- 中文名:龔濤
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:四川大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:四川大學博士生導師
- 職稱:教授
1992~1995 華西醫科大學藥學院藥劑學專業,藥劑學專業碩士研究生
1995~2001 華西醫科大學製藥廠,工作
2004~2011 四川大學華西藥學院,講師,副教授,碩士生導師
2011~至今 四川大學華西藥學院,教授,博士生導師
- 緩控釋和微粒給藥系統的關鍵技術及套用研究
- 藥物製劑新技術及其套用研究
2. 課題負責人,穿心蓮內酯包合物及其凍乾粉針的研製,四川省科技支撐項目,編號:2008SZ0022,起止日期2008.01-2010.12
3. 課題負責人,PEPT2介導的以調控肺癌基因的miRNA為靶點的載寡聚核苷酸的肺部給藥系統研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,編號:30873165,起止日期2009.1-2011.12
4. 課題負責人,基於B肝病毒的嗜肝性原理構建的肝實質細胞主動靶向給藥系統的研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,編號:81273443,起止日期2013.1-2016.12
5. 子課題負責人, “新釋藥系統關鍵技術及新產品產業化研究” 子課題:鹽酸米托蒽醌脂質體注射液臨床研究, 科技部重大新藥創製,子課題編號:2014ZX09507001002,起止日期2014.01—2016.12
6. 子課題負責人,973項目“用於腦部腫瘤治療的新型納米藥物研究,編號:2013CB932500”第四課題“腦部腫瘤系統靶向性納米藥物的工程化製備關鍵技術研究”,子課題編號:2013CB932504-2,起止日期 2013.1-2017.12
8. 課題負責人,活化HSCs靶向遞藥系統的構建和用於肝纖維化精準治療的研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,編號:81673359,2017.1.1-2020.12.31
2. 一種腎靶向藥物載體材料及與其形成的前藥、製法和套用。發明專利授權號:ZL 200610020991.5,發明人:張志榮,龔濤,孫遜,袁志翔。
3.一種穿琥寧脂質體凍乾粉製劑及其製備方法。發明專利授權號:ZL 200610022665.8,發明人:張志榮,龔濤
4.喜樹鹼衍生物磷脂複合物脂質納米粒製劑及其製備方法。發明專利授權號:ZL 200710048481.3,發明人:張志榮,龔濤,衛薇。
5. 丹參酚酸B磷脂複合物及其製備方法 發明專利授權號:ZL 200710051038.1,發明人: 張志榮,龔濤,彭強
6. 一種細辛腦注射劑及其製備方法, 發明專利授權號:ZL 200910164296.X,發明人:許玉瓊,龔濤,張志榮,梁臻
7. 一種α-細辛腦混合膠束注射劑及其製備方法、套用及其凍乾粉針製劑, 發明專利授權號:ZL 200910059924.8,發明人:張志榮,龔濤,任春娟
8. 有機胺衍生物作為小分子藥物腦靶向修飾基團的用途,發明專利授權號:ZL 201010144446.3,發明人: 張志榮,龔濤,孫遜、張宣、趙棟、劉興
9. 一種提高生物利用度的氧化石蒜鹼組合物及其製劑 ,發明專利授權號:ZL201210252981.X, 發明人:張志榮、龔濤、趙暉
10. 一種提高桑色素口服生物利用度的藥物組合物,發明專利授權號:ZL201110275082.7,發明人: 張志榮、龔濤、張金潔、孫遜
11. 氨基葡萄糖衍生物作為小分子藥物腎靶向修飾基團的用途,發明專利授權號:ZL201110262847.3,發明人: 張志榮 林燕 龔濤 孫遜 王曉虹
12. 一種9-硝基喜樹鹼混合膠束凍乾粉針及其製備方法,申請號:201210035050.4, 發明人:龔濤、張志榮、孫遜、黃蕊
13.一種透明質酸-陽離子藥物離子對微粒,發明專利,申請號:201510555003.6, 發明人:龔濤、張志榮、李文浩
15. 一種鬼臼毒素類藥物的靶向給藥製劑,發明專利,申請號:2014107700264, 發明人:龔濤、張志榮,和心依
2.潘衛三主編,《工業藥劑學》(第十四章 靶向製劑),中國醫藥出版社,2010.6
3. 蔣新國主編,《腦靶向遞藥系統》,人民衛生出版社(第七章 轉運體介導的腦靶向遞藥),2011.5
4. 張志榮主編,《藥劑學》,高等教育出版社,(第十四章 藥物劑型與製劑的設計),北京,2014.3
2. Xu Song, Zhuoya Wan, Tijia Chen, Yao Fu, Kejun Jiang, Xiaoli Yi, Huan Ke, Jianxia Dong, Liuqing Yang, Lin Li, Xun Sun, Tao Gong*, Zhirong Zhang* Development of a Multi-Target Peptide for Potentiating Chemotherapy by Modulating Tumor Microenvironment Biomaterials 108 (2016) 44-56
3. Quan Zhang†, Caifeng Deng†, Yao Fu, Xun Sun, Tao Gong*, Zhirong Zhang Repeated administration of hyaluronic acid coated liposomes with improved pharmacokinetics and reduced immune response Molecular Pharmaceutics 2016,13(6)1800-1808
4. Mengxin Wang, Fengyin San, Yang Zou, Xun Sun, Zhi-Rong Zhang, Yao Fu*, Tao Gong* Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of phospholipid-based phase separation gels for once a month administration of octreotide Journal of Controlled Release 2016,230:45-56
5. Wenhao Li, Xiaoli Yi, Xing Liu, Zhirong Zhang, Yao Fu*, Tao Gong* Hyaluronic acid ion-pairing nanoparticles for targeted tumor therapy Journal of Controlled Release 225 (2016) 170–182
6. Jing-Wen Luo, Ting Zhang, Quan Zhang, Xi Cao, Xin Zeng, Yao Fu, Zhi-Rong Zhang, Tao Gong* A novel injectable phospholipid gel co-loaded with doxorubicin and bromotetrandrine for resistant breast cancer treatment by intratumoral injection Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 140 (2016) 538–547
7. Nanxi Xiang, Xu Zhou, Xinyi He, Yu Zhang, Jinjie Zhang, Zhi-Rong Zhang, Xun Sun, Tao Gong*, Yao Fu* An Injectable Gel Platform for the Prolonged Therapeutic Effect of Pitavastatin in the Management of Hyperlipidemia Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 105 (2016) 1148--1155
8. Jing-Wen Luo, Zhi-Rong Zhang, Tao Gong*and Yao Fu* one-step self-assembled nanomicelles for improving the oral bioavailability of nimodipine International Journal of Nanomedicine 2016:11 1051–1065
