



  • 作者:KennethC.                       /            等
  • ISBN:9787302030348
  • 頁數:693
  • 定價:62.00元
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:1998-07
  • 裝幀:平裝




Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Information Systems: Challenges and Opportunities
The Strategic Role of Information Systems
Information Systems, Organizations, and Business Processes
Information, Management, and Decision Making
Ethical and Social Impact of Information Systems
Computers and Information Processing
Information Systems Software
Managing Data Resources
The Internet and Enterprise Networking
Redesigning the Organization with Information Systems
Alternative Systems-Building Methods
Ensuring Quality with Information Systems
Systems Success and Failure: Implementation
Managing Knowledge
Enhancing Management Decision Making
Controlling Information Systems
Managing International Information Systems
Chapter 1 Information Systems: Challenges and Opportunities
Let the Internet Do the Walking
1.1 Why Information Systems?
The Competitive Business Environment, What Is an Information System?,
A Business Perspective on Information Systems, Window on Technology: UPS
Compeles Globally with Information Technology,
1.2 Contemporary Approaches to Information Systems
Technical Approach, Behavioral Approach, Approach of This Text:
Sociotechnical Systems,
1.3 The New Role of Information Systems in Organizations
The Widening Scope of Information Systems, The Network Revolution and
the Internet, New Options for Organizational Design, Window on
Management: Mass Customization: The New Automation, Window 011
Organizations: The Internet, The New Electronic Marketplace, The Changing
Management Process,
1.4 The Challenge of Information Systems: Key Management Issues
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: David Battles Goliath for the
Power of Information on the Intemet Case Study Questions
Chapter 2 The Strategic Role of Information Systems
Scotia Capital Markets: Internet Competitive Edge
2.1 Key System Applications in the Organization
Different Kinds of Systems, Six MaJor Types of Systems, Window on
Tecbnulogy: Hong Kong Airport Flies High with CAD, Relationship of
Systems to One Another: Integration,
2.2 Information as a Strategic Resource
What is a Strategic Information System?, Changing Concepttons of
Information and Information Systems,
2.3 How Information Systems Can Be Used for Competitive Advantage
Business Level Strategy and the Value Chain Model, Window on
Organizations: Striking it Rich with Datamining, Firm Level Strategy and
Information Technology, Window on Management: Package Tracking on the
Web: The Race Is On, Industry Level Strategy and Information Systems:
Competitive Forcesand Network Economics, Managing.Strategic
Transitions, What Managers Can Do,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: Procter Gamble: finding
the Right Business Model Case Study Questions References
Information Systems, Organizations, and Business Processes
Wired on the Web
3.1 The Relationship Between Organizations and Information Systems
The Two-Way Relationship, What Is an Organization?,
3.2 Salient Features of Organizations
Why Organizations Are So Much Alike: Common Features, Why
Organizations Are So Different: Unique Features, Business Processes,
Window on Organizations: Backing Away from Technology, Levels of
3.3 How Organizations Affect Information Systems
Decisions About the Role of Information Systems, Decisions About the
Computer Package: Who Delivers Information Technology Services?,
Decisions About Why Information Systems Are Built,
3.4 How Information Systems Affect Organizations
Economic Theories, Behavioral Theories, Window on Management:
Managing the Virtual Office, How the Web Potentially Affects
Organizations, Organizational Resistance to Change, Window on
Technology: Paper Dies Hard on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Implications
for the Design and Understanding of Information Systems,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: Greyhound Seeks Salvation
in a Strategic Reservation System Case Study Questions
Information, Management, and Decision Making
Skandia Rethinks Its Future
4.1 What Managers Do
Putting Management and Snformation Systems m Context, Three Schools of
Management, The Technical-Rational Perspectire, The Behavioral
Perspective, The Cognitive Perspective and the Postmodern Era,
Window on Technology: Managers Turn to the Internet,
4.2 Introduction to Decision Making
Levels of Decision Making, Types of Decisions: Structured vs.
