



  • 中文名:王連訓
  • 畢業院校:德國圖賓根大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:鹼性岩漿岩和火成碳酸岩
  • 任職院校:中國地質大學地球科學學院


2010-2014,博士階段,德國圖賓根大學(Universität Tübingen)岩石學專業, 博士學位;
2006-2010,碩博階段,中國地質大學 (武漢)礦物學、岩石學、礦床學專業;
2014.10-, 中國地質大學(武漢)地球科學學院岩礦系


岩漿作用過程中的揮發分(F, Cl, Br,I,S, H2O等);




2016-2018, 地調外協項目,“武當地塊及鄰區火成碳酸岩、鹼性岩及稀土礦產成因關係研究”,第二負責人
2015-2017,中國地質大學(武漢)實驗技術研究重點項目,“高溫熱水解技術分離岩礦中的鹵族元素:裝置及流程 研發”,負責人;
2014-2016,橫向項目,“安徽九華山世界地質公園申報” 的科研專題部分“九華山岩體成因機制及全球對比研究”;排名2;
2011-2014,德國自然科學基金, "F-Cl-Br systematics in continental plutonic rocks from different geological settings",參與人,項目編號MA2563/3-1.


Wang, L.X.,Ma, C.Q., Zhang, C., Zhu, Y.X., Marks, A.W.M.2017. Halogen geochemistry of the I- and A-type granites from Jiuhuashan region (South China): Insights into the elevated F in A-type granites.Chemical Geology.2017.09.033
Zhang, C.,Wang, L.X.,Marks, M.A.W., France, L., Koepke, J.2017. Volatiles (CO2, S, F, Cl, Br) in the dike-gabbro transition zone at IODP Hole 1256D: Magmatic imprint versus hydrothermal influence at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridge.Chemical Geology, 2017.04.002.
Zhou, Z.M., Ma, C.Q.,Wang, L.X.Chen, S.G.,Xie,C.F.,Li, Y., Liu, W.2017. A source-depleted Early Jurassic granitic pluton from South China: Implication to the Mesozoic juvenile accretion of the South China crust.Lithos, (accept)
Liu B., Ma, C.Q., Huang, J.,Wang,L.X.,Zhao, S.Q., Yan, R., Sun, Y., Xiong, F.H.2017. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Upper Triassic appinite dykes in the East Kunlun orogenic belt, northern Tibetan Plateau.Lithos, 284-285, 766-778.
Wang C., Zhao X., Huang Z., Xing G.,WangL.2017.Early Cretaceous extensional-tectonism-related petrology of the Gan-Hang belt:Lingshan A-type granite at ca. 130Ma.Geological Journal.
王連訓,馬昌前,熊富浩,王富康,郭富濤,劉敬.2017.漿混花崗岩專題填圖方法初探——以東崑崙加魯河地區為例。地質通報, 36(11),1971-1986.
Wang, L.X., Marks, A.W.M., Wenzel, T., Markl, G.2016. Halogen-bearing minerals from the Tamazeght complex (Morocco): Constraints on halogen distribution and evolution in alkaline to peralkaline magmatic systems.The Canadian Mineralogist54.
Ding, L., Ma, C., Li, J.,Wang, L.2016. Geochronological, geochemical and mineralogical constraints on the petrogenesis of appinites from the Laoniushan complex, eastern Qinling, central China.Chemie der Erde, 76, 579-595.
Zhou, Z., Ma, C., Xie, C.,Wang, L., Liu, Y., Liu, W.,2016. Highly fractionated granites in Late Mesozoic polycyclic tectono-magmatism-mineralization in South China.Journal of Earth Science, 27(3), 444-460.
Zhong, Y.,Wang, L., Zhao, J., Liu, L., Ma, C., Zheng, J.2016.An Ordovician appinite-granite association in Wugongshan domain, South China: Partial melting of an ancient subduction-modified mantle in an intracontinental regime.Lithos, 264, 224-238.
