In the Shadow of the Stars (1991) - Allie Light; Irving Saraf
Death on the Job (1991) - Vince DiPersio; Bill Guttentag
Doing Time: Life Inside the Big House (1991) - Alan Raymond (II); Susan Raymond
Restless Conscience: Resistance to Hitler Within Germany 1933-1945, The (1991) - Hava Kohav Beller
Wild by Law (1991) - Lawrence R. Hott; Diane Garey
Deadly Deception: General Electric, Nuclear Weapons and Our Environment (1991) - Debra Chasnoff
Birdnesters of Thailand (1991) - Eric Valli; Alain Majani d'Inguimbert
Little Vicious, A (1991) - Immy Humes
Mark of the Maker, The (1991) - David McGowan (II)
Memorial: Letters from American Soldiers (1991) - Bill Couturié; Bernard Edelman
Manipulation (1991) - Daniel Greaves (I)
Blackfly (1991) - Christopher Hinton
Strings (1991) - Wendy Tilby
Session Man (1992) (TV) - Seth Winston; Robert N. Fried
Birch Street Gym (1991) - Stephen Kessler; Thomas R. Conroy
Last Breeze of Summer (1991) - David Massey
Honorary Award
Satyajit Ray
- For his rare mastery of the art of motion pictures and for his profound humanitarian outlook, which has had an indelible influence on filmmakers and audiences throughout the world.
表揚獎章 Medal of Commendation
Pete Comandini (YCM Laboratories); Richard Dayton (II) (YCM Laboratories); Donald Hagans (YCM Laboratories); Richard T. Ryan (YCM Laboratories)
- For the creation and development of a motion picture film restoration process using liquid gate and registration correction on a contact printer.
Richard J. Stumpf; Joseph Westheimer
- For outstanding service and dedication in upholding the high standards of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences.
Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award:
George Lucas
Gordon E. Sawyer Award:
Ray Harryhausen
Scientific and Engineering Award:
Harry J. Baker
- For the design and development of the first full fluid-action tripod head with adjustable degrees of viscous drag.
Guido Cartoni
- For his pioneer work in developing the technology to achieve selectable and repeatable viscous drag modules in fluid tripod heads.
Randy Cartwright; David Coons (II); Lem Davis; Thomas Hahn; James Houston (II); Mark Kimball; Peter Nye; Michael Shantzis; David F. Wolf; Walt Disney feature Animation department
- For the design and development of the "CAPS" production system for film animation.
Mario Celso
- For his pioneering work in the design, development and manufacture of equipment for carbon arc and xenon power supplies and igniters in motion picture projection.
Faz Fazakas; Brian Henson (I); Dave Housman; Peter Miller (VIII); John Stephenson (I)
- For the development of the Henson Performance Control System.
Ray Feeney; Richard Keeney; Richard J. Lundell
- For the software development and adaptation of the Solitaire Film Recorder that provides a flexible, cost-effective film recording system.
Iain Neil; Albert K. Saiki; Panavision, Inc.
- For the optical design (Neil), the mechanical design (Saiki) and the concept and development (Panavision) of the Primo Zoom Lens for 35m cinematography.
Georg Thoma; Heinz Feierlein; Engineering department of Sachtler AG
- For the design (Thoma) and the development (Feierlein/Sachtler) for a range of fluid tripod heads.
George Worrall
- For the design, development and manufacture of the Worrall geared camera head for motion picture production.
Technical Achievement Award:
Century Precision Optics
- For the opto-mechanical design and development of the Canon Century Precision Optics Zoom Lens.
Dick Cavdek; Steve Hamerski; Otto Nemenz Int'l. Inc.
- For the opto-mechanical design and development of the Canon/Nemenz Camera Zoom Lens.
James Doyle (V)
- For the design and development of the Dry Fogger, which uses liquid nitrogen to produce a safe, dense, low-hanging dry fog.
Ken Robings; Clairmont Camera
- For the opto-mechanical design and development of the Canon/Nemenz Camera Zoom Lens.
Robert W. Stoker Jr.
- For the design and development of a cobweb gun for applying non-toxic cobweb effects on motion picture sets with both safety and ease of operation.
晚會前幾天,包括同性戀者國度和電影出櫃(Out in Film)在內的LGBT團體(女同性戀者、男同性戀者、雙性戀者與跨性別者)宣布他們計畫在多蘿西·錢德勒大廳外進行一場抗議活動。這些組織對像《沉默的羔羊》、《刺殺甘迺迪》和即將上映的《本能》中對同性戀存在的貶損性描繪感到不滿。同性戀國度發言人瑞克·威爾遜(Rick Wilson)稱示威者將會阻止車輛進入現場,還計畫進入劇場內進行擾亂。對此製片人吉爾·凱茨表示“任何人都可以在節目現場外就任何事情進行抗議”,但他也稱,如果晚會期間在鏡頭上發生了什麼事,通常的作法就是會切換為廣告。而藝術與科學學院發言人鮑勃·沃爾登(Bob Werden)則重申,雖然保全計畫不會像去年那樣嚴格,但還是會有消防員和警察待命以防抗議者事態失控。