



  • 軟體名稱:簡潔日程規劃
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:10.07MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.1及以上
CandooIt 就是一款設計與 UI 都比較獨特的日程管理工具。這款與日曆結合的日程規劃套用採用了餅狀圖來顯示一天二十四小時,事項顯示的方式更為直觀,可以讓你對日程在一天中所占比例一目了然。套用內置了很貼心的預製事件,分類詳盡幾乎可以讓你不需要打字;添加事項時採用了上劃下劃來調整持續時長,跳出一般操作方式的框架,方便省事。 CandooIt is a planning APP suitable for both professional and home use! Forget typing and start planning at lightning speed! DESCRIPTION ------------- CandooIt uses a smart preset list for common activities, where you can easily pick your stuff, place it in your day and customize it whenever you want! See your activities fill the spare time, manage spanning and moving, swipe across weeks and months. The interactive infographic allows you to change everything with a simple gesture. Moreover, CandooIt offers the standard tools you'll need to plan your activities with to the minute precision. No matter if you are using other clients, CandooIt can be synced with your Google Calendar account See your Google calendars, share events, place reminders using email, SMS or the Notification Center All the standard features are here: reminders, recurring events, invitations, places, descriptions. MAIN FEATURES ------------- - Universal APP! - Customizable smart presets list - Day, week and month view - Daily infographic - Agenda - Invites management ( ) - Notifications via Notification Center These features can be managed only with a Google Calendar account enabled.


