


在理論研究界,一般將中國電影發生、發展過程中湧現的導演群體,按先後時代劃分為五代.“第五代”是指以北京電影學院78級(82屆)畢業生張藝謀、陳凱歌、吳子牛、田壯壯等為主體的一批導演.自1984年開始,這批導演先後拍攝出《一個和八個》、《黃土地》、《喋血黑谷》、《獵場扎撒》、《盜馬賊》、《大閱兵》、《紅高粱》、《孩子王》、《女兒樓》、《太陽雨》、《給咖啡加點糖》、《歡樂英雄》、《陰陽界》、《晚鐘》、《弧光》、《菊豆》、《大紅燈籠高高掛》、《秋菊打官司》、《霸王別姬》等一大批具有全新藝術觀念和個人風格特色的影片.這些影片被稱為“第五代”電影.同時,由於“第五代”導演的藝術創作常被納入到包括“第四代”導演在內的“新潮電影”概念之中加以表述,使“第五代”電影這一概念的外延實際上超越了影片本身,而成為“第五代”電影現象的指代.&&&&人物 ThatChina's "fifth generation" directors are shooting video. In theory, the research community, generally occurredChinesefilm, the director of the development process of emerging groups, according to the times has divided into five generations. "Fifth generation" refers to the Beijing Film Academy 78 (82 th) graduates Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Wu Ziniu, Tian such as the main group of directors. Since 1984, these directors have taken out "Oneand Eight", "YellowEarth", "Blood on Black Valley" "hunting ground Zhasa," "The Horse Thief," "Parade," "RedSorghum," "King of Children", "daughter ofHouse", "SunRain," and "coffee JiadianTang," "Happy Hero," " Yin and Yang circles, "" Evening Bell "," arc "," Ju Dou, "" Raisethe RedLantern, ""Storyof Qiu Ju, "" Farewell My Concubine "and large number of new artistic ideas and personal style characteristics video. These movies are called "fifth generation" films. Meanwhile, as the "fifth generation" directors of art are often incorporated to include the "fourth generation" directors, including the "new wave film" into the conceptto beexpressed, so that "Fifth Generation" film extension of this concept in fact goes beyond the film itself, but rather a "Fifth Generation" film .&&&& figures refer to the phenomenon of