Unstructured, Types of Decisions and Types ofSystems, Stages of
Decision Making,
4.3 Individual Models ofDecision Making
The Rational Model, Bounded Rationality and Satisficing, "Muddling
Througb," Psychological Types and Frames of Reference,
4.4 Organizational M.odels ofDecision Making
Bureaucratic Models, Window on Organizations: How Do Juries Decide?,
Window on Management: Blockade by the Book, Political Models of
Organizational Choice, "Garbage Can" Model,
4.5 How Infonnation Technology Has Changed the Management Process
Traditional and Contemporary Management, Implications for System
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Profect Case Study: Fisher SpacePen's
Management Time Warp Case Study Questions References
Chapter 5 rt One Case Study:
Ethical and Social Impact of Information Systems
Software Piracy Is Big Business
5.1 Vnderstanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems
A Model for Thinking About Ethical, Social and Political Issues, Five Moral
Dimensions of the Information Age, Key Technology Trends That Raise
Ethical Issues,
5.2 Ethics in an Information Society
Basic Concepts: Responsibility, Accountability and Liability, 154 Ethical
Analysis, Candidate Ethical Principles, Professional Codes of
Conduct, Some Real-World Ethical Dilemmas,
5.3 The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems
Information Rights: Privacy and Freedom m an Information Society, Window
on Technology: Are the Cookies Eating Your Privacy?, Property Rights:
Intellectual Property, Window on Organizations: A Corporate Software Code
of Ethics, Accountability, Liability and Control, Window on
Organizations: Liability on the Jnternet, System Quality: Data Quality and
System Errors, Quality of Life: Equity, Access, Boundaries, Window
on Management: The Internet for All?, Management Actions: A Corporate
Code of Ethics,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Projects Case Study: Fished Out with
Computers Case Study Questions References
Chrysler and GM: Organization, Technology and Business Processes in the U.S.
Auto Industry
Case Study Questions
Chapter 6 Computers and Information Processing
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange Swaps Computers
6.1 What Is a Computer System?
System Configuration, Bits and Bytes: How Computers Represent
Data, Time and Size in the Computer World,
6.2 The Central Processing Vnit and Primary Storage
Primary Storage, Types of Semiconductor Memory, The Arithmetic-
Logic Unit and Control Vnit,
6.3 The Evolution ofComputer Hardware
Generations of Computer Hardware, What is a Microprocessor? What is a
6.4 Categories of Computers
Mainframes, Minis and PCs, Downsizing and Cooperative Processing,
PCs and Workstations, Supercomputers and Parallel Processing,
Window on Technology Parallel Processing Goes Commercial,
6.5 Secondary Storage
Magnetic Disk, Optical Disks, Magnetic Tape,
6.6 Input and Output Devices
Input Devices, Window on Organizations: La Caixa Bank Pioneers Touch-
Screen Kiosks, Batch and On-Line Input and Processing, Output
6.7 Information Technology Trends
Multimedia, Network Computers, Superchips and Fifth-Generation
Computers, Window on Management: Network Computers: A New
Management Option,Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: Storage and
