



  • 書名:節能與新能源汽車發展報告2018(英文版)
  • 作者:中國汽車技術研究中心有限公司
  • ISBN:9787115507471
  • 定價:158元
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年1月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


This report, consisting of 6 chapters and 13 topics, discusses the development of domestic energy-saving and new energy vehicles in detail from the following aspects: industrial environment, fuel consumption, product trends, technology application, power consumption evaluation and foreign development.
The industrial environment chapter provides a high-level overview of the overall development of the energy-saving and new energy vehicles industry from the perspectives of energy environment, policy environment and industry situation. The fuel consumption chapter demonstrates the progress in fuel consumption management for passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The product trend chapter deeply explores the relationship between vehicle properties and power consumption based on the development characteristics of vehicle properties. The technology application chapter comprehensively analyzes the application characteristics of energy-saving and new energy vehicles technologies, and conducts special research on industry-focused alternative fuels and power battery technologies. The power consumption evaluation chapter obtains the energy-saving competitiveness ranking of domestic passenger car products through the factor analysis model, and uses statistical analysis to reveal the difference between real-world and certified fuel consumption. The foreign development chapter takes the fuel vehicle sales ban and the fuel consumption management of EU heavy-duty vehicles as the research objects, which provides a useful reference for the development of China’s energy-saving and new energy vehicles industry.




