



  • 中文名:續海金
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:大陸碰撞造山帶演化過程中的岩漿作用和變質作用
  • 任職院校:中國地質大學(武漢)






(1) 大陸碰撞造山帶演化過程中的岩漿作用和變質作用;
(2) 部分熔融與喜馬拉雅造山帶演化;
(3) 華北和華南中生代岩漿作用;


Xu, H.J.*,Zhang, J.F., Wang, Y.F., Liu, W.L., 2016. Late Triassic alkaline complex in the Sulu UHP terrane: Implications for post-collisional magmatism and subsequent fractional crystallization.GondwanaResearch35, 390-410(*為通訊作者).
Zhang, J.F.*, Wang, C.G.,Xu, H.J., Wang, C., Xu, W.L., 2015. Partial melting and crust-mantle interaction in subduction channels: Constraints from experimental petrology.Science China: Earth Sciences58, 1700-1712.
Xu, H.J.*, Ma, C.Q., Zhao, J.H., Zhang, J.F., 2014. Magma mixing generatedTriassic I-type granites in South China.Journal of Geology122, 329-351
Song, Y.R.,Xu, H.J.*,Zhang, J.F., Wang, D.Y., Liu, E.D., 2014. Syn-exhumationpartial melting and melt segregation in the Sulu UHP terrane: Evidences from leucosome and pegmatitic vein of migmatite.Lithos202-203, 55-75.
Song, Y.R.,Xu, H.J.*,Zhang, J.F., Wang, D.Y., Liu, E.D., 2014. Effects of melt fractional crystallization on Sr-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope systems: a case study of Triassic migmatite in the Sulu UHP terrane.International Geology Review56(7), 783-800.
Xu, H.J.*,Ma, C.Q., Zhao, J.H., Zhang, J.F., 2014. Petrogenesis of DashenshanI-type granodiorite: implications for Triassic crust-mantle interaction,SouthChina.International Geology Review56(3), 332-350.
Xu, H.J.*,Ye, K.*, Song, Y.R., Chen, Y., Zhang, J.F., Liu, Q., Guo, S., 2013.Prograde metamorphism, decompressional partial melting and subsequent melt crystallization and segregation in the Weihai migmatitic gneisses, Sulu UHP terrane,Eastern China.Chemical Geology341, 16-37.
續海金*,宋衍茹,葉凱. 2013.蘇魯超高壓地體部分熔融時間的厘定:榮成花崗質片麻岩中淺色條帶的鋯石U-Pb定年、微量元素和Lu-Hf同位素證據.岩石學報29(5), 1594-1606. [Xu, H.J.*, Song, Y.R., Ye, K., 2013. Partial melting time of the Sulu UHP terrane: constraints from zircon U-Pb age, trace element and Lu-Hf isotope composition of leucosome in Rongcheng granitic gneiss.Acta Petrologica Sinica29(5), 1594-1606 (Chinese with English abstract).]
Xu, H.J.*,Ma, C.Q., Zhang, J.F., Ye, K., 2012. Early Cretaceous low-Mg adakiticgranites from the Dabie orogen, easternChina: petrogenesis and implications for destruction of the over-thickened lower continental crust.Gondwana Research23, 190-207.
Xu, H.J.*,Ma, C.Q., Zhang, J.F., 2012. Generation of Early Cretaceous high-Mgadakitic host and enclaves by magma mixing, Dabie orogen,Eastern China.Lithos142-143, 182-200.
Xu, H.J.*,Ma, C.Q., Song, Y.R., Zhang, J.F., Ye, K., 2012. Early Cretaceousintermediate-mafic dykes in the Dabie orogen, easternChina: petrogenesis and implications for crust-mantle interaction.Lithos154, 83-99.
Xu, H.J.*,Song, Y.R., Ye, K., Zhang, J.F., Wang, H.R., 2012. Petrogenesis of maficdykes and high-Mg adakitic enclaves in the Late Mesozoic Fangshan low-Mg adakitic pluton, North China Craton.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences54-55, 143-161.
Xu, H.J.*,Ye, K., Zhang, J.F., 2012. Temperature of prograde metamorphism,decompressional partial melting and subsequent melt fractional crystallization in the Weihai migmatitic gneisses, Sulu UHP terrane: constraints from Ti-in-zircon thermometer.Journal of Earth Science23(6), 813-827.
續海金*,宋衍茹,章軍鋒,王永鋒,袁晏明, 2012.北京周口店地區房山岩體中岩漿混合作用的野外地質實踐教學.中國地質教育4, 135-139.
續海金,馬昌前*,葉凱. 2008.北大別早白堊紀花崗岩類的Sm-Nd和鋯石Hf同位素及其構造意義.岩石學報, 24(1): 87-103.[Xu, H.J., Ye, K., Ma, C.Q.*, 2008. Early Cretaceous granitoids in theNorth Dabieand their tectonic implications: Sr-Nd and zircon Hf isotopic evidences.Acta Petrologica Sinica24(1), 87-103 (Chinese with English abstract).]
續海金*,宋衍茹,楊坤光,袁晏明. 2008.岩石學野外實踐教學應遵循的幾個原則——以周口店實習為例.中國地質大學學報(社會科學版)(增刊): 22-24.
Xu, H.J.,Ma, C.Q., Ye, K.*, 2007. Early Cretaceous granitoids and theirimplications for Collapse of the Dabie orogen, easternChina: SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating and geochemistry.Chemical Geology240, 238-259.
Xu, H.J.,Ma, C.Q.*, Liu, F., Yang, K.G., 2003. Differences of granitic weathering atthe northern and southern feet ofDabieMountains,Central China: Implication for tectonic and climatic environments.Science inChina(Series D)46(7), 641-651.
續海金,馬昌前*. 2003.實驗岩石學對埃達克岩成因的限定——兼論中國東部富鉀高Sr/Y比值花崗岩類.地學前緣10(4), 417-427.
續海金,馬昌前*,劉凡,楊坤光. 2002.大別山南、北坡花崗岩風化作用的差異及其構造-氣候環境意義.中國科學(D輯)32(5), 415-422.
續海金,馬昌前*. 2002.地殼風化速率研究綜述.地球科學進展17(5), 670-678.
(2)國家自然科學基金面上項目,41072046,大別山造山後混合岩的成因研究,2014/01 – 2017/12,93萬,在研,主持。
(4)國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,40603002,威海-榮成地區超高壓地體花崗質片麻岩部分熔融研究,2007/01 – 2009/12,28萬,已結題,主持。
(5)國家自然科學基金面上項目,41372076,郯廬斷裂帶中段兩側中侏羅-早白堊世花崗質岩石演化極其構造意義,2011/01 – 2013/12,49萬,已結題,主持。
(6)中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目,“優秀青年教師特色學科團隊”,2012/01 – 2014/12,100萬,已結題,主持。
(7)中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目,“騰飛計畫”,2014/01 – 2016/12,40萬,在研,主持。
(8)國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫重點項目,90714005,華北克拉通破壞深部過程的高溫高壓實驗研究,2008/01 – 2011/12,215萬,已結題,參與。


1. 2014年度湖北省自然科學獎一等獎(排名第三),項目名稱:大別造山帶及鄰區岩漿作用與成礦動力學背景研究。
3.論文《Early Cretaceous low-Mg adakitic granites from the Dabie orogen, eastern China: petrogenesis and implications for destruction of the over-thickened lower continental crust》被評為武漢市自然科學優秀學術論文獎二等獎(排名第一,2013年)。