9. Xu Song,Qing Lin, Ling Guo,Yao Fu,Jianfeng Han, Huan Ke, Xun Sun, Tao Gong*,Zhirong Zhang* Rifampicin Loaded Mannosylated Cationic Nanostructured Lipid Carriers for Alveolar Macrophage-specific Delivery Pharm Res 2015,32(5):1741--1751
10. Ting Zhang†, Qiang Peng†, Feng-Ying San, Meng-Xin Wang, Wen-Qi Wu, Tao Gong*, Zhi-Rong Zhang* A high-efficiency, low-toxicity, phospholipids-based phase separation gel for long-term delivery of peptides Biomaterials 45(2015)1-9
11. Jinjie Zhang, Jianbo Li, Yuan Ju, Yao Fu, Tao Gong,* and Zhirong Zhang* Mechanism of enhanced oral absorption of morin by phospholipid complex based self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system Molecular Pharmaceutics 2015,12(2):504-513
12. Xinyi He, Nanxi Xiang, Jinjie Zhang, Yao Fu*, Tao Gong* Encapsulation of teniposide into albumin nanoparticles with greatly lowered toxicity and enhanced antitumor activity International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2015, 487(1-2)250–259
13. Quan Zhang, Xuanmiao Zhang, Tijia Chen, Xinyi Wang, Yao Fu, Yun Jin,* Xun Sun, Tao Gong* and Zhirong Zhang A safe and efficient hepatocyte-selective carrier system based on myristoylated preS1/21-47 domain of hepatitis B virus Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 9298 - 9310
14. Xiaoli Yi, Xianghong Lian, Jianxia Dong, Zhuoya Wan, Chunyu Xia, Xu Song, Yao Fu* Tao Gong* Zhirong Zhang Co-delivery of pirarubicin and paclitaxel by human serum albumin nanoparticles to enhance antitumor effect and reduce systemic toxicity in breast cancers Molecular Pharmaceutics 2015, 12 (11), pp 4085–4098
15. Xuanmiao Zhang, Quan Zhang, Qiang Peng, Jing Zhou, Longfei Liao, Xun Sun, Ling Zhang*, Tao Gong* Hepatitis B virus preS1-derived lipopeptide functionalized liposomes for targeting of hepatic cells Biomaterials 35 (2014) 6130-6141
16. Wenqi Wu, Hui Chen , Fengying Shan, Jing Zhou, Xun Sun, Ling Zhang*, Tao Gong * A novel doxorubicin-loaded in situ forming gel based on high concentration phospholipid for intratumoral drug delivery Molecular Pharmaceutics 2014, 11 (10):3378–3385
17. Longfei Liao, Mengtian Zhang, Huan Liu, Xuanmiao Zhang, Zhaolu Xie, Zhirong Zhang, Tao Gong* and Xun Sun* Subchronic toxicity and immunotoxicity of MeO-PEG-poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid)-PEG-OMe triblock copolymer nanoparticles delivered intravenously into rats Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 245705
18. Xianghong Lian, Jianxia Dong, Jinjie Zhang, Yanwei Teng, Qing Lin, Yao Fu*, Tao Gong* Soluplus® based 9-nitrocamptothecin solid dispersion for peroral administration:Preparation, characterization, in vitro and in vivo evaluation International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2014,477(1-2):399-407
19. Zhen Liang, Man Li, Xun Sun, Tao Gong*, Zhirong Zhang* A polymeric prodrug of 5-fluorouracil-1-acetic acid using a multi-hydroxyl polyethylene glycol derivative as the drug carrier Plos One 2014, 9(11):1-13
20. Ting Zhang, Yong Zheng, Qiang Peng, Xi Cao, Tao Gong*, Zhirong Zhang A novel submicron emulsion system loaded with vincristine–oleic acid ion-pair complex with improved anticancer effect: in vitro and in vivo studies International Journal of Nanomedicine 2013:8 1185–1196
21. Hui Zhao, Hua Lu, Tao Gong*, Zhirong Zhang Nanoemulsion loaded with lycobetaine-oleic acid ionic complex: physicochemical characteristics, in vitro, in vivo evaluation and antitumor activity International Journal of Nanomedicine 2013:8 1959–1973
22. Likai Yang, Jing Luo, Sanjun Shi, Qiang Zhang, Xun Sun, Zhirong Zhang, Tao Gong* Development of a pulmonary peptide delivery system using porous nanoparticle-aggregate particles for systemic application International Journal of Pharmaceutics 451 (2013) 104–111
23. Jing Zhou, Xuanmiao Zhang, Mei Li, Wenqi Wu, Xun Sun, Ling Zhang*, Tao Gong* Novel lipid hybrid albumin nanoparticle greatly lowered toxicity of pirarubicin Molecular Pharmaceutics 2013, 10 (10):3832–3841