Strategy Case Study Questions References
Chapter 7 Information Systems Software
Software Overcomes Australia's Tyranny of Distance
7.1 What Is Software?
Software Programs, Major Types of Software,
7.1 System Software
Functions of the Operating System, Multiprogramming, Virtual Storage,
Time Sharing, and Multiprocessing, Language Translation and Utiltty
Software, Graphical User Interfaces, PC Operating Systems,
Selecting a PC Operating System,
7.3 Application Software
Generations of Programming Languages, Popular Programming
Languages, fourth-Generation Languages, Window on Management:
Mapping Solutions with Geographic Information Systems,
7.4 New Software Tools and Approaches
Object-Oriented Programming, Window 011 Technulogy: Power Short-
Circuits in Object-Oriented Development, Java and the Software
Revolution, Window on Organizations: Europe is Banking on java,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: The Year 2000
Problem Case Study Questions References
Chapter 8 Managing Data Resources
A Land Title System That Makes A Difference
8.1 Organizing Data in a Traditional File Environment
File Organization Terms and Concepts, Accessing Records from Computer
Files, Problems with the Traditional File Environment,
8.2 A Modem Database Environment
Database Management Systems, Logical and Physical Views of Data,
Advantages of Database Management Systems,
8.3 Designing Databases
Hierarchical Data Model, Network Data Model, . Relational Data
Model, Advantages and Disadvantages ofthe Three Database Models,
Creating a Database,
8.4 Database Trends 281
Distributed Processmg and Distributed Databases, 281 ObjectOriented and
Hypermedia Databases, 282 Window on Technology: Air France Flies with
Object Technology, 285 Multidimensional Data Analysis, 285 Data
Warehousmg, 286
8.5 Management Requirements for Database Systems 288
Window on Management: The EPA Cleans Up Its Own Mess Through the
Internet, 289 Data Administration, 289 Data Planning and Modeling
Methodology, 290 Database Technology and Management, 290 Window on
Organizations: Linking Databases to the Web: A New Threat to Privacy?, 291
Users, 292
Management Wrap-Up 292 Summary 292 Key Terms 293 Review
Questions 293 Group Project 294 Case Study: Glaxo's Data Warehouse
Prescription 294 References 295
Chapter 9 Telecommunications
Smith-Kline Beecham's Global Knowledge Network
9.1 The Telecommunications Revolution
The Marriage of Computers and Communications, The Information
9.2 Components and Functions ofa Telecommunications System
Telecommunications System Components, Types of Signals: Analog and
Digital, Types of Communication Channels, Characteristics of
Communications Channels, Communications Processors,
Telecommunications Software,
9.3 Types of Telecommunications Networks
Network. Topologies, Private Branch Exchanges and Local-Area Networks,
Wide-Area Networks, Value-Added Networks,
9.4 How Organizations Use Telecommunications for Competitive
Window on Organizations: Capespan's Global Network Delivers Fresh Produce,
Facilitating Applications, Window on Management: Monitoring
Employees on Networks: Vnethical or Good Business?, Window on
Technology: Videoconferencing on the Internet, Electronic Data
Interchange, Groupware,
9.5 Management Issues and Decisions
The Telecommumcattons Plan, Implementing the Plan,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: Rosenbluth Intemational
Travels a Telecommunications Route to Success Case Study
Questions References
Chapter 10 The Internet and Enterprise Networking
Schneider National Keeps On Trucking with the Internet
10.1 Enterprise Networking
The ClientfServer Model of Computing, Business Drivers of Enterprise
Part Two Case Study:
10.2 Thelntemet
Intrnet Capabilities', Internet Benefits to Organizations, The Internet
and Electronic Cdmmerce, Window on Organizations: The Internet
Becomes the Middleman,
10.3 Connectivity, Standards, and Intranets
Connectwtty Problems, Standards for Achieving Connectivity,
Intranets and java, Window on Management: Researchers Cross-Pollinate
on Roche Bioscience's Intranet, Window on Technology: Marshall
Industries' Virtual Distribution System,
10.4 Implementing Enterprise Networking and Intemet Computing,
Problems Posed by Enterprise Networking and the Internet, Some
Solutions. 368
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: Virtual Vineyards' Virtual
Storefront Case Study Questions References
Electronic Commerce Strategies: A Tale of Two Companies