Zhu, J.,Wang, L.,Peng, S., Peng, L., Wu, C., Qiu, X.2016.U-Pb zircon age, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Miaoya syenite and carbonatite complex, Central China.Geological Journal.
Wang, L.X., Ma, C.Q., Lai, Z.X., Marks, M.A.W., Zhang, C., Zhong, Y.F.2015. Early Jurassic mafic dykes from the Xiazhuang ore district (South China): Implications for tectonic evolution and uranium metallogenesis.Lithos, 239, 71-85.
Zhang, C., Koepke, J.,Wang, L.X., Wolff, P., Wilke, S., Stechern, A., Almeev, R., Holtz, F.2015. A practical method for accurate measurement of trace level fluorine (F) in Mg- and Fe-bearing mineral and glass using electron microprobe.Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 40, 351-363.
馬昌前,熊富浩,尹爍,王連訓,高珂. 2015. 造山帶岩漿作用的強度和旋迴性:以東崑崙古特提斯花崗岩類岩基為例.岩石學報,31(2), 3555-3568
Wang, L.X., Marks, M.A.W., Keller, J., Markl, G.2014. Halogen variations in alkaline rocks from the Upper Rhine Graben (SW Germany): insights into F, Cl and Br behavior during magmatic processes.Chemical Geology, 380, 133-144.
Wang, L.X., Marks, M.A.W., Wenzel, T., Von der Handt, A., Keller, J., Teiber, H., Markl, G.2014.Apatites from the Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex, Germany: new constraints on the relationship between carbonatite and associated silicate rocks.European Journal of Mineralogy, 26, 397-414.
Wang, L.X., Ma, C.Q., Zhang, C., Zhang, J., Marks, M.A.W.2014.Genesis of leucogranite by prolonged fractional crystallization: a case study of the Mufushan complex, South China.Lithos, 206-207, 147-163.
Wang, L.2014.Halogen (F, Cl and Br) systematics in alkaline to peralkaline magmatic rocks and their constituting minerals.Ph.D. thesis, published by thelibrary of Universität Tübingen, p1-125.
Wang, L., Wenzel, T., von der Handt, A., Marks, M.A.W., Markl, G.2013. Compositional variation in apatites from carbonatites and associated alkaline silicate rocks: a case study of the Kaiserstuhl complex, Germany.Mineralogical Magzine, 77(5), 2452.
Zhang, L.J., Ma, C.Q.,Wang, L.X., She, Z.B., Wang, S.M.2011. Discovery of Paleoproterozoic rapakivi granite on the northern margin of the Yangtze block and its geological significance.Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(3), 306-318.
張麗娟,馬昌前,王連訓, 佘振兵,王世明.2011. 揚子地塊北緣古元古代環斑花崗岩的發現及其意義。科學通報,56(1),44-57.
鄒慧娟,馬昌前,王連訓.2011. 湘東北幕阜山含綠簾石花崗閃長岩岩漿的上升速率:岩相學和礦物化學證據.地質學報,85(3),366-378.
鐘玉芳,馬昌前,佘振兵,續海金,王世明,王連訓.2011. 贛西北蒙山岩體的鋯石U-Pb-Hf, 地球化學特徵及成因.地球科學,36(4),703-720.
丁麗雪,馬昌前,李建威,王連訓,陳玲,佘振兵.2010. 華北克拉通南緣藍田和牧護關花崗岩體:LA-ICPMS鋯石U-Pb年齡及其構造意義.地球化學,39(5),401-413.
熊富浩,馬昌前,陳玲,劉彬,王連訓.2010. 大別造山帶白鴨山A型花崗岩中鎂鐵質微粒包體成因及其地質意義.礦物岩石,31-40.
張超, 馬昌前,廖群安,張金陽,肖敦清,付立新,王連訓.2009. 渤海灣黃驊盆地晚中生代-新生代火山岩地球化學:岩石成因及構造體制轉換.岩石學報,1159-1177.
王連訓,馬昌前,張金陽,陳玲,張超.2008. 湘東北早白堊世桃花山-小墨山花崗岩體岩石地球化學特徵及成因.高校地質學報,14(3),334-348.


