



  • 中文名:符垚
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:美國威斯康辛大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:副教授


2000 – 2004年, 四川大學華西藥學院,理學學士
2004 – 2007年,四川大學華西藥學院,理學碩士
2007 – 2012年,美國威斯康辛大學-麥迪遜分校藥學院,博士學位
2012 – 2014年,美國威斯康辛大學-麥迪遜分校生物醫學工程系,從事博士後研究




1.國家自然科學基金面上項目,原位自組裝緩控釋系統用於間質纖維化局部免疫治療的研究,81773654,2018/01 – 2021/12
2.四川大學優秀青年學者科研基金A類,模擬細胞外基質複合水凝膠支架用於治療細胞傳遞和慢性創傷修復的研究,2017SCU04A23,2017/01 – 2018/12
3.國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,糖苷介導腎靶向聚合物膠束遞藥載體的構建和靶向治療慢性腎病的研究,81503018, 2016/01 – 2018/12
4.四川大學引進人才科研啟動基金,以糖苷和糖苷衍生物為載體的靶向藥物構效關係和攝取機制研究,2014年6月– 2016年6月


1.Wang Y, Gong T, Zhang Z, Fu Y*. Matrix stiffness differentially regulates cellular uptake behavior of nanoparticles in two breast cancer cell lines. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2017, 9(31), 25915-25928.
2.Zhou X, Qin XY, Gong T, Zhang Z, Fu Y*. D-Fructose modification enhanced internalization of mixed micelles in breast cancer cells via GLUT5 transporters. Macromol Biosci 2017, 17(7), 1600529.
3.Luo Shi, Li PW, Du ZW, Hu X, Fu Y*, Zhang ZR*. N,N-dimethyl tertiary amino group mediated dual pancreas- and lung-targeting therapy against acute pancreatitis. Mol Pharm 2017,14(5),1771-1781.
4.Wang XY, Qi BW, Su HF, Li JB, Sun X, He Q, Fu Y*, Zhang ZR*. Pyrilamine-sensitive proton-coupled organic cation (H/OC) antiporter for brain-specific drug delivery. J Control Rel 2017, 254, 34-43.
5.Zhou ML, Li JB, Li CH, Guo L, Wang XY, He Q, Fu Y*, Zhang ZR*. Tertiary amine mediated targeted therapy against metastatic lung cancer. J Control Rel 2016, 241, 81-93
6.Cao X, Zhou X, Wang Y, Gong T, Zhang ZR, Liu RH, Fu Y*. Diblock- and triblock-copolymer based mixed micelles with high tumor penetrationin vitroandin vivo. J Mater Chem B 2016, 4, 3216-3224. (Hot paper)
7.Zhou X, Liu RH, Qin S, Yu RL, Fu Y*. Current Status and future directions of nanoparticulate strategy for cancer immunotherapy. Current Drug Metabolism 2016,17(8),755-762.
8.Wang MX, Shan FY, Zou Y, Sun X, Zhang ZR, Fu Y*, Gong T*. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics study of a phospholipid-based phase separation gel for once a month administration of octreotide. J Control Rel 2016, 230, 45-56.
9.Li WH, Yi XL, Liu X, Zhang ZR, Fu Y*, Gong T*. Hyaluronic acid ion-pairing nanoparticles for targeted tumor therapy. J Control Rel 2016, 225, 170-182.
10.Hu M, Zhang Y, Xiang NX, Zhong Y, Gong T, Zhang ZR, Fu Y*. Long-acting phospholipid gel of exenatide for long-term therapy of type II diabetes. Pharm Res 2016, pp1-9
11.Yi XL, Lian XH, Dong JX, Wan ZY, Xia CY, Song X, Fu Y*, Gong T*, Zhang ZR. Co-delivery of pirarubicin and paclitaxel by human serum albumin nanoparticles to enhance antitumor effect and reduce systemic toxicity in breast cancers. Mol Pharm 2015, 12, 4085-4098.
12.He XY, Xiang NX, Zhang JJ, Zhou J, Fu Y*, Gong T*, Zhang ZR. Encapsulation of teniposide into albumin nanoparticles with greatly lowered toxicity and enhanced antitumor activity. Int J Pharm 2015, 487, 250-259.
13.Cao X, Luo JW, Gong T, Zhang ZR, Sun X, Fu Y*. Coencapsulated doxorubicin and bromotetrandrine lipid nanoemulsion in reversing multidrug resistance in breast cancer in vitro and in vivo. Mol Pharm 2015, 12, 274-286。


Fu Y, Kao WJ. Proteomic approaches to characterize surface-bound proteins and material-mediated cellular proteins. Proteins at Interfaces III: State of the Art Book series: ACS Symposium Series. Editors: T Horbett, J Brash, W Norde. 2012,1120,809-837.


Kao WJ, Fu Y. Multifunctional in situ polymerized network via thiol-ene and thiol-maleimide chemistry, Patent No.: US8980295B2