Case Study Questions
Chapter 11
Redesigning the Organization with Information Systems
Building the Toshiba Global Infrastructure
11.1 Systems as Planned Organizational Change
Linking Information Systems to the Business Plan, Rstablishing
Organizational Information Requirements,
11.2 Systems Development and Organizational Change
The Spectrum of Organizational Change, Window on Organizations:
Redesigning With the Internet, Redesigning Business Processes,
Window on Technology: Workflow Software: Conquering the Paper Mountain,
397 Steps m Business Reengineering,
11.3 Overview ofSystems Development
Systems Analysis. SystemsDesign, Completing the Systems
Development Process,
11.4 Vnderstanding the Business Value of Information Systems
Capital Budgeting Models, Case Example: Primrose, Mendelson, and
Hansen, Nonfinancial and Strategic Considerations, Window on
Management: Intranet Sites with 1000% ROIs?,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: Digital Bites at the Chicago
Board of Trade Case Study Questions References
Chapter 12 Alternative Systems-Building Methods
CBS News Meets Its Web Site Deadline
12.1 The Traditional Systems Life Cycle
Stages of the Systems Life Cycle, Limitations oftheL ife Cycle Approach,
12.2 Prototyping
Steps in Prototyping, Advantages and Disadvantages of Prototyping,
12.3 Developing Systems with Application Software Packages
Advantages and Disadvantages ofSoftware Packages, Selecting Software
Packages, Packaged Software and the Systems Development Process,
12.4 End-User Development
End-User Computing Tools: Strengths and Limitations, Management
Benefits and Problems, Window on Organizations: Credit Suisse Tackles
Rapid Application Development, Managing End-User Development, 448
12.5 Outsourcing Information Systems
Window on Management: Managmg Web Site Content, Advantages and
Disadvantages of Outsourcing, Window on Technology: Canadian Vsers
Revolt, When to Use Outsourcing, Managing Outsourcing,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Tenns Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: Can a German Software
Giant Provide Client/Server Solutions? Case Study Questions
Chapter 13 Ensuring Quality with Information Systems
Maytag and Eastman Chemicals Build a Better Refrigerator
13.1 How Can Information Systems Promote Quality?
How Informatton Systems Contribute to Total Qualtty Management,
Window on Organizations: Buildiftg an Organization to Sell Flowers,
Window onTechnology: Delivering Quality Service Anywhere in the
World, The Need for Software Quality Assurance, Some Solutions to
Information System Quality Problems, Window on Management: When
Testing is Vital,
13.2 Traditional Tools and Methodologies for Quality Assurance
Structured Analysis, Structured Design, Structured Programming,
Flowcharts, Limitations of Traditional Methods,
13.3 New Approaches to Quality
Object-Oriented Software Development, Computer-Aided Software
Engineering (CASE), Software Re-Engineering,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: Quality for Customer Self-
Service Case Study Questions References
Chapter 14 System Success and Failure: Implementation
Web Site Failures
14.1 Information System Failure
Information System Problem Areas, Measuring System Success,
14.2 Causes of Information System Success and Failure
The Concept of Implementation, Causes of Implementation Success and
Failure, Window on Technology: Time Warner's Bleeding-Edge Customer
Service System, The Challenge of Business Reengmeering, The
Implementation Process: What Can Go Wrong,
14.3 Managing Implementation
Controlling Risk Factors, Window on Management; More Vser
Involvement, Please, Designmg for the Organization, Window on
Part Three Case Study:
Organizations: Implementing Canada's Government- Wide Intranet,
Sociotechnical Design,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: What Went Wrong at
FoxMeyer? Case Study Questions References
System Modernization at the Social Security Administration: 1982-1997
Case Study Questions
Chapter 15 Managing Knowledge
CAP Gemeni Sogeti's Knowledge Galaxy
15.1 Knowledge Management in the Organization
Informatton Systems and Knowledge Management,
Knowledge Work and
15.1 Information and Knowledge Work Systems
Distributing Knowledge: Office Information Systems, Creating Knowledge:
Knowledge Work Systems, Window on Technology: Law Goes Htgh-
Tech, Sharing Knowledge: Group Collaboration Systems, Group
Collaboration via the Internet,
