- 中文名:第十一屆國際轉基因技術協會世界大會
- 時間:2013年2月25日-2月27日
- 地點:中國廣東廣州
- 主辦單位:南方醫科大學
ISTT訪問亞洲後的第一次,以前ISTT贊助的會議,舉辦了歐洲(巴塞隆納-柏林- TT2005,TT2010),北美和大洋洲(多倫多佛羅里達州TT2008,TT2011)(布里斯本TT2007)。這將是我們第11次會議給我們一個機會來慶祝這一獨特的論壇,最初是由瑞典卡羅林斯卡研究所,斯德哥爾摩,:約翰內斯Wilbertz(瑞典)於1999年。
自2006年成立以來,ISTT,TT會議的主要活動,促進和支持我們的社會。我們很高興來中國訪問,並非常感謝趙明教授組織了這次TT2013會議,我們希望這將有助於加強我們的關係和合作,與來自中國和亞洲其他國家的同事 我們歡迎所有與會者。在這個過程中,產生轉基因動物或人執行的實驗,按照這樣的轉基因動物,以確定相應的表型。這個程式應該感興趣的科學家,班組長,博士後研究人員,設施管理人員,技術人員和博士研究生,直接或間接與轉基因動物。我們邀請您參加本次會議,在這裡我們將討論最新的技術發展,利用轉基因動物在生物學,生物醫學和生物技術的最新套用與策略。有興趣的公司和機構在這一領域的客人參加,並分享他們的最新技術。
在TT2013會議的,我們有很多的會談集中在轉基因和基因敲除動物,嚙齒類和非嚙齒類動物。該計畫包括更新了幾個區域和國際行動,利用轉基因動物的研究和創新性的使用有針對性的核酸和他們的應用程式在轉基因動物。我們將繼續我們的圓桌討論“運行轉基因的設施”。我們也將了解最相關的生物倫理和動物福利問題。一個新的顯著興趣的話題,是該地區的胚培養過程中可能出現的表遺傳學改變,以及隨後對表型的影響。總之,我們將有機會聽到的最新成果和視野,從一些最負盛名的,知識淵博的科學家,在我們的領域。最後,但並非最不重要,緊隨會議,3天的研討會由轉基因實驗設計類和動手實驗練習將提供給那些希望建立一個強大的背景,在轉基因技術和套用。 最值得注意的是,在TT2013會議,我們將頒發第九屆ISTT轉基因技術領域的突出貢獻獎。在此之際,我們很自豪地宣布,獲獎的科學家將威康信託基金會桑格研究所(WTSI)名譽主任,教授艾倫·布拉德利,和小鼠基因組學團隊的領導者在WTSI在我們的領域,從根本上圖。他的開創性的小鼠胚胎乾(ES)細胞在20世紀80年代,展示胚芽線傳輸和胚胎幹細胞產生內源性基因的突變小鼠,建立了里程碑的欄位看到了2007年的諾貝爾經濟學獎授予在的巨大潛力生理學或醫學馬里奧·卡佩奇,馬丁·埃文斯和奧利弗·史密斯。過去的ISTT獲獎者包括拉爾夫·L.布林斯特,弗朗西斯·斯圖爾特,布里吉德霍根,查爾斯貝比芮,安德拉斯·納吉周,齊,午McCreath和輝彥和歌山, 白雲國際會議中心東方國際會議酒店是廣州規模最大的綜合性5在南中國的星級酒店,具有良好信用記錄的成功舉辦會議和完善的配套設施。位於白雲山,白雲新城,會展中心,可俯瞰白雲山風景名勝區和鳴泉居度假村,是一個設備齊全的,自足的會議度假勝地。40多條國際航線服務。 廣州新白雲國際機場,20分鐘車程,距離白雲國際會議中心是首都和最大的城市,在中國南方的廣東省,人口約13萬。廣州是主要的製造業中心的珠江三角洲地區,中國大陸領先的商業和製造業地區之一。Guangzou剛好位於北回歸線以南,屬亞熱帶濕潤氣候。廣州2月的平均氣溫在12oC/53oF至19oC/65oF濕度約78%,平均30%可能有雨之間。除了 參加這個令人興奮的TT2013會議,將有大量的訪問有趣的地方,體驗到了濃郁的中國文化和歷史的機會。
Allan Bradley
Allan Bradley is the former Director of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, where he holds the title of Director Emeritus. He leads the Mouse Genomics Team, which uses the mouse as a model system to investigate the function of individual gene.
Fernando Benavides
Dr. Fernando Benavides is a mouse geneticist and laboratory animal veterinarian with experience in describing new mouse models involving spontaneous mutations and genetically modified mice. As the director of the Genetic Services of the Animal Resources at MD Anderson Cancer Center, he carries out numerous speed congenic projects aimed to move genes of interest from undefined (mixed) genetic backgrounds to the inbred strain of choice. Dr. Benavides has a background in positional cloning of spontaneous mutations and have described several new mouse models. He received his DVM and PhD degrees from the University of Buenos Aires.
James Bussell
James Bussell and his team provide for the care and welfare of the animals bred and maintained at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. An active supporter of animal welfare initiatives, James has contributed many concepts that support the aims of the 3R‘s (replacement, reduction and refinement) and the education of scientific researchers and technicians.
Michael Dobbie
Michael Dobbie is the Chief Operating Officer of the Australian Phenomics Network, based at the Australian Phenomics Facility on the campus of The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. After gaining science degrees in Sydney, Michael trained in London and Oxford, UK, where he completed his PhD and several postdoctoral projects before he fully realized the utility of the mouse to annotate the genome and make new links between genes and disease. He has spent the last six years developing new projects to capitalize on the power of the phenomics approach to serve medical researchers worldwide.
Xin-an Pu
Xin-an Pu, PhD, started working in embryology and animal transgenesis in 1998. She has been overseeing the operation of transgenic animal core facility for academic institutes, and most recent 10 years at The Ohio State University. She has gained intensive experiences in trouble-shooting during the process of generation of transgenic/knockout mice, rederivation, cryo-preservation, and assisted reproduction. She is a member of the International Society of Transgenic Technologies, and a faithful participant at tg-list forum since its onset.
Zhu-Gang Wang
Zhugang WANG, Ph.D., Professor and Principal Investigator at College of Basic Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. Dr. Wang researched deeply into the molecular pathogenesis of Acute Premyelocytic Leukaemia (APL). His research results illustrated the roles of PML and PML/RAR fusion proteins in APL pathogenesis, and demonstrated the dominant negative-effect of the fusion protein on functions of PML in vivo through analysis of phenotypes of PML knock-out and PML/RAR transgenic mouse models.
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