當然喜歡“BC配”且不再希望被“折騰”的冬粉們也不用過於擔憂,因為其實,時至今日Georgina的扮演者Michelle Trachtenberg是否會在第三季中回歸或者是否會有足夠戲份鬧個“天翻地覆”尚未可知,這位前《吸血鬼獵人巴菲 Buffy The Vampire Slayer》女星目前已加盟NBC電視網最新醫務劇《Mercy》,而該劇已獲NBC預定,將於今秋播出。
C:Look , I should never abandoned you and i knew i made the wrong decision as your plane took off , i distract myself all summer so i wouldnt feel it but i still do
B: And ?
C: I was scared ,I was scared that if we spend the whole summer
together just us you will see ~~
B: see what ?
C:Me .Please dont leave with him
B:Why? Give me a reason , and I am Chuck Bass doesnt count.
C: Because you dont want to ,
B:Not good enough ,
C:I dont want you to ,
B:That is not enough ,
C:What else is there ?
B:The true reason i should stay right who i am and not get in the car . Three words ,Eight letters , say it then i am yours.
C:I~~ I~~
B:Thank you , that is all i needed to hear
《緋聞女孩》--這部根據系列小說“Cecily von Ziegesar”所改編的電視劇集,自2007年開始在美國CW電視台播出以來,旋即在“80、90後”的觀眾中掀起收視狂潮,並隨著網路迅速風靡全世界。迷上《緋聞女孩》的冬粉們自稱為“GG迷”,他們為著劇中離自己生活十萬八千里的香艷奢華生活神魂顛倒,他們深愛著各自偶像的性格各異和同樣高貴迷人的氣質,他們狂熱追捧效仿著主角們令人眼花繚亂的時尚裝扮。——《緋聞女孩》,一個從紐約曼哈頓上流社會高中校園裡流傳出來的香艷傳說,就這樣迅速俘獲著少男少女們的心。