15.3 Artificial Intelligence
What is Artificial Intelligence?, Why Business is Interested in Artificial
Intelligence, Capturing Knowledge: Expert Systems, Windotv on
Management: Does Al have a Role in Health Care?, Organizational
Intelligence: Case-Based Reasoing,
15.4 Other Intelligent Techniques
Neural Networks, Window on Organizations: Visa Spots Credit Card
Fraud, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms, Intelligent Agents,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: The United Nations Tums
to Expert Systems Case Study Questions References
Chapter 16 Enhancing Management Decision Making
Coutts &. Co. Group Analyzes Risk
16.1 Decision-Support Systems (DSS)
DSS and MIS, Types of Decision-Support Systems (DSS), Components
ofDSS, Examples of DSS Applications, Window on Technolugy: Wal-
Mart Mines for Details, Building DSS, Windou' on Organizations:
Going to War Over Competition,
16.2 Group Decision-Support Systems (GDSS)
What Is a GDSS?, Characteristics of GDSS, GDSS Software Tools,
How GDSS Can Enhance Group Decision Making,
16.3 Executive Support Systems (ESS)
The Role ofESS in the Organization, Developing ESS, Window on
Management: Netting Information on Your Competition, Benefits of
ESS, Examples of ESS,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: Zeneca Searches for
Decisions Case Study Questions References
Part Four Case Study: Boeing Designs the Paperless Airplane
Case Study Questions
Chapter 17 Controlling Information Systems
Stock Market Snafu Rattles Hong Kong Investors
17.1 System Vulnerability and Abuse
Why Systems Are Vulnerable, New Vulnerabilities and the Internet,
Window on Organizations: Uprooting the Internet Hackers, Concerns for
System Builders and Users, Window on Management: Reno Avoids Disaster
with a Recovery Plan,
17.1 Creating a Control Environment
General Controls Application Controls, Security and Electronic
Commerce, Developing a Control Structure: Costs and Benefits,
Window on Technology: Securing Electronic Payments on the Internet,
17.3 Auditing Information Systems
The Role of Auditing m the Control Process, Data Quality Audits,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: NASD Files Do a
Disappearing Act Case Study Questions References
Chapter 18 Managing International Information Systems
Molex Goes Global
18.1 The Growth ofIntemational Information Systems
Developing the International Information System Infrastructure, The Global
Environment: Business Drivers and Challenges, State ofthe Art,
18.2 Organizing Intemational Information Systems
Global Strategies and Business Organization, Global Systems to Fit the
Strategy, Reorganizing the Business,
18.3 Managing Global Systems
A Typical Scenario: Disorganization on a Global Scale, Strategy: Divide,
Conquer, Appease, Window on Management: Security Goes Global,
Implsmentation Tactics: Cooptation, The Management Solution,
18.4 Technology Issues and Opportunities
Mail Technical Issues, Window on Technology: Think Global and Act
Local, New Technical Opportunities and the Internet, Window on
Organizations: Is the Internet Ready for Global Commerce?,
Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review
Questions Group Project Case Study: Banking on Technology to
Lift up Developing Countries Case Study Questions
Part Five Case Study: Phantom Profits Haunt Kidder Peabody
Case Study Questions,
International Case Studies ICS 1
Case Study 1: From Geelong & District Water Board to Barwon Water: An Integrated IT
Joel B. Barolsky and Peter Wdll, University of Melboume (Australia), ICS 2
Case Study 2: Ginormous Life Insurance Company
Len Fertuck, University of Toronto (Canada), ICS 11
Case Study 3: From Analysis to Interface Design-The Example of Cuparla
Gerhard Schwabe, Stephen Wilczek, and Helmut Krcmar, University of Hohenheim
(Germany), ICS 14
Case Study 4: Citibank Asia-Pacific: Rearchitecting Information Technology
Infrastructure for the Twenty-first Century
Boon Siong Neo and Christina Soh, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), ICS 17
Case Study 5: Heineken NetherlandsB.V: Reengineering IS/IT to Enable Customer-
Oriented Supply Chain Management
Donald A. Marchand, Thomas E. Vollmann, and Kimberly A. Bechler, International
Institute for Management Development (Switzerland), ICS 27
Appendix A: Business Process Redesign Project Al
Glossary G-l
Name Index NIl
Organization Index 011
International Organizations
Index 1011
Subjectlndex SIl


