, T.; Xie, Y.; Li, S.; Li,J.*; Huang, Y.*, Is graphite lithiophobic or lithiophilic?National Science Review 2020, nwz222, https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwz222.
2. Huang, Y.; Chen, B.; Duan, J.; Yang, F.; Wang, T.; Wang,Z.; Yang, W.; Hu, C.; Luo, W.*; Huang, Y.*, g-C3N4:An Interface Enabler for Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries. AngewandteChemie International Edition 2020, doi.org/10.1002/anie.201914417.
3. Zheng, X.; Yang, W.; Wang, Z.; Huang, L.; Geng, S.; Wen,J.; Luo, W.*; Huang, Y.*, Embedding a percolateddual-conductive skeleton with high sodiophilicity toward stable sodium metalanodes. Nano Energy 2020, 69, 104387.
4. Wen, J.; Huang, Y.; Duan, J.; Wu, Y.; Luo, W.*; Zhou,L.; Hu, C.; Huang, L.; Zheng, X.; Yang, W.; Wen, Z.*; Huang, Y.*, HighlyAdhesive Li-BN Nanosheet Composite Anode with Excellent InterfacialCompatibility for Solid-State Li Metal Batteries. ACS Nano 2019,13, 14549-14556.
5. Duan,J.; Wu, W.; Nolan, A. M.; Wang, T.; Wen, J.; Hu, C.; Mo, Y.; Luo, W.*; Huang,Y.*, Lithium–Graphite Paste: An Interface Compatible Anode for Solid-StateBatteries. Advanced Materials 2019,31, 1807243.
6. Lu, K.; Zhang, H.; Ye, F.; Luo, W.*; Ma, H.*;Huang, Y.*, Rechargeable potassium-ion batteries enabled by potassium-iodineconversion chemistry. Energy Storage Materials 2019, 16, 1-5.
7. Zheng, X.; Bommier, C.; Luo, W.*; Jiang,L.; Hao, Y.*; Huang, Y.*, Sodium Metal Anodes for Room-Temperature Sodium-IonBatteries: Applications, Challenges and Solutions. Energy StorageMaterials 2019, 16, 6-23.
8. Huang,Y.; Zhang, W.; Li, S.; Luo, W.*; Huang,Z.; Fang, C.; Weng, M.; Zheng, J.; Pan, F.*; Liu, Q.*; Huang, Y.*, ActivateMetallic Copper as High-Capacity Cathode for Lithium-Ion Batteries viaNanocomposite Technology. Nano Energy2018, 54, 59-65.
9. Huang, Y. Y.; Zheng, Y. H.; Li, X.; Adams, F.; Luo, W.*; Huang,Y. H.*; Hu, L.*, Electrode Materials of Sodium-Ion Batteries toward PracticalApplication. ACS Energy Letters 2018, 3, 1604-1612.
10.Gao,Z.; Sun, H.; Fu, L.; Ye, F.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, W.*; and Huang, Y.H.*, Promise, Challenge and Recent Progress of Inorganic Solid-StateElectrolytes for All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries Advanced Materials2018, 30 (17), 1705702.
加入同濟之前(Priorto joining Tongji)
11. Chen, C.; Chen, Y.; Zhu, S.; Dai, J.; Pastel, G.; Yao,Y.; Liu, D.; Wang, Y.; Wan, J.; Li, T.; Luo, W.*; Hu,L.*, Catalyst-Free In Situ Carbon Nanotube Growth in Confined Space via HighTemperature Gradient. Research 2018, 2018, Article ID 1793784.
12.Jiang,F.; Li, T.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Gong, A.*; Dai, J.; Hitz, E.; Luo, W.*;Hu, L.*, Wood-Based Nanotechnologies toward Sustainability. AdvancedMaterials 2018, 30, 1703453.
13.Luo, W.;Hayden, J.; Jang, S.-H.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Kuang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, Y.;Rubloff, G. W.; Lin, C.*; Hu, L.*, Highly Conductive, Light Weight, Robust,Corrosion-Resistant, Scalable, All-Fiber Based Current Collectors for AqueousAcidic Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8, 1702615.
14.Luo, W.; Gong,Y.; Zhu, Y.; Li, Y.; Yao, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Fu, K. K.; Pastel, G.; Lin, C.; Mo,Y.; Wachsman,* E.; Hu*, L., Reducing Interfacial Resistance betweenGarnet-Structured Solid-State Electrolyte and Li Metal Anode by a GermaniumLayer. Advanced Materials 2017, 29 (22), 1606042.
15.Luo, W.; Lin,C.; Zhao, O., Noked, M., Zhang, Y. Rubloff, G. W., Hu*, L., Ultrathin SurfaceCoating Enable the Stable Sodium Metal Anode. Advanced Energy Materials2017, 7 (2), 1601526. Featured by MaterialsViews
16.Luo, W.; Gong,Y.; Zhu, Y.; Fu, K. K.; Dai, J.; Lacey, S. D.; Wang, C.; Liu, B.; Han,X.; Mo,Y.; Wachsman*, E.; Hu*, L., Transition from Superlithiophobicity toSuperlithiophilicity of Garnet Solid-State Electrolyte. JACS2016, 138 (37), 12258-12262. Featured by JACS Spotlights
17.Luo, W.; Shen,F.; Zhu, H.; Ji*, X.; Hu*, L., Na-Ion Battery Anodes: Materials andElectrochemistry. Accounts of Chemical Research 2016,49, 231-240.
18.Luo, W.; Wan,J.; Ozdemir, B.; Bao, W.;Chen, Y.; Dai, J.; Lin, H.; Xu, Y.; Gu, F.; Barone*,V.; Hu*, L., Potassium Ion Batteries with Graphitic Materials. NanoLetters 2015,15,7671-767.
19.Luo, W.; Jian,Z.; Xing, Z.; Wang, W.; Bommier, C.; Lerner, M.; Ji*, X., ElectrochemicallyExpandable Soft Carbon as Anodes for Na-Ion Batteries. ACS CentralScience 2015,1, 516-522.
20.Luo, W.;Allen, M. J.; Raju, V.; Ji*, X., An organic pigment as a high-performancecathode for sodium-ion batteries. Advanced Energy Materials2014,4,1400554


